Components and activities that must be obtained, developed and implemented Flashcards
Formulation of env. policy
= formal statement that outlines the commitment to env. management of the org. Defines env. objectives, principles and framework for action.
Manage risks, prevent pollution, ensure legal compliance and improve resource efficiency.
Key activities included:
- Input of needs and expectations of stakeholders (e.g. consumers, municipalities, employees, suppliers)
- legal review
- identification of env. aspects and impacts
–> draft the document –> reviewed by top management –> communication externally and internally –> regularly review and update as needed
Implement procedures
= detailed instructions of operations, in line with env. policy - translating it into action.
E.g. waste procedure, energy management procedure, emergency procedure.
Activities involved: adopt to env. policy - formulation, training and communication, allocation of resources etc, communicate roles and responsibilities
Implement training programs for employees
Will support continuous improvement
Activities involved: communicate roles and responsibilities, ensure compliance obligations, empower employees with knowledge
Env. audits (internal or external)
Evaluating practices and performances, evaluating the effectiveness of the EMS. Needed to maintain certifications
Activities involved: planning, performing at site; document check, interviews, data check and analyze –> suggestions for correction in audit report
Corrective and preventative action
to eliminate the cause of non-conformities and prevent it from happening again.
Involves conducting root-cause analysis, revising procedures, training employees, monitor and evaluate by establishing performance indicators
formulation of action plans in relation to non-conformance