Condensate and Feedwater Flashcards


What are the functions of the Condensate System?


* Provide deaerated water to the S/Gs to remove heat from the reactor, during normal, shutdown and transient conditions.
* Increase cycle efficiency through the use of the Feedwater Heater, Vents and Drains System.
* Additionally, preheating the feedwater ensures that the S/G tubes or vessel walls are not subject to thermal shock during normal operation

Additional functions:
* Provide seal and cooling water to plant auxiliaries.
* Provide water for S/G initial fill and wet layup.
* Provide for condensate polishing.
* Serve as a cooling media for the gland steam and steam jet air ejector condensers.
* Condensate system is not safety related, except for the CST
* The Heater Vent and Drain System is not safety related.

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What is the Condensate/Feed System Normal Flowpath?


From the condenser hotwells → Through (two) running condensate pumps → Through the steam jet air ejector and gland steam condensers → Through the tube side of low pressure heaters 1A & 1B, 2A & 2B, 3A & 3B → Through the tube side of the A & B drain coolers → Through the tube side of low pressure heaters 4A & 4B → To the feedwater pumps, then → Through the tube side of 5A & 5B high pressure heaters →Through the feed regulating valves and feedwater isolation valves to the S/Gs.

The heater drain pumps (HDPs) take suction from the shell side of the A & B drain coolers, and return the condensed extraction steam to the inlet of the #4 FW heater (which is just upstream of the MFW pumps).

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Discuss Condensate Storage Tank Tech Specs.


Unit 1
153,400 gallons
Hot Standby for 1 hour followed by cooldown to 325

A loss of condenser vacuum could occur if the CST level drops to 19’ (~160,000) gal. This is the level at which the makeup spray line is uncovered

Unit 2
307,000 gallons
Hot Standby for 4 hours followed by cooldown to 325F and includes 130,500 gal for Unit 1

Procedurally, the Unit 2 CST can supply the U1 CST for purpose of AFW system operability

A loss of condenser vacuum could occur if the CST level drops to 33’ (~300,000 gal). This is the level at which the makeup spray line is uncovered

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Discuss Condenser Hotwells.


Hotwell contains enough volume for 4 minutes full power operation
Condenser steam space and hotwells are connected by an Equalizing Line

Hotwell level > 3’8” (44”) can restrict steam flow to the underside of the tubes and can cause rapid increases in condenser back pressure.

Unit 1
1A and 1B Condensate Pumps are each supplied by two 26-inch hotwell outlet pipes. The 1C Condensate Pump is supplied by one of two 24-inch hotwell outlet pipes either from the A or B hotwell

Unit 2
The Unit 2 hotwell outlet pipes (two 26-inch pipes from the A hotwell, and two 26-inch pipes from B hotwell) connect to a common suction header which supplies the 2A, 2B & 2C Condensate Pumps

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Discuss Hotwell Level Control.


During normal operation, after processing, both Unit 1 & 2 S/G blowdown flow is directed to the Monitor Storage Tanks in the S/G Blowdown Treatment Facility (SGBTF). The water in these tanks is then returned to Unit 1 & Unit 2 condensers by the use of a pump and vacuum drag through valves {V31189} & [V31190] (Blowdown Return to {1B} [2B] Condenser).
Hotwell Level is monitored on each RTGB and an operator is dispatched to adjust either valve to maintain respective hotwell level . This valve is closed as part of Standard Post Trip Actions.
Currently, the valves are adjusted such that the Unit 1 hotwell level is maintained stable using the majority of return from from the MST and the Unit 2 hotwell is maintained using the remaining blowdown return flow plus auto make-up spray flow from the CST.
Because both Unit 1 and Unit 2 vacuum drag is supplied by a common header, caution must be used when manipulating these valves when either unit condenser vacuum changes.

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Discuss Automatic Hotwell Level Control.


Automatic Hotwell Level Control is provided by:
a) Four normal (3”) make-up spray valves associated with each condenser section
b) One large (8”) make-up valve to the 1A condenser
c) One hotwell reject valve to return water to the CST upon a high hotwell level
* The normal make-up spray valves return above the normal condenser water level to allow deaeration of fluid.
* The large make-up taps in below water level, therefore no deaeration occurs.
* When the large make-up valve auto opens, it provides an eight-inch line of mass makeup to the 1A condenser from the CST via piping that can include or bypass the Condensate Transfer Pump.
* The Large M/U Valve and Reject Valve back to the CST are normally isolated for chemistry – O2)
* All AOV’s fail closed, therefore a loss of air results in a loss of normal vacuum drag makeup

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Discuss Automatic Hotwell Level Control Setpoints.


