Compressors + Valves Flashcards
Memorizing compressors
Reciprocating compressor
Reciprocating Compressor. A compressor that
uses an electric motor to turn a crankshaft that
operates reciprocating pistons within cylinders
to draw in and compress refrigerant. These
operate much like an automobile engine
Reciprocating compressors are one of the
most widely used types of compressors in
scroll compressor
A type of compressor that
involves the orbiting of one scroll (spiral) that
is intertwined with another scroll to form a
series of crescent-shaped pockets that reduce
in size and increase in pressure. During
compression, one scroll remains stationary
while the other scroll orbits around the space
between it and the fixed scroll (20)
rotary compressor
rotary compressor : A compressor that uses a
rotor that interacts with rotating or stationary
blades to compress gas. These are classified as
either rotary vane or stationary blade. (20)
What are the two purposes of a filter drier?
Afilter-drierin a refrigeration or air conditioning system hastwoessentialfunctions: one, to adsorb system contaminants, such as water, which can create acids, andtwo, to provide physical filtration.
are passive non-mechanical valves which operate by surface tension to block or restrict flow in a channel. UnlikePneumatic Valves, capillary valves operate by no moving parts
Capillary Valves
Expansion Valve
Expansion Valve. Theexpansion valveremoves pressure from the liquid refrigerant to allowexpansionor change of state from a liquid to a vapor in the evaporator. … Under a greatly reduced pressure the liquid refrigerant is at its coldest as it leaves theexpansion valveand enters
What do expansion valve do?
Expansion Valve. Theexpansion valveremoves pressure from the liquid refrigerant to allowexpansionor change of state from a liquid to a vapor in the evaporator. … Under a greatly reduced pressure the liquid refrigerant is at its coldest as it leaves theexpansion valveand enters the evaporator.
What are the main two functions of a run filter dryer?
Afilter-drierin a refrigeration or air conditioning system hastwoessentialfunctions: one, to adsorb system contaminants, such as water, which can create acids, andtwo, to provide physical filtration.
Capillary tube
Capillary tubeis basically a expansion device looks similar to this . Expansion is required so that therefrigeranttemperature while entering into evaporator coil is less/low temp so that heat flows from your room to therefrigerantin the coil and it boils