Define Complications?
Slide 4
Adverse effects can occur?
- Locally
- Nearby
- Distant sites
With Complication you need to?
- Identify/ Recognize
- Prevention
- Treatment/ Management
Slide 5
Classify and Discuss Complications
Slide 6
List three factors contributing to complications?
- Patient Factors
- Operator Factors
- Equipment/ Instruments/Environmental factors
Slide 8
List 2 general complications?
Slide 9 (table)
- Post op pain
- Hemorrhage
Complications related to the tooth being extracted?
- Root fracture
- Root displacement in adjacent spaces or antrum
- Loss of tooth in the pharnyx
Slide 8
Complications related to injury of adjacent teeth?
Slide 8
- Extraction of wrong tooth
- Luxation of adjacent
- # or dislodgement of adjacent tooth restoration
Complications related to Soft tissue injury?
Slide 8
Complications related to Osseous structure
Slide 8
Complications regarding injury to adjacent structures?
Slide 8
Complications related to Delayed healing and Infections?
Slide 8
- Dry socket
- Wound deshiscene
- Infection
- Osteomyelitis
List the intra-operative complications? [12]
Slide 11-12
Damage to Nerve can occurs I’m three ways, which are? [3]
- Stretching
- Compression
- Laceration
Slide 12
Damage to nerve results in three things? [3]
- Neuropraxia
- Neurotemesis
- Axonotmesis
What does NEUROPRAXIA mean?
The mildest form of traumatic peripheral nerve injury
Results in weakness and parasthesia
Complete transection of a peripheral nerve.
Complete sensory and motor deficit
What does AXONOTMESIS mean?
Anatomical interruption of the axon with no or only partial interruption of the connective tissue framework
List 10 post-operative complications?
Slide 13
What to do when a complication occurs? [8]
Slide 14
How to Manage Soft tissue injuries? [4]
Slide 15
How to manage Crown fracture? [3]
Slide 16
What do you need when removing fractured root? [3]
- Adequate lighting
- Irrigation
- Suctioning
Retrieval of root using?
- Root forceps
- Elevator
- Trans alveolar method
When do you leave a fractured root in situ? [5]
Slide 17
What causes fracture of alveolar plate? [8]
Slide 18
Management of alveolar plate fracture?
Slide 19