Decreasing Level
* First M/U valve opens (LCV 12-1A1) @ - 1”
* Second M/U valve opens (LCV 12-1B1) @ - 2”
* Last 2 M/U valves opens (LCV 1A2 & 1B2) @ - 3”
* Large M/U Valve opens (LCV-12-4) @ - 4” (Currently Isolated)
* Low level alarm @ {-12} [-9] (Both A & B hotwells)

Increasing Level
* Normal M/U valve closes (LCV 12-1A1) @ 0”
* Normal M/U valve closes (LCV 12-1B1) @ - 1”
* Normal M/U valves close (LCV 12-1A2 & 1B2) @ - 2”
* Large M/U Valve closes (LCV-12-4) @ + 2” (Currently Isolated)
* Reject Valve opens (LCV-12-5) & HLA @ + 9” (Currently Isolated)
* Alarm @ +9” (‘B’ Hotwell Only)

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Discuss Condenser Vacuum Indications.


Unit 1
Backpressure indicator on RTGB 101,
Condenser backpressure on DEH Ovation Display

Unit 2
Digital Readout on RTGB 201
‘A’ Condenser wide-range backpressure on RTGB 201
‘A’ Condenser narrow-range backpressure on RTGB 201
‘B’ Condenser backpressure on RTGB 201
Condenser backpressure on DEH Ovation Dsiplay
3 local pressure instruments located on the mezz deck

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Discuss Main Condenser Vacuum Breakers.

  • Manually operated Motor Operated Valves used to break main condenser vacuum
  • Loop seals filled by Demin water to ensure no air in-leakage
  • No automatic functions
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Discuss Condensate Transfer Pumps.


1 for each Unit
Provides the following:
a) Hotwell makeup from CST (thru MUV’s and LCV 12-4) when no vacuum is present
b) Supplies B/U Seal Water to Cond Pumps
c) {Unit 1 condensate transfer pump also supplies water to the condensate polisher for backwash}
d) [The Unit 2 condensate transfer pump can transfer water from Unit 2 to Unit 1 CST for purpose of supplying AFW.]
* Controlled from the RTGB, Located outside near the CST
* The condensate transfer pumps are 5 HP motor driven centrifugal pumps, powered from 480 VAC MCC 1A1 [2A1] and can pump 200 gpm at 22 psig.

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Discuss Condensate Pumps.

  • Three pumps on each Unit. Two Pumps operate in parallel (A & B); the 3rd (C) is a spare that cannot be immediately started on a loss of one pump due to the electrical configuration of a shared breaker between A & C or B & C condensate Pumps
  • Provide suction flow to the Main Feed Pump, but can be used to supply water directly to the S/G’s in EOP-6 (Total Loss of Feed Water)
  • Condensate Pumps each have bearing oil coolers cooled by turbine cooling water.
  • Controlled by RTGB switches: Indicate pump breaker status, pump suction, & discharge valve. [Unit 2 has recirc valve position as well]
  • Second Pump Started at 40% Power (~ 315 MWe)

If a single condensate pump is running, and trips due to an electrical overload or fault, the other Condensate Pump will auto-start

Unit 1
10,200 gpm
Normally supplied from Condensate Pump discharge header via Regulator PCV-12-50}. Need to line up the alternate seal supply from the Condensate Transfer Pump for the first Pump start.

Trips on MSIS
Prevents the condensate pumps from feeding a S/G fault if the MFIV should fail to close on a MSIS.
Electrical – overload, fault, undervoltage

Unit 2
9400 gpm
Pumps are self-sealing once they are running]. Need to line up the alternate supply from the Condensate Transfer Pump prior to each pump start

Trips on Electrical – overload, fault, undervoltage

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Discuss ‘C’ Condensate Pump Transfer Switch.


a) Obtain keys from the control room. Unit 1 needs one key because one is captured. Unit 2 needs two keys as neither are captured.
b) Ensure both pumps are off and rack out applicable breaker. Inserting and turning a transfer key before the breaker is racked out will automatically trip the running pump
c) Ensure trip fuses remain in the racked out breaker cubicle. This allows the “OK to Transfer” light to energize and the Solenoid Key release).
d) Insert lower key and unlock - verify “OK to Transfer” light is lit, relock and remove key. “OK to Transfer” light should remain on.
e) Insert both keys into the upper slots and unlock. This allows rotation of the transfer switch to “C” (or “A”, “B”) positions.
f) Relock & remove upper key[s] for pump removed from service {other key is captured on Unit 1 only}
g) Rack in the appropriate breaker and verify Breaker Amber Lights and RTGB amber lights indicate power to the correct pump is aligned and Start the pump as desired.

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Discuss Condensate Pumps Minimum Flow Recirc Valves (AOV’s).

