complication of tooth extraction Flashcards
What is a complication
Any event that would not normally occur or an unanticipated problem that carries following and is a result of procedure, treatment or illness
What are the implications of complications
- Was the reason for the surgery valid
- Patients expectations of the surgery
- Legal issues could the patient sue
- Management of the event is key
How can we prevent, limit and prepare for complication
- TAKE a Thorough history & exam
- Know the pt. and their problem
- Know your abilities & facilities
- Use appropriate investigation
- Have a diagnosis that fits the facts
- Agree a treatment plan with the patient
- Warn the patients of any complications that may arise
- Follow accepted practice & use the correct instruments for practice
What complications can occur during tooth extraction
- Fracture of tooth or incomplete extraction
- Fractures tuberosity
- Pushing roots into the antrum leading to OAC
- Iatrogenic complications
- Paraesthesia/ Anaesthesia/ Nerve damage
- Fractured mandible
- Loss of tooth or fragments into deep structures
- Inhalation of tooth fragments
What should we check for following extractions
Check apices of extracted teeth are intact
When can we leave an apices in situ
- As long as there is no infection
- Fragments should no exceed 1/3 of the root
- Should not have been displaced from socket
- No risk of distant infection such as endocarditis
Why might you not be able to retrieve apices
- There is a considerable risk to adjacent structures such as nerves or antrum
- The patient declines further surgery
Why might fractured tuberosity occur
- Lone standing molars
- Increased bone density
- Incorrect use of instruments
How do we recognise fractured tuberosity
- Audible crack of bone fracturing on attempted extraction
- Movement of the tuberosity
- Palatal tear
- Difficult extraction
How do we manage tooth fracture
- Explain to the patient what has happened
- Dont remove the mobile segments
- Refer or seek advice ASAP
what is oroantral communication
A non epithelialised passage between the oral cavity and the maxillary antrum
What is oroantral fistula
A pathology epithelial lined tract between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus
What is oroantral communication due to
Root fracture
What is an oroantral fistula caused by
Usually as a result of an unresolved oroantral communication
What do we do if the roots are lost in the antrum
Estimate the amount of roots that are unaccounted for
take radiographs and inform the patient
List some predisposing factors to oroantral communication
- Teeth close to sinus
- Thin alveolar bone
3, Periapical infection - Root morphology
List some Iatrogenic factors that may increase likelihood of oroantral communication
- Traumatic extractions
- Use of elevators