Computer Related Legislation Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Data Protection Act?
It exists to control how your personal information is controlled by companies and the government.
What is a data subject?
Has data about them stored somewhere without their direct control.
What is a data controller?
Determines what data an organization collects and how it’s controlled, processed and stored.
What is a data commissioner?
An independent public body that reports directly to parliament, is appointed by the crown, and has the power to enforce the Data Protection Act.
What are the eight principles of data protection?
Data must:
=> Only held for specific reasons
=> Be collected and used fairly and inside the law
=> Only used for the registered purpose as intended
=> Be adequate, relevant data that isn’t excessive
=> Be kept accurate and up to date
=> Not be kept longer than is necessary
=> Be kept safe and secure
=> Not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the country that data is being transferred to has data
What rights do subjects have under data protection laws?
Subjects have:
=> Right of subject access => Right of correlation => Right to prevent distress => Right to prevent direct marketing => Right to prevent automatic decisions => Right to complaint to the Information Commissioner => Right to compensation
What was appended in the Data Protection Act 2018 - UK implementation of GDPR?
=> Proceed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
=> Data must be processed in a manner that ensures data security
What was made illegal under the Computer Misuse Act (1990)?
=> Unauthorised access to a computer e.g. hacking
=> Unauthorised access to digital materials with the intent to commit further illegal activity e.g. fraud or blackmail
=> Unauthorised changes to any data stored on a computer when the user does not have permission to do so, including installing a
virus or malware which damages or changes the way the computer works
=> Making, supplying or obtaining anything which can be used in computer misuse offences
What is legal under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act when it is invoked?
=> Demands that ISPs provide access to customer communications
=> Prevents the existence of interception activities being revealed in court
=> Allows mass surveillance of communications
=> Allows monitoring of an individual’s internet activities
=> Demands that access be granted to protected information
=> Demands that ISPs install equipment that facilitates surveillance
What is legal under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act when it is invoked?
=> Demands that ISPs provide access to customer communications
=> Prevents the existence of interception activities being revealed in court
=> Allows mass surveillance of communications
=> Allows monitoring of an individual’s internet activities
=> Demands that access be granted to protected information
=> Demands that ISPs install equipment that facilitates surveillance