  • Each condensate pump has a minimum flow recirculation line that assures sufficient flow through the pump for cooling.
  • Each pump discharge line contains an air operated recirculation flow control valve (FCV-12-3A, B & C).
  • The recirculation valves are normally closed during full power operations.

Unit 1
2,500 GPM
To avoid damage:
Do not operate > 2 hours if <5000 gpm.

  • Recirc valve is locally controlled via an “OPEN/CLOSE” switch. Should be open <2500 GPM.
  • “CLOSE”: Will close the valve under any condition.
  • “OPEN”: Will auto open valve if condensate pump is running. Will auto close upon pump stop.
  • Alarm if switch in OPEN, pump running for > 10 seconds, and < 2,000 gpm recirc
    Alarm if switch in CLOSE or pump stops and valve doesn’t close in 10 seconds

Unit 2
3000 gpm for 2B
To avoid damage:
Do not operate > 2 hours if <3000 gpm.

  • Recirc valve is locally controlled via an “OPEN/CLOSE” switch. Should be open <3000 gpm.
  • “CLOSE”: Will close the valve as long as the pump’s discharge valve is at least partially open. (Can’t be closed, needs a discharge path)
  • “OPEN”: Will open the valve under any condition.
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Discuss Miscellaneous Condensate Loads.

  • PCV 12-49: 75 psig supply of condensate to Vacuum Breakers loop seal, CST Loop Seal, Integral Tube sheet Head Tank, and Chem. Add Tank
  • MFW pump seals – Pressure regulator @ the feed pump controls the supply pressure
  • S/G cold fill
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Discuss SG Fill Path.

  • SG Fill Isolation valve: V09218 – Normally closed during power operations
  • Supplied from just downstream of the condensate pump discharge valves and taps into the feed header in between the discharge of the 5th point heaters and the feedwater regulating valves.
  • Used for:
    a) Initial SG fills after outage & cleanup of condensate & feed system
    b) Appendix X of EOP-99 requires cold fill isolation valve to be opened 15-20 turns to maintain FW header pressure following a Rx trip to prevent water hammer in hot FW Heater & piping.
    c) Also opened in EOP-06, for re-establishing a heat sink following a total loss of feedwater should aux feed or main feedwater be unavailable. As the S/G’s are depressurized, Condensate flow should begin flowing into the S/G once pressure gets ~ < 600 psig
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Discuss Steam Jet Air Ejectors.

  • SJAE’s consist of two sets of nozzles (2 primary and 2 secondary) and share the same Intercondenser & Aftercondenser
  • Primary jets draw a vacuum on the main condenser, and discharges to the intercondenser.
  • The Secondary jets draw a vacuum on the intercondenser, and discharges it’s exhaust to the Aftercondenser
  • Inter Condenser - Condenses steam from the first stage of SJAE. Condensate drains go to the Main Condenser. Steam discharge goes to the after condenser.
  • After Condenser - Condenses steam from the second stage of SJAE. Condensate drains to Condensate Recovery Tank.
    Steam discharge is directed to either the Plant Stack plant exhaust stack via a rad monitor and flow element (normal alignment) or to Atmosphere (alternate alignment).
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Discuss Gland Steam Condenser.

  • Collects Gland Seal leak off steam and condenses it
  • Condensate drains back to Condensate Recovery Tank then goes to the MC
  • Non-condensable gases are exhausted to atmosphere via the Gland Exhaust Fan. Manually positioned discharge dampers maintain condenser shell pressure at 14 – 18 inches of water. The Gland Exhaust Fan discharge combines with the SJAE discharge on the way to the plant stack.
  • Flow orifice in the condensate header creates a D/P which forces adequate flow through the Gland Exhaust Condensers.
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Discuss Condensate System Recirc Valve – FCV-12-1.

  • Maintains flow thru SJAE and GS condensers during low condensate flow conditions
  • Positioned automatically by Flow Transmitter (FT-12-1)
  • Opens to maintain flow {> 8000 gpm} [>10,000 gpm]; CR alarm on low flow
  • Fails closed on a loss of air to try and prevent MFP trip due to low suction pressure.
  • Could cause a loss of MC vacuum when inadvertently closed by not allowing enough condensate flow through the SJAE & Gland exhaust condensers
  • Both units are initially set to 1000 gpm for starting on a depressurized header
  • Located on the Mezzanine deck NE corner of condenser
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Discuss Exhaust Hood Spray Valves (2) – (TCV-22-61A & B).

  • Prevents LP Turbine rotor overheating at low loads or low vacuum
  • If 2/3 exhaust hood temperature probes on either exhaust hood reaches:
    Auto opens spray valves @ 160F
    Alarm @ 175F
    Turbine trip at 250F
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What is the purpose of Feedwater Heaters?

