compression neuropathies Flashcards
signs and symptoms of a upper radiculopathy
pain in the neck that radiates down the arm to a specific region in the hand
numbness and weakness along a specific distribution
UE radiciulopathy is usually caused by a nerve impingement at the level of the cervical spine - what are the most common causes
disc degeneration
disc herniation
degenerative arthritis
test for UE radiculopathy
neck compression/spurlings test
spurling test
rotate and side bend head toward affected side
extend head
add compression
**pain radiating down the arm or tingling is positive
*if contralateral arm has symptoms may be due to contralateral scalene causing impingement
UE plexopathy symptoms
intermittent numbness and tingling
pain not consistent with 1 nerve root
generalized weakness
UE plexopathy aka
thoracic outlet syndrome
tests for UE plexopathy/thoracic outlet syndrome
roos east test (general)
adsons (scalene)
adsons (1st and 2nd rib)
clavicle (military brace)
pectoralis minor (wrights hyperabduction)
adsons test
monitor radial pulse
**test for scalene compression causing plexopathy
extend and slightly abduct patient arm, have them inhale look at their hand and hold their breath
breath and return to neutral
inhale and look other direction and hold breath
***loss of pulse/reproduction of symptoms (while looking at hand is a rib/clavicle problem), looking away is a scalene problem
military brace
supinate, extend and abduct patients arm behind them while monitoring the radial pulse
apply infraclavicular force at the shoulder
**obliteration of pulse is positive
wright hyperabduction
test for pectoralis minor causing plexopathy
monitor radial pulse and abduct , externally rotate arm, flex elbow to 45 degrees and hold for 1 mint
then repeat with hyperabduction (arm by the ear)
**positive is obliteration of pulse
cubital tunnel
numbness and tingling of the median forearm to the 4th and 5th digit
-ulnar nerve
(tinel test, froments sign)
froments sign is _ nerve entrapment and the _ must contract
flexor pollicis longus
pronator teres mononueropathy
median nerve palsy
pain in anterior proximal forearm
numbness and tingling in forearm
radiates to wrist and first 3 digits
(weakness in grip strength)
medican nerve assessment test
OK sign
weakness of index finger DIP and thumb IP
weak flexor digitorum profundis and flexor policies longus
medical epicondyle CS