condensed Flashcards
small intestine
plats a role in immunity
paneth cells
large intestines
immune cells
incompetence of the lower esophageal sphincter
pain that radiates to the back, neck and jaw
acute gastritis
hemorrhagic or active erosive
chronic gastritis
h. pylori gastritis
multifocal atrophic gastritis
h.pylori gastritis
antral portion (entry of the stomach)
multifocal atrophic gastritis (MAG)
related to h.pylori
peptic ulcer dz –> gastric ulcer
associated w/ NSAID digestion
peptic ulcer dz –> duodenal ulcer
h-pylori related
ulcerative collitis
crohn’s test question
dzed area of the intestine w/ normal intestine b/w w/ periods of exacerbation and remission (discontinuous)
involves all layer of the bowel wall
ulcerative colitis
chronic inflammatory disorder of the mucosa and submucosa of the colon in a continuous manner
without skips
characterized by chronic diarrhea and rectal with ulceration
large intestine primarily affected
diagnosis: microscopically
difference b/w crohn’s and ulcerative colitis
granulomas present in CD but not in UC
stones form in the bile
gallstrone dz
referred pain in the scapular and midback region
esophageal cancer
constant retrosternal pain that radiates to the back
hoarseness from the laryngeal nerve compression
gastric adenocarcinomas
chronic h.pylori infections greats risk factor
indigestion, anorexia, weight-loss, early satiety, nausea, gastric outlet obstruction or occult bleeding
intestinal polyps
can be a risk factor for developing colorectal cancer
lower abdominal cramping, diarrhea w/ rectal bleeding, passage of mucus
chronic hepatitis
chronic with evidence of ongoing injury for over 6 months
nausea, poor appetite, weight loss, muscle weakness, itching, dark urine, jaundice
fulminant hepatitis
rapidly growing liver inflammation, hepatic encephalopathy
caused by acetaminophen hepatotoxicity
complications: infection, hypoglycemia, coagulation defects, lactic acidosis, GI hemorrhage
alcoholic liver dz
spider angiomata and liver tenderness*
acute pancreatitis
build up of pancreatic enzymes autodigestion
commonly caused by gallstones and alc abuse
chronic pancreatitis
irreversible changes secondary to chronic inflammation
causes: chronic alc consumption
abdominal pain that radiates to the back
vaginitis in children
poor perineal hygiene
involves infection w/ GI tract flora
vaginitis w/ women of reproductive age
usually infectious
bacterial -> d/t alteration of vaginal flora, lactobacelli and anaerobic pathogens
candidal –> candida albicans
trichomonal –> co-infection w/ gonorrhea or syph
postmenopausal women –> vaginitis
marked in estrogen
vaginal thinning
increasing vulnerability to infection and inflammation
clinical man –> vaginitis
accompanied by pruitus, erythema and sometimes burning, pain or mild bleeding
atrophic –> discharge is scant, dyspareunia, vaginal tissue appears thin
pelvic inflammatory dz
includes endometriosis, salpingitis, tubo ovarian abscess and pelvic peritonitis
common cause: infertility, chronic pain and ectopic pregnancy
often associated w/ STDS/STIS
breast cancer
more likely in the ducts
inflammatory breast cancer (on test, redness, warmth, bad lymph drainage)
estrogen is believed to be a key factor in promoting breast cancer but not triggering it
metastes –> breast cancer
bone –> commonly affect the vertebrae, pelvic, ribs, hips, femur and humerus
early detection breast caner
clinical breast exam beginning at age 20 every 3 yrs
ER negative –> breast cancer
ER positive –> breast cancer
uternine fibroids
can grow to the size of a grape fruit and put pressure on the bladder
can cause abnormal heavy bleeding during or between periods
anemia, weakness and fatigue
endometrial carcinoma
most common cancer in females
exposure to estrogen unopposed by progesterone
cervical cancer
HPV –> targets tumor suppressor genes
maternal use of DES, smoking, hormonal contraceptive, high parity, presence of STDs
ovarian cancer
p53 and BRCA1
frequently misdiagnosed d/t non specific or vague symptoms
if CA-125 present in blood = higher risk
ectopic pregnancy
implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity
amenorrhea or irregular bleeding, non-specific lower abdominal quadrant or back pain, pelvic mass
abruptio placentae
painful uterine bleeding during 3rd trimester
placenta accreta
massive hemorrhage after delivery
placenta previa
placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix
pre-eclampsia and seizure
completely dependent on host for replication
no cell wall component
strict dependence on host
no dependence on host
produce dz in humans through a bite of an insect vector
require host
larger than viruses but smaller than bacteria and rickettsiae
depend on host cell
non-differentiated cells loosely held together
have cell membrane
unicellular to filamentous organisms
long latent interval in the host
transmitted from animals to humans
herpes simplex virus
remains latent in the sensory ganglia
lesions appear in the distal sensory nerve distribution
affects the mouth
cold sores and mouth sores
genital area
lesions take longer to heal
HSV can also cause
viral meningitis
diagnosis HSV
viral cultures of vesicular fluid
treatment and suppression of HSV-2
hematogy include
formed elements
formation of developmental blood cells
hormones and feedback mechanism
acute leukemia
functionless cells called blasts in the bone marrow and blood
acute myelogenous leukemia
cell division w/o regulation or failure to undergo apoptosis
diagnosis = an excessive amount of immature cells
clin man: pancytopenia, petechiae, infection, spontaneous bleeding
person @ risk for cerebral hemorrhage
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
S&S result from abnormal bone marrow that is unable to engage in normal hematopoiesis
bone and joint pain from leukemic infiltration or hemorrhage into a joint may be initial symptom
risk factors –> exposure to radiation, infection w/ HTLV-1
chronic leukemia
malignant dz of the bone marrow and blood that progresses slowly and permits # of more mature functional cells to be made
chronic myeloid leukemia
Philadelphia chromosome
translocation of chromosome 22 and 9
creates BRC-ABL
fatigue, anorexia, weight loss
chromic lymphocytic leukemia
develop pancytopenia and decreased immunoglobulin levels
asymptomatic or complain of vague, non-specific symptoms
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
reed Sternberg cell
clonal expansion of malignant B cells
classic HL
begins in a group of lymph nodes
one none involvement
non hodgkin lymphoma
lymph nodes involved first then spleen, thymus, GI tract or other extranodal lymphoid tissue
multiple myeloma
Primary malignant neoplasm of plasma cells (aka B cells) arising in the bone marrow
Tumor initially affects the bone and bone marrow of the vertebrae, ribs, skull, pelvis, and femur
clin man multiple myeloma
fatigue, bone pain, recurrent infections
diagnosis multiple myeloma
measurement of m-protein in blood and urine
sickle cell dz
AR disorder characterized by the presence of an abnormal form of hemoglobin within the red blood cells crescent or sickle shape once the oxygen is released
clin man sickle cell
pain caused by thrombosis