  • To preheat the Feedwater before it gets to the SG to: Raises temperature ~ 50 F / Heater
    a) Reduce Thermal Shock
    b) Gain in Cycle Efficiency
  • Only Heater 5 is designated as High Pressure, tube side pressure (discharge side of MFPs)
  • Normal and Alternate LCV’s maintain designed level in each heaters shell.
  • FW heater shell sides have vent lines containing orifices to vent air & non-condensible gases. They are manually aligned to the condenser when the heater is in service. They originate from the center of the tube bundle.The drains exit each heater via a subcooled section which subcools the fluid to try and prevent flashing across the Normal LCV as it drains to the next lower pressure heater.
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Discuss Feedwater Heater Operation.

  • One or more non-series heaters in the same train can be removed from service
  • Two heaters in series in same train can be removed from service if all #5 heaters are removed from service and load reduced by 5% for each heater out of service
  • Heaters 1 & 2 are in the Main Condenser, must be Bypassed Together. Heaters # 3, 4, & 5 and the Drains Cooler each have an Individual Bypass
  • Extraction Steam is the first fluid to be removed on S/D and last to be added on S/U
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Discuss Feedwater Heater Level Control.

  • Level controller air signal varies proportionally with shell side level from 3 psi to 27 psi for heaters 1-4
  • From 3 – 15 psi the Normal LCV modulates open; from 15 – 27 psi, the Alternate Drain LCV opens
  • The #4 heater alternate drain has a special controller which is a 0 – 15 psi controller
  • The # 5 heater has digital level controls
  • On a Loss of control power (Vital 120V AC) or Loss of operating air:
    a) Normal LCV’s on the # 2, 3, 4, & 5 Heaters fail closed
    b) Normal LCV on the #1 Heater fails open
    c) Alternate Drain LCV’s all fail open

Discuss Manual Feedwater Heater Level Control Valve Operation.

  • NLCV’s can be manually operated by a handwheel located on the valve body. The handwheel is always engaged via a sleeve that envelopes the valve stem but does not interfere with valve stem travel during normal operation (i.e., when the valve is in auto). If manual operation is desired, the manual handwheel (Handbar Jack for Unit-1 4B Htr Normal) is operated to position the manual handwheel sleeve up against a stop on the valve stem which operates against spring pressure (to OPEN on normal drain valves). Air to the valve should be removed and bled off before manual operation is attempted.
  • Alternate drain valves have threaded stems with valve handles attached. The stem protrudes through the actuator and rests on the top center of the diaphragm. By turning the handle so that the stem of the handjack extends into the top of the actuator, it pushes the diaphragm and valve stem down, closing the valve manually. The handle can operate the valve in the same manner as actuation air, i.e., to close it against the force of the spring.
  • When the alternate or normal drain valves are operated using the handwheel, the valve is said to be “ON THE HANDJACK”, and a sign is hung on the valve.

Discuss Feedwater Heater Level Control Signals.


a) Normal level setpoint
* Modulates its own NLCV open or closed to maintain level in normal band
b) Hi level setpoint
* Modulates its own Alternate Drain LCV open to try and stop level increase
c) Hi – Hi level setpoint (#3, 4, & 5 Heaters)
* Fails Open its own Alternate Drain LCV.
* Fails closed the upstream NLCV which cascades into this heaters shell
* Fails closed the Extraction Steam NRV which supplied to its heater shell
d) Hi – Hi level setpoint (# 2 Heater)
* Fails Open its own Alternate Drain LCV.
* Fails closed the upstream NLCV which cascades into this heaters shell
e) Hi – Hi level setpoint (#1 Heater)
* Fails open its own NLCV
* Fails closed the upstream NLCV which cascades into this heaters shell (#2 heater NLCV)


Discuss Extraction Steam Non-Return Valves.

  • On FW heaters 3, 4 & 5
  • Close on:
    a) Heater Hi-Hi Level - prevent water in turbine
    b) Turbine Trip – Prevent energy from heaters from spinning turbine
    c) OPC >103% turbine speed signal – Prevent energy from heaters from spinning turbine
  • Held open by air. When a close signal is received, the air is ported off allowing the check valve feature to work on its own.
  • The actuating signal for the extraction steam non return valves is a level switch that actuates a solenoid on a high-high water level in the No. 5 heater. The solenoid in turn, actuates to bleed air from the extraction steam non return valve operator, the spring actuation knocks the valve disk to ensure it is not stuck open and then the extraction steam non return valve can shut like a normal swing check valve, thus preventing reverse flow.
  • None on Heaters 1&2 due to the low pressure

Discuss Low Pressure Feedwater Heater Inputs & Outputs.


