○ The amount of force our muscles can produce for a prolonged period of time
Muscular endurance
_______ is often measured by how much weight we can lift
○ Ability to use our muscles to perform an exercise/activity for a prolonged period of time
- Muscular endurance
○ The ability to use our joints to go through a full range of motion
- Flexibility
○ 4 basic flexibility movements:
§ Flexion
§ Extension
§ Abduction
§ Adduction
○ Ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to our body tissues during a strenuous workout
- Cardiovascular endurance
○ The proportional amount of fats, muscles, and bone in our body
- Body composition
5 health related components?
muscular strength
muscular endurance
cardiovascular endurance
body composition
○ Ability of an individual to shift from one direction or position with ease and comfort
- Agility
○ The ability of an individual to sustain equilibrium or in an upright position while standing or moving.
- Balance
○ Harmonious relationship of movement between the skeletal muscles
- Coordination
○ The amount of time it takes to move to a certain stimuli
- Reaction Time
○ Ability to move from one point to another in a small amount of time
- Speed
○ Ability to perform one (1) explosive effort in a small amount of time
- Power
6 skill-related components?
reaction time