Compulsory liquidation Flashcards
Compulsory Liquidation
For the petition to be advertised in the Gazette after it has been served on the company.
7 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
Plus no longer than this for the day fixed for the hearing of the petition.
7 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
The minimum for service and the date of the hearing.
14 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
For a creditor to give notice to the petitioning creditor that they intend to appear at the hearing of the petition.
5 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
If the petitioning creditor wishes to withdraw the petition with the consent of the court.
5 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
Notice to court if the debtor company wishes to oppose the petition.
5 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
For the OR to decide whether or not to seek a nomination of a liquidator from the creditors
12 weeks
Compulsory Liquidation
Notice for creditors/contributories to have of the decision date.
14 days
Compulsory Liquidation
For the OR to receive proposals from creditors from the date of the notice inviting them to nominate.
5 business days
Compulsory Liquidation
No longer than this from the date of the winding up order for a decision date to be set to nominate a liquidator
4 months
Compulsory Liquidation
For nominations to be delivered up by creditors before the decision date deadline.
21 days
Compulsory Liquidation
From the liquidator’s appointment for an objection by any creditor to the appointment.
7 days
Compulsory Liquidation
For the liquidator to be released from office after the date of the final account has been filed and no objections have been raised
8 weeks