1 Heaters:
* Receives input from #2 Heater NLCV
* Receives input from LP Turbine Extraction Steam
* NLCV drains to Condenser
* Alternate Drain LCV drains to Condenser
# 2 Heaters:
* Receives input from #3 Heater NLCV
* Receives input from LP Turbine Extraction Steam
* NLCV drains to #1 Heater shell
* Alternate Drain LCV drains to Condenser
# 3 Heaters:
* Receives input from LP Turbine Extraction Steam only
* NLCV drains to #2 Heater shell
* Alternate Drain LCV drains to Condenser
Drain Coolers:
* Acts as to subcool the Condensate so it won’t flash in the Heater Drain pump suction
* Receives input from #4 Heater shell via drain piping (No NLCV’s).
* No input from Extraction Steam
* No NLCV’s or Alternate Drain LCV’s
* Drain Coolers are normally 100% filled with water.
* The respective Heater Drain Pump takes suction from each Drain Cooler and is then pumped back into the condensate header prior to the # 4 Heater at a rate controlled by the #4 Heater NLCV.

4 Heaters:
* Receives input from #5 Heater NLCV
* Receives input from MSR Shell side drains
* Receives input from HP Turbine Extraction Steam
* NLCV is located on the outlet of the Drain Cooler but is positioned based on level inside of the #4 Heater shell. It is directed back into the condensate header prior to the # 4 Heater.
* Alternate Drain LCV drains to Condenser
* Lo-Lo Level trips the associated Heater Drain Pump


Discuss #4 Heater Level Control.


a) Level is automatically controlled using two independent level sensing elements to initiate modulation of either the Heater Drain Pump discharge valve or the the #4 Heater Alternate Drain LCV
b) Level Column {LC-11-18} [LC-11-38] – Positions the Heater Drain Pump discharge valve when the Heater Drain Pump is running

c) Level Column {LC-11-18A2 / 18B2} [LC-11-18A / 18B]
* Positions the Alternate Drain LCV to maintain water level elevation when Heater Drain Pump is not running and the Heater Drain Pump discharge valve is closed.
d) Low Select Relay:
* The Low Select Relay maintains the HDP discharge valve shut when the HDP is off. It selects the output of either the normal level controller or a volume chamber (whichever is lowest). The volume chamber is vented when the HDP is off and slowly charges with air when the HDP starts, which slowly opens the Heater Drain Pump discharge valve and keeps the pump from tripping on low suction pressure when starting
e) Pump Start:
* Solenoid valve aligns to slowly supply air to the volume chamber. As the volume chamber air pressure slowly increases, the LCV starts to open. When the air pressure in the volume chamber is greater than the signal from the level controller on the No. 4 heater, the low select relay selects the #4 FW heater level controller signal, as input to the HDP discharge valve positioner.
f) Pump Off: Solenoid valve is vented to atmosphere; LCVs (HDP discharge valves) are closed.


Discuss Heater Drains.

  • The C & D MSR Tube Side Drains go to the 5A Heater; A & B MSR go to the 5B Heater Shell
  • The C & D MSR Shell Side Drains go to the 4A Heater; A & B MSR go to the 4B Heater Shell
  • Subcooling zone - Torturous flow path in bottom of Htr causes subcooling, Aids flashing to steam in cascading drains

Discuss Heater Drain Pumps.

  • Provide NPSH to the MFP’s
  • Power - A2 / B2 4160 VAC Buses
  • Started & Stopped from RTGB {102} [202] or with local PBs. Can also be stopped by local control switch
  • No indication of flow in the control room
  • Can cross-connect and operate with 1 HDP
  • TCW to stuffing box, self-cooled mechanical seal when running, quench water from Demin water when secured
  • If HDP is lost, attempt 1 restart, if unsuccessful, reduce power to 90%
  • Minimum Flow required - 1500 gpm. Continuous Recirc back to the Shell Side of the #4 Heater. Recirc line can flow ~ 200 gpm. The rest of the flow needs to be forward.
  • Two time delays are used such that minor flow upsets don’t cause a pump trip while also protecting a pump from a sustained low flow condition:
  • First time delay of {30 sec} [180 sec] after initial pump start prevents the pump from tripping on low flow as the pump comes up to speed and flow stabilizes. (This time delay only enables the second time delay.)
  • The second time delay basically requires the low flow condition to be present for 30 seconds before the pump trips. It is enabled by a low flow condition after the first time delay has timed out.
  • For example, if the 1A HDP is started and a low flow condition is present, the pump will trip in 60 seconds. If the pump has been running for an extended period of time (> 30 seconds) and a low flow condition occurs, the pump will trip in 30 seconds
    Heater Drain Pump Trips on: (Low Flow trip has been removed. Now alarm only)
    a) Overcurrent
    b) Undervoltage
    c) Level Lo-Lo in the associated #4 Heater
    d) SIAS
    e) {MSIS - Unit 1 Only }

Discuss Main Feed Water System Design Basis.


