Con Law (Final) Flashcards
Symbolic Speech
includes verbal communication, but conduct that is undertaken to communicate an idea, i.e., expressive speech. The court will uphold if: (1) regulation is within the constitutional power of the US gov’t, (2) it furthers an important gov’t interest, (3) gov’t interest is unrelated to the suppression of speech and (4) incidental burden on speech is not greater than necessary
Privileges/Immunities clause
- State cannot discriminate against noncitizens
- Unless substantially related and no less discriminatory alternatives
- Rights fundamental to national unity
Contracts clause
Public: reasonably related and necessary to important public interest
Private: rational basis.
Free Exercise Clause
- Can’t burden religion
- Unless compelling gov’t interest
- Laws of general applicability OK
Establishment Clause
- Can’t endorse/favor religion
- Incidental effect OK if benefits for wide variety
- Sect preference: strict scrutiny
- No sect preference: Lemon test
- -Secular purpose
- -Primary effect is not to advance/inhibit religion
- -No gov’t entanglement
1st Amendment Free Speech
Content based: strict scrutiny
Less protected speech regulation must:
(1) further a significant gov’t interest
(2) be narrowly tailored (no more restrictive than necessary)
(3) leave open alternate channels of communication
Unprotected Speech
SCOFF [at] DC Symbolic speech Clear and present danger Obscenity Fraudulent commercial speech Fighting words Defamation Child porn
(1) must appeal to the prurient interest in sex;
(2) depicts sexual conduct in patently offensive way
(3) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value (LAPS)
Time, place and manner restrictions
Public: Content neutral -Significant gov't interest -Narrowly tailored -Open alternative channels Limited public: specific group/discussion when open, same test as public Designated public: open for specific purpose, same as public forum Nonpublic: rational basis -Legitimate gov't interests -Rationally related -Open alternate channels
Commercial Speech
- Substantial gov’t interest
- Directly advances it
- Reasonably tailored
Fundamental Freedoms
{STAR VP} Speech Travel Association Religion Vote Privacy
Privacy Rights
{CAMPER} Contraception Abortion Marriage Procreation Education Right of related persons to live together
Prior restraints on speech
Stop speech before it occurs
- Serious public harm
- Narrowly drawn
- Final determination
Freedom of Association
- Freedoms protected by 1st Amendment
- Compelling gov’t interest
- Least restrictive means
Substantive due process
- Deprive life, liberty, property
- Fundamental right= strict scrutiny
- No fundamental right= rational basis