Concepts of health and wellbeing Flashcards
define health
Health is a positive concept that suggests well-being as a opposed to illness or disease and there is more than one dimension e.g., physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental.
define ill-health
A state in which an individual is unable to function normally and without pain - can be physical or mental.
define disease
Disease is often long term and can be communicable or non-communicable. It can result from injuries, accidents or infections.
define stress related illness
This is the response that occurs when people feel tension or think they cannot cope with the pressures in their environment e.g., work or family life
define mental health
A state of successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity
define mental illness
Mental illness can be characterised by behaviour which is abnormal e.g., depression, dementia and phobias.
physical needs of children
- nutrition (fruit/veg healthy balanced diet/meals)
- shelter/housing (warm/safe environment)
- hygiene (wash hands)
- exercise (outside play)
- sleep (routine encouraged)
intellectual needs of children
- stimulation (puzzles, board games, reading, toys)
- language (new vocab, interacting)
- knowledge building (learn morals, vocab through songs etc)
-understanding themself (repetition of support if needed helping to understand their needs)
emotional needs of children
- security/respect (understand/control emotions, don’t undermine)
-religious (not judging, respect, caring) - express feelings (through books, allowed to show emotions e.g., cry)
social needs of children
- contact (interact at dinner/school talent shows/sport days)
- asking for help
- staff greeting them on way into nursery
-wider community (interacting through free play/sharing with others)
physical needs of:
- older people (nursing home)
- those with mental illness (in hospital)
- physical disabilities (day centre)
- learning disabilities (school)
- mental health
- healthy nutritious diet (personalised)
- 3 meals/meal plan
- warm/clean environment
- disabled toilets/access
- hygiene
- assisted walking, mobility support (OT)
- physiotherapy
- managed medication
- free access to sleep/quiet times/sensory room
intellectual needs of:
- older people (nursing home)
- those with illnesses
- physical disabilities
- learning disabilities
- mental health
- organised games/crosswords/puzzles
- outings/day trips
- visiting hours
- mental stimulation/mind active
- sensory/garden area
- speech & language therapist (stroke patients)
- open & respect info about own condition
emotional needs of:
- older people (nursing home)
- those with illnesses
- physical disabilities
- learning disabilities
- mental health
- feel safe/secure buildings
- visitors wearing badges (identified)
- feel respected/care/loved/listen to
- access to counselling if needed
social needs of:
- older people (nursing home)
- illness
- physical, learning disabilities
- mental health
- visiting hrs in care plan
- interacting with other residents/day room
- staff checking in regularly
- community events/ school choirs in home to sing
define psychological well-being
Being physically healthy can contribute positively to an individuals psychological well-being, whilst experiencing physical ill-health has the potential to have a negative impact on an individuals psychological well-being.
psychological well-being: health
- happy
- relieved
- positive self concept/esteem
- confident
- content
- sense of control
- emotionally secure
psychological well-being: ill-health
- unhappy
- stressed
- depression
- mental illness
- negative self-concept
- sad
- worried/anxious
- emotionally unsecure
- vulnerable
potential effects of ill-health for both individuals and their families: EDUCATION
- results/attendance suffer
- lack concentration
- not get into UNI
- miss out on education
- not get qualifications
potential effects of ill-health for both individuals and their families: EMPLOYMENT
- miss promotions
- low work performance
- risk losing job
-strained work relationships - stress
- loss of income
- caring responsibilities
potential effects of ill-health for both individuals and their families: INCOME
- sick pay is less
- benefits
- long term poverty
- stress/anxiety
- hospital treatment
- income reduced
- reduced hours
- health related outgoings
potential effects of ill-health for both individuals and their families: LESIURE ACTIVITIES
- have to give up activity
- change the activity e.g. cinema over sport
- lack time so don’t take part
- less family activities
potential effects of ill-health for both individuals and their families: RELATIONSHIPS
- more isolated
- less opportunity for relationships
- less able to communicate
- strengthen relationships
- become dependent
- strain on family
- less time for family outgoings/bonding time