Composers/Works-Baroque, Classical Flashcards
L’Orfeo -1607
- Early Italian Opera (Early Baroque)
- No strong cadential material. Some modal movement
- Look for Ritornello form, Italian text, imitative vocal entrances, possible figured bass. Changing meter to fit the text.
Armide - 1686
- French Opera (Mid Baroque)
- Not a lot of strong cadences
- French text
- Figured bass beneath text
- Changing meter to accompany lyrics
- Almost feels more modal than tonal - look for lack of 7ths
- Limited harmonic modulation - minor I to V due to limitations on instruments
Dido and Aeneas - 1689
- English Baroque Opera (mid Baroque)
- Unison, homophonic choruses (in English), some imitative texture
- More square, clear harmonies. Stronger cadences
- Violin doubles lead voice
- Modal mixtures without implying functional, classical modal mixtures
Well Tempered Klavier
Bach, Well Tempered Klavier - 1722
- Keyboard preludes/fugues in all 12 keys
- Preludes - typically 1 part forms
- Fugues- Usually are 3 part fugues
Vivaldi, Four Seasons - 1723
• Violin concerto - Concerto solo form
• Alternation between soloist and orchestra
Brandenburg Concerto 3
Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 - 1721
- Sequences, clear cadences in 1st mvt
- Alternates between groupings of instruments vs. unisons
Brandenburg Concerto 4
Bach, Brandenburgo Concerto No. 4 - ca. 1720
- Violin soloist and 2 flute soloists (Active parts, orchestra joins them throughout as punctuation)
- Look for typical Bach sequences (much like violin Sonatas/partitas) for harmonic analysis.
Orchestral Suite in D
Bach, Orchestral Suite 3 in D - 1731
- Late Baroque orchestral work
- Elements of fugue in B section (fugato?). Lots of imitative textures
- Retonicization of new tonal centers throughout
- Lots of AABB (Rounded, continuous binary)
- Movements based on French dance suite
Wachet Auf
Bach, Wachet Auf Cantata - 1731
- Late Baroque Cantata (Voices plus orchestra, sacred music sung in secular language)
- Not full orchestra - 2 oboes, baroque oboe, strings, voices, continuo
- Imitative vocals, German text
Handel, Messiah - 1741
- Clearer cadences than Bach, a bit easier to follow chord progressions
- English lyrics. Some solo singers, some choruses (multi part)
- Some imitative instrumental writing
- Stays in one key center longer (than Bach) usually. Alternates between harmonies, much less harmonic sequencing
B Minor Mass
Bach, B Minor Mass (H Moll)- 1749
- Late baroque Lutheran mass (more parts than just Kyrie and Gloria)
- Larger instrumentation - 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, continuo, voices (note 2 soprano parts)
- Imitative voices. Kind of structured like Bburg concertos. Has fugal moments
Stamitz, Symphony in D - ca. 1750
• Strings, pairs of horns, flutes, oboe and bassoon
• Straightforward harmonies, but changes key centers over longer amounts of time.
• Last mvt. rounded binary - AABB. First section ends in Dominant key, B section modulates back to D.
• Fast-slow-fast symphony movements
Haydn String Quartet
Haydn, String Quartet in Eb, op 33 No.2 - 1781
- Rounded binary 1st two movements, last movement is rondo with long coda
- Very clear formal structure, Moving from 1-V, starting new sections in V, etc. Typical classical key and form.
- Sectional binary forms, some double period material as well
Mozart - Eine Kleine
Mozart, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 1787
- Lots of I and V, clear retonicization of V
- AABB in first mvt,
- 2nd mvt in C, parallel middle section in C minor
Haydn Symphony 94
Haydn, Symphony 94 - 1791
• Strings, plus pairs of Ob, Fl, Bsn, horn, trumpets. First one with timpani
• Starting to see more interesting orchestration than earlier pieces
• Cycles a bit between I and V, but remains in one key center for longer
• Sonata form - AA, then development (harmonically less stable)
• Movements change keys. 2nd mvt. theme and variations. Clear phrases
Haydn 101
Haydn Symphony 101 - 1794
- Flute, oboe, clarinet, Bassoon, trombone, timp, strings
- 1st mvt in Sonata form, 2nd movement rondo? 3rd minuet and trio
Mozart - Wind Serenade
Mozart, Wind Serenade no. 10 - 1781
- Mvt 1 - Introduction, then sonata form(?)
- Homogenous writing -lots of unison rhythms from sections of the ensemble, or accompaniment figures with melodic material above
Mozart - Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni - 1787
• Italian lyrics
• Simple orchestration, lots of V-I and I-V
• Fl, Ob, Bsn, Hrn, strings.
• Voices conversing, not a lot of unison voices.
Mozart - Sonata No. 11
Sonata No. 11, A major - 1783
• Opening is example of period
• Theme and variations in AABB form (Simple, continuous binary)
Mozart - Symphony 40
Symphony 40 - 1788
• Classic symphony in G minor
• Examples of clean cut phrases (periods) and harmonic movements.
• Sonata forms, minuet and trio, etc.
Mozart - Magic Flute
Magic Flute - 1791 • Easy Roman numeral analysis • Short melodic/harmonic sequences • Arias are somewhat through-composed. • less clean cut phrases in arias • Singspiel - has some spoken elements
Mozart -Requiem
Requiem - 1791 • Unfinished when he died • Larger inst • Latin text, multiple singers • Some formal repetition • CAREFUL, could have figured bass markings (not baroque!) Instrumentation should be the giveaway.
Schubert - Unfinished symphony
Unfinished symphony (no. 8) - 1822
• Lots of chromatic passing tones, chromatic neighbor notes
• Sonata form 1st mvt.
• Andante in E major,
Schubert - Erlkonig
Erlkonig - 1815
•German text w/piano accomp
• Lots of secondary dominants (esp. transitions)
• Key changes
• Somewhat through-composed (with some text repetition in different key centers)
Beethoven - Archduke
Archduke Trio - 1811
• Violin, cello, piano trio
• Classical harmonies, but bridges out of the clear forms of Mozart.
• Ex: 1st mvt in Bb. LIkely sonata form, but secondary theme in G major. N6 of V is Eb, which also hints at Bb major.
Beethoven - Moonlight
Moonlight Sonata - 1801
• Piano solo
• Chromatic mediants, closely related key modulation
• Lots of outlined chords. Should be easy to analyze
Beethoven Pathetique
Pathetique sonata - 1798
• Lots of diminished chords
• More complex piano solo (Beethoven capable of playing)
• Rondo 2nd movement has lots of thematic repetition (ABB almost period-like phrases)
Beethoven 5
5th symphony - 1808
• 1st mvt. sonata form
• Opening bars = Sentence
Beethoven 6
6th Symphony - 1808
Beethoven 9
9th symphony - 1822-24
• With choir
• 2nd movement - changes keys and time signatures, but returns back to same tonal center as beginning.
Beethoven String Quartet
String quartet in C# minor - 1826
• Fugue 1st mvt.