Con Law Flashcards
Establishment Clause
If facially prefers some religions over others -> State’s burden strict scrutiny
If facially neutral -> lemon test 1. Purpose of law (secular) 2. Effect (primary not to advance/inhibit religion) 3. Entanglement (not excessive) schools
3rd Party Standing
(1) the claimant has suffered a non-constitutional injury; and (2) it would be difficult or unlikely for the party experiencing the constitutional injury to assert their own rights; and (3) there is a “special relationship” between the claimant and the third party. This includes buyer-seller. OR incapacity of the P.
Bill of attainder vs. Ex post facto
attainder: legislation that inflicts punishment (1) w/o trial (2) singling out named indivs or in an easily ascertainable group for past conduct.
EPF Art I S9 feds S10 states new crime in past more punishment less evidence longer SoL after expired
Scrutiny for voting laws
Total ban -> strict scrutiny.
Process regulation -> undue burden balancing test / minimum rational basis scrutiny
OK: reasonable residency reqs, registration reqs, time and manner regs, felon disenfranchise, state elector selection
NOT OK: poll tax, school bd only parents and property owners, vague vote counting
Contracts Clause
State may not impair existing contracts. Must 1. have existed before 2. be materially impaired BUT PRIVATE Ks can be modified by legislature for public interest and regulation narrowly tailored to that interest. “A private contract may be modified by the legislature under its police power when necessary to serve an important and legitimate public interest, and the regulation is reasonable and narrowly tailored to promote that interest”. PUBLIC Ks no impairing the obligation of public contracts other than to a reasonable degree when the government seeks to modify its own contracts.
Taxation Power
- as long as Congress has the power to regulate the activity taxed, the tax can then be used as a regulating device rather than for revenue-raising purposes. 2. Further, even when Congress does not have power to regulate the activity taxed, the tax will be upheld if a. Subjective: the “dominant intent” is to raise revenue and b. Objective: the tax does, in fact, raise revenue–even where it has a substantial regulatory effect. The modern judicial trend is to uphold any tax as valid if it is, in fact, a revenue-raising measure.
Substantive Due Process
SCAMPERD: Sexual orientation, Contraception, Abortion, Marriage, Possess obscenity, private Education, family Relations, Death. ALSO 14th Am P and I right to travel, right to vote. FINALLY generally protects against arbitrary and irrational federal government action. Must be rationally related to a legitimate l government interest.
Supremacy Clause: Federal Functions
the Supremacy Clause prevents the states from regulating the activities of agents of the federal government if the regulation will interfere with the government’s ability to carry out its federal functions.
Free exercise
purposefully interference with religious conduct -> strict scrutiny.
incidentally regulates religious conduct -> 1. Reg. neutral wrt religion 2. General applicability (Smith) so can regulate:
OK to regulate: peyote, polygamy, air force head gear, Amish social security
Federalism limits on states
- functions only sovereign states do 2. individual const. rights 3. preemption 4. sovereign immunity 5. no taxation of federal functions 6. dormant commerce clause (facial and incidental burden)
Federalism limits on federal government
- no taxation for a. unique state govt activities and b. essential state govt functions 2. anti-commandeering OJO! can prohibit things, just not affirmatively require
Spending Power
Congress can condition receipt of federal funds on conformity to federal regulations, provided the 1. conditions are reasonably related to the goals of the spending program 2. not coercive 3. for the general welfare 4. not ambiguous
Dormant Commerce Clause
- discrim on face: state burden to show 1. Compelling interest AND 2. Discrim necessary to reach that end
- incidental burden: state burden show 1. Important state interest 2. Balance against not excessive burden (NOTE: in state licensing requirements here)
EXCEPTIONS: Cong. Can authorize OR market participant when state acting like private actor
(i) the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; (ii) the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and (iii) the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, as judged by the national standard. Child pornography never protected.
Eleventh Amendment Immunity
no $ damages agst states BUT
- states and US P can sue,
- city/county D can be sued,
- inj relief,
- state waiver,
- 13-15 enforcement power abridge
- Meaning of state law unclear 2. Avoid const issue OR state ct proceeding going on
Congressional power over JDX
lower cts can do anything, USSC can’t stop from hearing fed law, can’t enlarge original USSC JDX