Conditioning Flashcards
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
A stimulus that can eventually trigger a conditioned response
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A stimulus that leads to an automatic response without any prior learning
Conditioned Response (CR)
A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus that occurs after conditioning
Unconditioned Response (UR)
A reflex action that occurs naturally and automatically in response to an unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned Reflex
The conditioned stimulus + the conditioned response
Unconditioned Reflex
The unconditioned stimulus + the unconditioned response
A learnt reflex through BOTH operant and classical conditioning that can be used to other situations (ex. Piano tuner in place of bell; dog still salivates when dinged, but more/less depending on tone; the closer the tone to the original tone, the stronger the response
Opposite of generalization; trained to NOT respond to any tone other than the specified tone (ex. Rewarded for 500 htz, nothing for 450 htz)
Getting rid of/undoing the conditioning you created
Spontaneous Recovery
Nervous system makes it hard for the conditioning to go away, so it’ll always be in your system so it may come back sometimes (retraining happens faster than first time)
2nd order Conditioning
Addition of another CS (balloon/dog example)
Counter conditioning
Suppressing an unwanted response by conditioning a competing one; overwhelm and replace with different response; 2 types (aversion & systemic)
Aversion Therapy
You currently like something and then turned into something you don’t like (addiction treatment; sheep/wolf example)
Systematic Desensitization
Currently don’t like something and then turned into something you like/tolerate (phobia of spider example; alleviating a phobia of something; replace negative reaction of a thing with a powerful positive reaction of that thing)
Conditioned Inhibition
Conditioned to NOT have a response; absence itself can lead to a conditioned repsonse
One CS is more dominant than other CS; CR happens to be more dominant than other CS (loud tone, small light done at the same time & food is given; associated food with tone because the tone over powers the light)
Configural Conditioning
Various combination of CS1 & CS2 makes a different outcome