con law - individual rights Flashcards
Equal Protection & levels of scrutiny
- Government is treating certain people DIFFERENTLY
- Strict scrutiny: race, alienage, national origin
- Government has the burden
- NECESSARY to achieve a COMPELLING interest
- Intermediate: gender, illegitimacy (illegitimate children)
- Government has the burden
- SUBSTANTIALLY related to IMPORTANT interest
- Rational basis: everyone else
- P has the burden
RATIONALLY related to LEGITIMATE interest
- P has the burden
Substantive Due process
- Government regulating/depriving a right for ALL PEOPLE
- Fundamental rights = strict scrutiny
Non-fundamental right = rational basis
Fundamental rights
- Right to vote, free speech, INTERstate travel, privacy rights
- Privacy rights: contraception, marriage, procreation, PRIVATE education, right to raise family
- NOT abortion (prior: undue burden test)
Strict scrutiny under substantive DP
Procedural due process
- Notice and hearing (no levels of scrutiny)
- Property rights deprived
- Governmental jobs
- Licenses
- Public benefits
Rights must be vested (earned)
5th amendment
- Applies to federal government. Fed/congress law.
14th amendment
- Applies to state. State law.
Privileges and immunities
- State passes law that treats NON-RESIDENTS differently
13th vs 15th amendments
- 13th banned slavery. Private individuals CANNOT racially discriminate. No state action required.
15th: voting AND racial discrimination
Takings clause
1) Government taking private property
2) For public use (any overall public benefit)
With just compensation
Inverse condemnation
- Gov not taking but condemns you the economic benefit of the land
- Value left is worth NOTHING
Must give just compensation
Establishment clause
- Government cannot pass a law that formally establishes a religion
Regulations must be religiously NEUTRAL or based on history/traditions (founding fathers)
Free exercise clause
- Government must remain neutral on practice of religion
- A law NEUTRAL to religion will be constitutional even if the EFFECT prohibits religion
Must not have INTENT to discriminate a religion
- Government can’t ban but can regulate
Content based regulation
- government stops the message
Triggers Strict scrutiny (necessary/compelling - that regulation is the least restrictive means)
Content-neutral regulation
- regulation on time, place, and manner (where, when, and how)
- Generally constitutional if (form of intermediate scrutiny)
- Furthers significant governmental interest
Leaves open alternative means of communication
- Furthers significant governmental interest
Public forum (content-neutral)
- Streets and parks
- Must further significant governmental interest
- Leave open alternative means of communication
Nonpublic forum (content-neutral) - Billboards, signs and buses
Reasonably related to a legitimate governmental interest
Not protected speech
Obscenity, clear and present danger, fighting words, commercial speech, false and misleading ads
- A prurient interest in sex - objective local community standards
- Depicts sex in a patently offensive manner - community standard
Lacks any serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value - national standard
Clear and present danger
- Speech incites imminent violent action
Likely to produce violence
Fighting words
- Harsh language likely to incite an average person to commit violence
Commercial speech
- Business related speech
- REASONABLE fit to a SUBSTANTIAL interest
Narrowly tailored
False/misleading ad
- Speech that provides false or misleading info
Not protected
Unfettered discretion
Government officials cannot choose/prefer one form of speech over another
Overbroad and vague speech
- Statute cannot be too broad or too vague
Keywords: any or all
Prior restraint
- gov stops speech before it is published
Injunction, gag orders
Bill of attainder
- Cannot expressly PUNISH an individual or named group of people
Ex Post Facto
- Law that retroactively makes action illegal UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Contracts Clause
- STATE cannot EXPRESSLY impair your ability to enter a contract
State Action rule
- There must be state/government action to violate the constitution
Unless nexus between individual and government