Con law Flashcards
How do you look at the questions?
DUMB IT DOWN - help yourself.
If it is a statute question (Congress/state/maybe both) = why did they pass the law? What does the law do?
What are the individual rights?
Equal protection (14th Am)
Due process (14th Am)
Speech (1st Am)
Religion (1st Am)
How do you distinguish EP from DP?
big picture - specifics come later
EP: affects a group of people or a class (i.e. Blondes and redheads can’t go to the beach)
DP: affects/regulates everyone (i.e. no one can smoke in a plane)
When a statute treats people differently from other people - singles them out - you look at who the people are.
Note: there is no per se violation for treating people differently
What are the levels of scrutiny?
Strict and intemediate scrutiny, and rational basis
Strict scrutiny
Govt BOP law is necessary to achieve a compelling govt interest
Intermediate scrutiny
Govt BOP law is substantially related to an important govt interest
Rational basis
P’s BOP law is not rationally related to legitimate govt interest
EP classes and leves of scrutiny
If the people are treated differently based on:
a. Race, Alienage (non-US citizens), national origin – strict scrutiny
b. Gender, illegitimacy (children out of wedlock) – intermediate scrutiny
c. Everyone else – rational basis
big picture - Amendment definition
No person shall be deprived of Life, liberty, and Property w/o DP
(1) procedural and (2) substantive
Procedural DP
Property rights taken away – you MUST have notice and a hearing
Property right = public jobs, licenses, benefits
i.e. if they try to fire you from a public job
Substantive DP
Statute depriving ALL people of doing something (liberty rights affected)
Different liberty rights have different protection
What are the levels of protection of the different liberty rights?
Fundamental rights = strict scrutiny
Non-fudamental rights = rational basis
Name the fundamental rights
All fall under Strict Scrutiny
- Right to vote
- Free speech
- Right to travel (interstate b/w states)
- Rights to privacy (CAMPER)
C: contraception
A: abortion (undue burden test! Not strict scrutiny)
M: marriage
P: procreation
E: education (private)
R: right to raise your family, custody of kids, child-rearing decisions
note: abortion may change, they’ll let us know
Free exercise of religion
INDIVIDUAL has right to exercise their religion any manner they choose, as long as they do not violate laws.
Free exercise of religion
Govt cannot INTENTIONALLY do something to prevent you from practicing your religion.
UNLESS law is NEUTRAL in its face (as to religion) and it affects your practice
i.e. FL law of no head gear in bb games and Jewish bbteam w/yamakas - ok
Establishment clause
Def and rule
Govt makes a law too closely related to religion, then 3-part LEMON test applies:
- statute must have a secular (non-religious) purpose
- Govt cannot promote or inhibit particular religion (everyone must be treated the same)
- Govt cannot get too entangled with religion (entanglement = $$ - scholarshipsm tax breaks, sponsoring)
This has changed, but we’ll study it until they say otherwise
Right to free speech
Govt cannot ban speech…
BUT it can regulate it
What are the types of govt regulation of speech?
- content based and 2. content neutral
What facts will tell you there is a speech issue?
People want to:
(1) have a meeting
(2) a march
(3) advertise
(4) a public forum topic
Content based
Govt speech regulation
Govt is regulating words you are saying (i.e. deny, prohibit you from saying them, “shutting message down”) - strict scrutiny
If you cannot DO/SAY anything - strict scrutiny
Content neutral
Govt speech regulation
Govt is regulating where/how/when you say things - regulation must be reasonable to be constitutional (different scrutiny)
Reasonable = there is a signifcant or important interest AND there are alternative means of expression
So.. scrutiny =significant or important interest NEVER strict
What is the separation of powers rule?
++ name the branches
One branch cannot encroach on another (look for 2 branches in the fact pattern)
Branches = exexutive, legislative, and judicial