Computer Systems: Chapter 5 (Computer Software) Flashcards
What is the bootstrap loader?
The bootstrap loader is a program held in ROM that loads the operating system when the computer is switched on.
What are the 6 main functions of a single user operating system?
- Interpreting user commands
- File management
- Memory management
- Input/Output management
- Process Management
- Resource allocation
What is the Computer Language Interpreter? (CLI)
The CLI is the outer layer of the operating system, which the user interacts with in order to give instructions to the computer
What is the File Management System? (FMS)
The FMS is the second layer of the operating system, and it organises and tracks files
What are the functions of the File Management System (FMS)? (2)
- Maintaining a directory which keeps track of where files are stored
- Providing a connections between the user’s logical view of the files and the actual physical location of the files
What is the Memory Management System? (MMS)
The MMS is the third layer of the operating system, and controls where programs and data are placed in memory
What are the functions of the Memory Management System (MMS)? (2)
- Monitoring the use of memory
* Freeing memory locations where data is no longer needed
What is the Input/Output Management System? (BIOS)
The BIOS is the fourth layer of the operating system, and it communicated directly with the peripherals and handles the transfer of data between the peripherals and the processor
What are the functions of the Input/Output Management System (BIOS)? (2)
- Data buffering to regulate the speed between the processor and main memory
- Detecting errors such as mechanical or electrical faults
What is Process Management?
Managing processes takes place in the Kernel, which is the bottom layer of the operating system. The Kernel manages processes and handles any interrupts.
What are the functions of the Kernel (Process Management)? (2)
- Schedules CPU time
* Maintains the integrity of the process
What is Resource Allocation?
Resource Allocation is the way of managing which resource is available for use at any one time by a process
What is a Utility Program?
A Utility Program is a program designed to carry out .specific tasks related to the management or maintenance of a computer system
What are examples of Utility programs? (3)
- Virus Checker
- Disk Editor
- Disk Defragmenter
What is a Virus Checker?
A Virus Checker is a program that can detect a virus infection and remove it from a computer system
What is a Disk Editor?
A Disk Editor is a program that allows the user to get rid of any unnecessary files that clutter up a system.
What is a Disk Defragmenter?
A Disk Defragmenter is a program that rearranges the contents of the hard disk so that data blocks that make up files are next to each other.
What are 2 advantages of using a Disk Defragmenter?
- It speeds up access times
* It frees up space
Name 3 standard graphic file formats
- .jpeg (joint photographic experts group)
- .gif (graphics interchange format)
- .tiff (tagged image file format)