The FSAR requires that the safety related portion of the MFW System isolates the SG’s upon receipt of a {MSIS or SIAS} [MSIS or AFAS].

The Unit 1 MFW System is safety related, seismic class I, from the check valves at the inlet to the Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (MFIV’s) to the SG feed nozzle

The Unit 2 MFW System is safety related, seismic class I, from the outermost MFIV (i.e., furthest from containment) to the SG feed nozzle


Discuss Main Feed Pumps.


15,500 gpm. Minimum Flow > 5,000 gpm per pump
6.9 KV Buses A1 & B1
First Feed Pump started at 2%.
Second Feed pump started at 45%
Pressure and flow instruments input into the Yokogawa field recorders (2 per pump).
The output contacts of these recorders provide inputs in to the Start / Stop / Trip interlock logic.
If power is lost to one of these recorders, logic coincidence becomes 1 out of 2.


Discuss Main Feed Pump Aux Oil Pump Auto Start.


Unit 1
MCC A1 / B1
The Aux Oil Pump will automatically start if:
* Lube oil pressure is ≤ 10 psig
AND (one of the following)
* MFP running
* CS in “START”
* Local Aux Oil P/B depressed
* MFP breaker racked out

Unit 2
MCC A1 / B1
The Aux Oil Pump will automatically start if:
a) Lube oil pressure is ≤ 10 psig;
b) [Reverse Rotation] (sensed via a pressure switch >35 psig on suction of shaft driven pump]
AND (one of the following)
* MFP running
* CS in “START”
* Local Aux Oil P/B depressed
* MFP breaker racked out


Discuss MFP Aux Oil Pump Auto Stop.


The Aux Oil Pump will automatically stop if
Shaft driven oil pump discharge pressure is ≥ 20 psig.
To stop the Aux Oil Pump with the MFP shutdown, basically you have to open the breaker.


Discuss MFP Control Switch.


The MFP is controlled by a 4 Position Switch: (Stop / Auto-Recirc / Recirc / Start).
STOP: The pump stops;
a) The discharge valve auto closes
b) The recirculation valve will close provided no turbine trip signal is present.
* (Otherwise once the turbine trip is reset, the recirculation valves will close)

AUTO RECIRC: The recirc valve will auto open if the MFP is running
a) An associated S/G High Level Override Signal is present;
b) A turbine trip signal is present
* * Signal remains until trip is cleared or bypassed (PB)*
* Recirc valves fail open on loss of instrument air and fail closed on loss of electrical power.
RECIRC: The recirc valve stays open if the pump is running.
* The control switch is procedurally maintained in RECIRC until feedwater flow exceeds 10,000 gpm (15,000 gpm for 2 pumps

START: Discharge Valve opens automatically after the pump starts following a {10} second delay
Control switch spring returns to RECIRC after being taken to START and switch is released.


Discuss MFP Auto Start.


Main Feed Pump Auto Starts:
* If idle, the 2nd Main Feed Pump would automatically start if the running feed pump trips (except if tripped via U/V or SIAS); and the idle pump control switch is in not in STOP provided the following are met:
a) Lube Oil pressure is > 11 psig
b) The pump suction isolation is open
c) Pump suction pressure is >305 psig on 1 / 2 PT’s
d) Two Condensate Pumps are running
One Condensate Pump is running and Feed Pump suction flow is < 55% of rated flow.


Discuss MFP Sealing Water.


Seal water supplied from Cond Pump discharge. A PCV controls seal water return line pressure at ~225 psig. Another PCV maintains seal supply pressure ~ 25 psig > seal return line pressure. Therefore seal supply pressure is maintained @ ~ 250 psig.
High pressure Seal water return is directed to the condenser. Low pressure seal water return is directed to a collection tank. Water in this tank is then directed to the main condenser. A level switch inside the tank turns on a pump when level rises high enough.


Discuss MFP Trips.


Unit 1
Main Feed Pumps Trip on:
a)Suction Pressure Low: < 230 psig
b)Suction Flow (MFP): < 4,500 gpm
c)Safety Injection – SIAS Train specific
d)Steam Generator Level Hi-Hi: ≥ 90%
e)Lube Oil Pressure < 8 psig
f)Both running Condensate Pumps are stopped
Loss of 1 Cond. Pump and Total feed water flow >50% with both Feed pumps running.
(Trips its respective side MFP)
50% flow is the combined feedwater pump suction flow from DCS (16,500 gpm)
g)Electrical - (UV, O/C, Differential Current)
i)Loss of both Yokogawa Transmitters.

