components of fitness measured Flashcards
forestry test method
perform the warm up and stand facing the bench, start stepping on the bench and start the stopwatch. Keep to the beat of the metronome stepping the one on the bench. Do this for 5 minutes stop the metronome and sit down immediately wait for 15 seconds and then take your pulse rate for 15 seconds.
advantages and disadvantages for forestry test
+ simple to carry out
+ larger number of participants can perform a test at least once.
- boring / repetitive
- special metronome equipment needed.
1 minute press up test 1
perform warm up, take full press up position and arms should be fully extended. Take this test for one minute
advantages and disadvantages for 1 minute press up test
+quick and easy to carry out
+no specialised equipment needed
-human error in counting press ups
1 minute sit up test
lie on the mat knees bent and keep your feet flat on the floor, fold arms across the body do this for one minute at a 90 degree angle
advantages and disadvantages for 1 minute sit up test
+quick and easy to carry out
+no specialised equipment required
-not suitable for everyone
- human error in counting sit ups
sit and reach test
remove shoes, heels flat against a box, measure where your finger tips reach when stretching forward. perform this three times
advantages and disadvantages of the sit and reach test
+quick and easy
- variations in arm and leg length
- not relevant for testing flexibility or other parts of the body.
hand grip dynamometer
adjust the handgrip so its comfortable and keeo your arms beside the body. parallel, squeeze as hard as possible keeping your arms by your side