Condition Of Ireland And Anglo-Irish Relations 1851-1886 Flashcards
When was the Great famine
What did the great famine cause
Resentment against British rule
Demands for reform
Home Rule as the famine had been worsened by issues around the Corn Laws
Who owned the majority of the land in Ireland
Anglo-Irish landlords who were rarely in the country
Number of evictions of families in 1851
What did Gladstone announce when he won the 1868 election
‘My mission is to pacify Ireland’
How did the Disestablishment of the church of Ireland pacify Ireland
Designed to solve the issue of religion as it stopped catholics paying a 10% tithe to Anglican Church which they did not attend
It was extremely popular amongst Irish catholics
What percentage of Ireland was catholic
A militant nationalist group who wanted to end the union with Britain in 1867
Used violent tactics in the Manchester uprising in 1867
What were the 3 Fs
Fixed tenure
Fair rents
Free sale
First Irish land act 1870
Passed by Gladstone
Tenants were able to buy land off their landowners
Evicted tenants to be paid compensation
How was the 1870 Land Act a failure
Tenants could not afford to buy land as they did not have one third of the purchase price
Landlords had no reason to sell the land
Eviction clauses were largely ineffective
Rent control was not effectively imposed
When were poor harvests in Ireland
1877 and 1879
How did Irish agriculture suffer
Imported US grain was far cheaper than home produced grain
How many people lost their homes in the late 1870s
Irish National Land League
Formed in 1879
Parnell was leader
It provided help for evicted tenants by carrying out violent campaigns against landlords
Home rule league
An Irish party headed up by Parnell who campaigned for home rule
How many seats did the home rule league win in the 1880 general election
Why did the Home Rule League have more success in the 1880s
Gladstone was the Prime minister and he was more supportive of Home Rule
1880 Coercion Act
Passed by Gladstone
Gave authorities greater power of arrest in Ireland which resulted in the arrest of Davitt and 36 IPPs were expelled from parliament
Second Irish Land Act
Passed by Gladstone to appease the Home Rule movement
Legal status of the 3 Fs
Creation of land courts to ensure fair rents which resulted in a 20% reduction in rent over the next few years
What did Parnell do in response to the Second Irish Land Act 1881
Refused to cooperate with the land courts which resulted in him being imprisoned in Kilmainham Jail
This improved his popularity
Kilmainham Treaty
Gladstone offers amendments to the Second Irish Land Act
Relaxation of the Coercion Act
This resulted in Parnell cooperating with the land courts
Phoenix Park murders
May 1882
Assassination of Lord Cavendish and Burke by the militant group, the invincibles
What did the Phoenix Park murders lead to
Tougher measures such as the Preventions of Crimes Act 1882
It also allowed Parnell to distance himself from militant approaches and setup the Irish National League
Irish National League
Set up by Parnell which was solely committed to Home Rule
Where did the INL have support
The Catholic Church
Labourers and tenant farmers could vote due to the 1884 Representation of the People Act
What did the 1884 Representation of the People Act increase the Irish electorate to
224,000 to 738,000
Why was Parnell’s INL important in the lead up to the 1885 election
Both the Liberals and conservatives knew that the INL could hold the balance of power in the commons
Result of the 1885 general election for the INL
Liberals in government
Gained 86 seats which meant they held the balance of power
Irish Universities Bill 1873
Attempted to set up a Catholic University in Ireland and was defeated by 3 votes
Who opposed Home Rule
North East Ulster
Whigs in the liberals
Spilts over Galdstone’s home rule bill
The whigs in the Liberals moved to conservatives in 1886 and won them the election
Result of 1885 general election
Liberals won with 335 seats
Result of 1886 election
Conservatives won 394 seats with the Whigs moving sides
What was Parnell labelled as
The unofficial king of Ireland
Irish parliamentary party seats in 1880
What gave Parnell an advantage
He was Protestant
‘Advantage of Birth’ as Gladstone put it
What was ‘the pledge’
An agreement introduced to the Irish National League for all MPs to vote together
How did Parnell reorganise the party
Reconstituted the Land League as the Irish National League in 1882
How did converting to the Irish National League in 1882 help the cause of Home Rule
Parnell moved towards more political, constitutional methods
What paper did the Fenians educate their followers through
‘The Irish People’
Who was Isaac Butt
He formed the Amnesty Association in 1868 and Home Government Association 1870
Michael Davitt
Formed the Irish National Land League in 1879