Unit 2
a)Suction Pressure Low: < 230 psig
b)Suction Flow (MFP): < 4,500 gpm
c)Safety Injection – SIAS Train specific
* The trip can be overridden on Unit 2 only using the SIAS ‘A’ or ‘B’ override selector switches
d)Steam Generator Level Hi-Hi:≥ 81%]
e)Lube Oil Pressure < 8 psig
f)Both running Condensate Pumps are stopped
Loss of 1 Cond. Pump and Total feed water flow >50% with both Feed pumps running.
(Trips its respective side MFP)
50% flow is the combined feedwater pump suction flow from DCS (16,500 gpm)
g)Electrical - (UV, O/C, Differential Current)
h)Loss of both Yokogawa Transmitters.


Discuss MFP Discharge Valves.


Unit 1
Both valves are powered from {MCC-1A5}
** Vital power on U1**
Starts opening 10 seconds after the MFP starts
Auto Closes on:
b) SIAS – Closure is delayed 30 seconds
Powered from {MCC-1A5} - ** Vital power on U1**

Unit 2
MV-09-1: (A) powered from 2A1
MV-09-2: (B) powered from 2B1
** Non-Vital power on U2.
Starts opening 9 seconds after the MFP starts
No auto closure


Discuss Feedwater Heater Number Five.

  • The #5 heater is a high-pressure heater (1200 psig).
  • NLCV drains to the #4 Heater shell
  • Alternate Drain LCV drains to the Main Condenser
  • Alternate Drain Fails open which would lead to LL in #4 Heater causing HDP Trip
  • Hi Level – NLCV & Alternate Drain LCV are full open
  • Hi-Hi Level:
    a) NRV closed
    b) Alternate drain failed open
    c) 2/4 drains from MSR Drain Collection Tanks fail closed

Discuss MSR Quench Water.

  • Feedwater/Quench water is supplied to the tube side drain of the MSRs as it enters the #5 Heaters to prevent flashing of the cascading drain.
  • This quench water is supplied from downstream of the feed pump discharge off a drain connection on the tube side of the #5 feedwater heaters.
  • The quench water solenoids are interlocked with the MSR block valves.

Discuss Main Feed Regulating Valves.


Three methods of operation:
a) Auto from RTGB
* SGWLC system in control of valve position
b) Manual Control from RTGB
* If Main FRV closed in manual, 15% Bypass FRV will open if in Auto
c) Local manual operation

Failure Modes
* Fails AS-IS on Loss of Air
* Fails CLOSED on loss of power

Auto close on:
a) Hi SG Level Override at {82} [77]% NR level.
* (Will cycle around setpoint).
b) Turbine Trip
* Following a turbine trip, MFRVs ramp shut in approximately 50 seconds by varying the closing speed from 30%/min – 120%/min based on FRV position.

The FRV closure times are:
a) Slow enough to not cause water hammer; and to allow enough feedwater flow to keep S/G inventory high enough to prevent AFAS actuation, but
b) Fast enough to limit S/G & RCS overcooling and prevent a S/G overfill event


Discuss 15% Bypass Valves (Low Power Valves).


Used on plant startups & shutdowns for low flow conditions
Fails Closed


Discuss 15% Bypass Valves (Low Power Valves) Turbine Trip Response.

  • Auto opens to 5% on Turbine Trip
  • RTGB controller indicates prior position, however, controller is taken out of the circuit.
  • Control now from the blind controller on rear of RTGB, which has been set by I&C to 5% total flow
  • 60 seconds after the Turbine trip, the valve swaps back to the control mode it was in prior to the trip (typically Auto) provided level remained >45% the entire time.
  • If not >45% after 60 sec, control will remain locked out until level >50%.
  • A Manual Override bypass P/B restores control of the valves to the RTGB T-800 controller if needed sooner
  • Both units have annunciator that alarms when LCV-9005/6 are in 5% flow control mode

Discuss 100% Bypass Valves.

  • Motor operated globe valves (‘jogging”) not normally used.
  • ~ 19% open is nearly equivalent to 100% full power feed flow
    Fail As-Is on loss of power

Unit 1 Auto close on:
* SG Hi Level Override signal (82%)
* Turbine Trip
Causes this valve to receive a close signal for 35 sec. after which the valve can be operated normally

Unit 2 has no auto signals. Operated by manual control switch operation only.


Discuss LEFMs.

