Component 2: Loftus and Palmer (Cognitive) Flashcards
What is the schema theory?
Schemata are blocks of information based on knowledge and experiences and can be vulnerable due to stereotypes as an individual uses their past experiences to deal with new experiences.
What is reconstructive memory?
Our memory reconstructs itself over time, therefore, over time it becomes more distorted and unreliable as time passes.
What research method and sampling method were used in Loftus and Palmer’s study?
It was a lab experiment with opportunity sampling.
Who were the sample 1 in Loftus and Palmer’s study?
45 undergraduate psychology students at the University of Washington. 9 went into each of the 5 IV conditions.
What were the IV and DV conditions of study 1 in Loftus and Palmer’s study.
IV - the verbs smashed, hit, contacted, collided and bumped.
DV - speed estimates (mph)
What were the aims of the Loftus and Palmer study?
- The aim of the first study was to investigate the validity of Eyewitness testimony, in particular the effect of leading questions on what people can remember.
- The aim of the second study was to see if the leading questions changed a person’s subsequent memory of an event they have witnessed (reliability)
Describe the procedure of experiment 1 in Loftus and Palmer’s study.
- All participants viewed the same 7 video clips of car accidents. They were all between 5 and 30 seconds. (standardised procedures)
- 3 of the car accidents were real and 4 were staged
- After each clip was played, participants completed a questionnaire where they were asked to give an account of the accident. Then they were asked a series of questions, including a critical question “ about how fast were the cars going when they (IV) with each other?”
What were the results of experiment 1 in Loftus and Palmer’s study?
The verb smashed has the highest mean speed estimate of 40.8mph.
The verb contacted had the smallest estimated speed of 31.8mph.
What is the conclusion of experiment 1 in Lofts and Palmer’s study?
“smashed” is the most severe verb which biased the participants responses and influenced them to give higher speed estimates compared to the least severe verb “contacted”.
Who were sample 2 in Loftus and Palmer’s study?
150 psychology student with 50 in each of the 3 IV conditions.
What were the IV and DV conditions of experiment 2 of Loftus and Palmer’s study.
IV - the verbs smash, hit and the control group (no verb)
DV - yes/no to seeing broken glass
What was the procedure of experiment 2 in Loftus and Palmer’s study?
- All participants viewed the same 1 minute clip showing a 4 multiple car crash pile up.
- Participants were then given a questionnaire which asked them to describe the accident and answer a set of questions.
- There was a critical question asking “about how fast were they going when they (IV) into each other?”
- One week later, all participants, without viewing the clip again completed a second questionnaire where they were asked “did you see any broken glass?” “yes/no”
- There was no broken glass
What were the results of experiment 2 of Loftus and Palmer’s study?
The majority of participants recalled that they had not seen any broken glass.
What was the conclusion of experiment 2 of Loftus and Palmer’s study?
Post event leading questions distort memory henceforth are unreliable.
What was the overall conclusion of Loftus and Palmer’s study into eyewitness testimony?
Information gained during an event and the post-event information gained after the event will combine together over time, therefore we cannot tell which source the information comes from, causing validity to be lowered.
How does Loftus and Palmer’s study relate to the key theme memory?
The cognitive area explains behaviour in terms of internal mental processes. Therefore, it would explain the inaccuracy of eye-witness testimony in terms of how information is handled in our minds. Loftus and Palmer’s study shows that our memories are affected by the language that is used when a memory is encoded. Leading questions bias what is remembered, prompting eyewitnesses to remember some things they didn’t witness.
How does Loftus and Palmer’s study fall into the cognitive area?
Loftus and Palmer’s study falls within the cognitive area because it is investigating the cognitive process and memory. Specifically, it aimed to investigate the reconstructive nature of memory, showing that information introduced after an event in the form of leading questions would have an impact on an eye witness’ memory of the event.