component 1: origins and meanings Flashcards
define creation ex nihilo
Creation out of nothing. Before God created the universe, nothing existed. Only God can create out of nothing
Define Evolution
The process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular environments
Define imago dei
In the image of god. The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God’s personhood. Unlike the other animals, humans are rational, free and moral.
Define inspiration
“God breathed” the belief that the spirit of God guides an individual through o act or write what is good and true
Define omnipotence
The belief that God is all powerful
Define revelation
The word used to describe all the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings. Christians believe that that God does this finally and fully in the person of Jesus Christ
Define stewardship
The duty to care for creation responsibly, as stewards rather than consumers, and to protect it for future generations
“ god put them in the garden to take care of it”
Define transcendence
Existing outside of space and time; God exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists, above and beyond creation
what do CAFOD do to help those who are victims of natural disaster?
and refugees?
‘disaster fund’
emergency aid = blankets, food, medicines and shelters
blankets and food to war refugees
what does CAFOD work for?
social justice as all life is equal
what does CAFOD try and bring to an end
how do SVP help stop the elderly, housebound, from feeling lonely
visit the elderly so they don’t feel isolated.
enjoy a nice chat and a cup of tea
what do SVP organize for children of poorer families
organise children camps for people/children from poor families
why are humans worthy of dignity
humans were created in the image of god “imago dei”, and his “likeness”
all life belongs to god as all life is scared (sanctity of life)
what teaching does this link to
Jesus’ teaching on loving our brothers and sisters = “love thy neighbour”
what does gaudium et spes mean
joy + hope
what does gaudium et spes teach about ‘imago dei’
“created in god’s likeness”
“eradicated as country to god’s intent”
“every hype of discrimination… is to be overcome”
what is inter faith dialogue
positive engagement between people of different faiths
why do we need interfaith dialogue
- new ways of living and enjoying life
- gain greater tolerance, respect and understanding towards those who have a different viewpoint to us
what society does this lead to
safe and happy society. harmony
how do the catholic church internalize interfaith dialogue
other religions should be respected
what did pope Benedict say
“we aspire to peace”
what did saint Catherine of siena say?
image… love….
humans come from god - “image of god”
God creates out of love - “by love indeed you created her”
are science + religion compatible
“no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith”
what is evolution?
who was it proposed by?
the process of mutation and natural selection which leads to change in species averting to suit particular environments
Charles Darwin
catholic view on abortion
when does life begin
what is all life….and what should it be
evidence in 10 commandments
what does a fetus have
what would the ccc encourage today
what would happen if mothers’ life is in danger
what is this effect called
against abortion in all circumstances
life begins at conception
sacred and protected at each stage
abortion = murder “do not kill”
a fetus has a right to life
put child up for adoption
action will be taken to save mother, effect on unborn child is not directly intended
the principle of double effect
abortion can sometimes be the…
give an example of this
“lesser of two evils”
pregnancy as a result of rape, abortion might be best option for the quality of life of the warmth
what stance do they take
prioritise what
what is life not but worthy or what
quality of life over
abortion is often the most…
happiness + personal choice
life is not scared as doesnt belong to god, however its worthy of the highest respect
quality of life over preserving life
morally acceptance choice to make
what is god? god the c…
humans are created in…
this means life…
reference to relationship before brith
what other reference (Moses) evidence…
god the creator, he can only give + take life
god’s image
“before I formed you in the womb i knew you” Jeremiah 1:5
“do not kill”
what is conscience
human reason making moral decisions. The knowledge we have of right and wrong and the god - given compulsion to do what is wright + avoid evil
what is natural law
moral laws of right and wrong. exist outside of human laws. universal. same for all human beings at all places at all times
who came up with these
st Thomas aquinus
give an example of Jesus’ moral behavior (forgiveness)
showed forgiveness to those who crucified him
“forgive them father, for they do not know what they are doing”
catholics believe that if they follow their conscience, there be for less…
for less moral evil… so far less suffering
what is the existence of conscience another proof for?
the goodness of god as he created human beings in his own image
where is the trinity stated in the eucharistic prayer
“through him, an with him, and in him”
sign of the cross and the trinity
in the name of the father and od the son, and of the Holy Spirit
why is the nicene creed recited by catholics
- declaring publicly that what they truly believe
- said together, share these beliefs
- share common beliefs, binds them together
do jews believe inn the trinity
what do they believe
No! they believe god is one
stated in the shema + 10 commandments
they believe in different attributes such as god is “one” , “judge”, “creator” but not seperate persons
John - trinity evidence
“only begotten son”
who came up with the metaphorical exploration of the trinity
what is it
st augustine
lover, beloved, love itself
evidence from John about god as lover
“god is love’
what does this make clear to catholics about love
that love is an important part of every Christians life
what are catholic views about sanctity of life
Being created imago dei (‘in the image of God he created them’) means that God has a deliberate plan for us, that we were made special and separate from the rest of creation (created last) and that ‘God breathed’ life into us. This means that life is a gift from God and must be protected (‘do not kill’) as it is holy, sacred and precious.
what are jewish views on sanctity of life
Jews place emphasis on life not death (‘live by the Torah but God forbid you should die by it’). As a result Jews follow Pikuach Nefesh which places life above mitzvot, such as breaking shabbat rules to save a life. God is the ‘sole creator’ meaning life should be preserved and lived to the full (‘choose life’).
Why and how do
Catholics promote
inter-faith dialogue?
Why: Discrimination based on religion should be eradicated and is ‘Contrary to God’s intent.’ (Gaudium et spes)/ It is a way of showing love for our neighbour/ Pope Benedict said is was ‘vital for our time’
How: Belonging to the inter-faith network/ Papal visits/ Ecumenical movement
What are Humanist
attitudes towards
inter-faith dialogue?
Would use the term inter-path dialogue as it is more inclusive on non-faith
organisations. Believe that it is important to promote community cohesion because it tries to overcome barriers and reduce conflict for the benefit of all people.