  • Highly accurate ultrasonic transducer mass flow rate measurement device
  • Output fed into secondary calorimetric in DCS
  • Green is good!
  • Cannot have ‘B’ S/G Low Power 15% Valve open – will affect LEFM indication
  • With One Feedwater Header S/G LEFM Indication Cyan and One Green:
    a) REDUCE power to less than or equal to 99.8% within 48 hours
  • With Both Feedwater Header Indications Cyan or any White:
    a) REDUCE power to less than or equal to 98.3% within 48 hrs.

Discuss Main Feed Isolation Valves.


Unit 1
* One MFIV per main feed line
* HCV 09 7 (‘A’ ) and HCV 09 8 (‘B’)
* Fast closure pneumatic piston actuated gate valves.
* Check valve upstream of MFIV in each feed train

Unit 2
* Two MFIV’s per main feed line
* HCV 09 1A & 1B - supply A SG
* HCV 09 2A & 2B – supply B SG


Discuss MFIV Control Switches.


Unit 1
* “Close / Reset”; “Open” position switch. Spring return to neutral center position

Unit 2
“Close / Override”, “Auto”, “Open” control switch in Control Room and a local valve test control box


Discuss MFIV Operating Mechanism.


Unit 1
* Nitrogen to open and close.
* Backup nitrogen is supplied by nitrogen bottles. There are four N2 bottles for each accumulator.
* A nitrogen accumulator via two 125 VDC three-way solenoids (safety-related DC) and four three-way pilot poppet valves port N2 to open and close the MFIV.
* Three bottles are connected to each N2 supply header and one is a spare.

Unit 2
* Each MFIV is an electro-hydraulic-actuated (piston) gate valve.
* Motive force for fast valve closure operation is 5000-psig hydraulic oil via nitrogen pre-charged hydraulic oil accumulators.
* An MFIV can be opened or closed slowly via an air-operated hydraulic pump. Loss of IA disables pneumatic pump (slow close) (Opening speed is always SLOW)
* Each MFIV has an air reservoir to store sufficient air pressure for emergency closure. A safety related check valve protects the accumulator from depressurizing on loss of IA. The air supply check valve is periodically leak tested to ensure operation

  • If instrument air should be lost to the hydraulic pump, it is possible to use a local hand pump to position the MFIV slowly.
  • Each MFIV has four SOVs (A, B, C, D), two spool valves (M, N), an air reservoir, a hydraulic oil reservoir, a hand pump, and an air-driven hydraulic pump.
  • IA operated spool valve determines hydraulic supply source = valve speed
  • 4 solenoids energize to operate valve, only one solenoid needed to energize to fast close

Discuss MFIV Failure Modes.


Unit 1
* Loss of nitrogen - Fail as is.
* Loss of power (w/ N2 avail) – Fail open.

Unit 2
* Loss of IA (disables air pump) – fails as-is
* Loss of power - fails as-is


Discuss MFIV Stroke times and basis.


Unit 1
* 4 - 14.8 seconds
* This ensures that the MFIV will close within the allowed main steam line break containment analysis time of 20 seconds after SIAS.

Unit 2
* Fast closure time is approximately 4.2 seconds.
* Tech Specs require < 5.15 seconds.


Discuss MFIV Auto Signals.


Unit 1
Auto fast close on:
* SIAS. (Since no Hi CTMT Press MSIS on U1)

Unit 2
Auto fast close on:
* AFAS. (Signal can be overridden to open vlv)
AFAS signals are train related – ‘A’ AFAS to HCV-09-1A & 1B; ‘B’ AFAS to HCV-09-2A & 2B


What is the minimum N2 pressure for Unit 1 MFIV?


<277 psig


Discuss Unit 2 MFIV operability requirements.


a) Hydraulic Actuator pressure is < 4150 (w/ no oil leakage) < 4600 psig (w/ oil leakage present)– stroke time issues

b) Instrument Air to valve is < 70 psig – affects spool positioning

c) Valve Actuator Temp is < 60F – could affect N2 pressure which could in-turn affect fast closure time


Discuss MFIV Additional Information.


Unit 1
A mechanical stop has been added to prevent the MFIV disc from wedging into the seat during the fast closure. This stops the disc ⅛” before the fully closed position. Therefore, the MFIVs cannot be used as a clearance boundary.

Unit 2
AFAS closure signal is needed since no check valve to prevent backflow on Steam Line Rupture (described below)
* Since there are no check valves in the MFW line to prevent AFW flow from flowing backwards into the MFW System, closure of the MFIVs ensures that all AFW flow goes to the S/G’s.
* If closed by an AFAS signal, valves can be overridden open by first taking their control switches to CLOSE/OVRD, then to OPEN.
MSIS closure cannot be overridden.