Compulsory question 1 Flashcards
what is kochs postulates
criteria established to define relationship between microbe and a disease
what are the 4 of kochs postulates
- association: the pathogen must be present in every case of the disease
- isolation: the pathogen must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
- causation: the the cultured pathogen must cause the disease when introduced into a healthy host
- reisolation: the same pathogen must be reisolated from the experimentally infected host
what is gram staining
gram staining is a differential technique used to classify bacteria into two groups
define and explain the two types of gram staining
- gram positive: bacteria retain the crystal violet stain and appear purple under the microscope due to their thick peptidoclycan layer
2.gram negative : bacteria do not retain crystal violet stain instead the retain counterstain (safranin) and appear pink under the microscope due to their thinner peptidoglycan layer and outer membrane
flagella are long whip like appendages used for movement in many bacteria, they rotate like a propeller to propel the bacterium through liquid environments.
write the stages of viral replication
viral replication involves several stages
1.attachment:the virus binds to a host
2.penetration:the virus or its genetic material enters the host cell
3.replication:viral nucleic acids and proteins are synthesized using hosts machinery
4.assembly:new viral particles are assembled
5.release:new virions exit the host cell, often causing cell lysis
are a domain of single celled microorganisms distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes. They are known for surviving in extreme conditions, e.g. hot springs, salty lakes. They lack a nucleus (prokaryotic) and have unique membrane lipid The types of archae include methanogenes, thermophiles and halophiles
common classifications of fungi
classified into several groups based on their reproductive structures and life cycles
1.ascomycota:produce spores in sac like structure called asci (e.g. yeast and mould)
2.basidiomycota: produce spores on club-shaped structures called basidia (e.g. mushrooms)
3.zygomycota:form zygospores during sexual reproduction(e.g.bread mould)
4.chyridiomycota:mostly aquatic fungi with flagellated spores (e.g. chytrids)
5.deuteromycota:fungi with no known sexual reproduction stage based on asexual reproduction
an infection caused by gram positive bacteria
Streptoccocus pyogenes is a gram positive bacterium causing
>strep throat: pharyngitis caused by s.pyogenes
>impetigo:a stain infection characterised by red sores
Three domains of life
bacteria: single celled organisms with simple cell structure, lacking a nucleus (prokaryotic)
archae: single celled organisms similar to bacteria with distinct molecular and biochemical features
eukraya: organisms with complex cells containing a nucleus including, plants, animals, fungi and protists
what do microbial risk groups do ? and lsi the 4 groups
they classify microorganisms based on their risk to humans
risk group 1:low risk, unlikely to cause disease in healthy individuals (e.g. non pathogenic e.coli)
risk group 2: moderate risk, can cause disease but is easily treatable (e.g. salmonella)
risk group 3: high risk, can cause serious disease with no treatment available (e.g. mycobacterium tuberculosis)
risk group 4: extreme risk, can cause severe disease often with no treatment available (e.g. ebola virus)
short notes on endotoxins
endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides in the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria. released when bacteria die, they can cause fever, inflammation and septic shock. they are not secreted but are part of the bacterial cell structure
difference between bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins
exotoxins are potent proteins that are secreted by bacteria, causing diseases such a tetanus botulism and are heat sensitive. endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides found in the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria, released when bacteria die, causing symptoms such as fever and inflammation. exotoxins are more toxic and immunogenic whereas endotoxins are less toxic and heat stable.
disease caused by gram NEGATIVE bacteria
infection caused by gram negative bacteria is salmonella, causing symptoms such as diarrea fever and abdominal cramps.
importance of fungi
fungi play a crucial role in decomposing organic matter, recycling nutrients in ecosystems and are essential for producing antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals.
mannitol salt agar
is a selective and differential medium used to isolate and differentiate staphylococcus species based on their ability to ferment mannitol. they contain high salt concentrations and turn yellow in the presence of mannitol fermentation, indicating potential pathogenic strains such as staphylococcus aureus.
bacterial endospores
bacterial endospores are highly resistant, dormant forms of bacteria that can survive extreme environmental conditions like heat and dessication . they are produced by a certain type of bacteria like bacillus and clostridium to ensure survival in these extreme conditions