COMPUTING Flashcards
CPU stands for
Central Processing Unit
ALU stands for
Arithmetic Logic Unit
CU stands for
Control Unit
The part of the computer that fetches and executes the … stored in the …
Instructions, Main Memory
Explain why having a dual core processor might improve the performance of the computer.
The more cores the computer has the greater number of fetch decode execute cycles it can do simultaneously, this provides vastly superior processing power
How cache size affects the CPU
The cache holds frequently accessed data and instructions, the bigger the cache the less time a processor has to wait for an instruction to be fetched, therefore making a computer faster but if you put too much you wont see any disenable difference as it will take longer to get completely killing its novelty
Out of RAM and ROM which stores data
Out of RAM and ROM which is volatile
Out of RAM and ROM which is non-volatile
Out of RAM and ROM which data is read-only
Out of RAM and ROM which stores currently running data and instructions
Difference between RAM and flash memory
RAM is volatile, flash memory is not
Discuss whether an optical or solid-state device is the most appropriate media to transfer
these files. You may want to consider the following characteristics in your answer:
● portability
● robustness
● capacity
● cost
● Both are Small in size / portable and can easily be moved between Kerry’s home and work
● Solid-state can be smaller
● Solid-state less likely to break
● Optical are not robust i.e. easily scratched/damaged while being moved
● Solid-state has no moving parts so unlikely to break if dropped
● CDs have small capacity
● Depends on Kerry’s files if they are small files e.g. text documents then a CD might be large enough bit if there are lots large files e.g. videos/software then solid state may be more appropriate
● Optical cost is small per GB
Solid-state can be reused more times because it’s more durable so may be cost-effective in the long term
Identify three ways that Xander can make use of the file management facility.
He can place his files into folders/directories
He can (re)name files/folders
He can move his files/folders
He can copy/transfer/export files/folders
He can delete his files/folders
He can set permissions/access rights
He can search for files
He can view file details/extensions/file size/type
He can create files/folders
He can sort files/folders // he can put files into a specific order // by
He can open files/folders
how the compression software will compress the image file
Use an algorithm
…to remove repeated/unnecessary data
Could use lossy/lossless
lossless will not remove data permanently // lossless means original
file will be restored
lossy is permanent deletion // lossy means original file will not be
Reduce number of pixels // reduce resolution
Record the changes in the colour for each pixel
… instead of the colour
Run length encoding
… record the colour and number of consecutive pixels of that colour
… instead of the colour of every pixel
Decrease colour depth//decrease number of colours