Complex Numbers Flashcards
How to find complex number in roots of polynomials
Lets say we have x^2 + 1.
Since the degree of this polynomial is 2, there must be 2 roots, however determining these roots can be rather complicated, since no real number squared can be a negative (since we are adding 1, it has to be negative for it to be 0).
We then just declare these roots to be i, and -i, establishing that i^2 = -1, and -i^2 = -1. These are part of an imaginary class of numbers, in which we can say (-)i^2 + 1 = 0.
Another example would be x^2 + 9, in which it would be 3i, and -3i. The way we get 3 is just simply:
If we have x^2 + 9, then that means x^2 must equal -9, since we need the polynomial to equal 0. However, we want x, so we want to find the square root of -9.
We can then split this up into -1 and 9, and take the sqrt of them:
sqrt(-1) = +- i.
sqrt(9) = 3
Therefore it equals 3i, or -3i.
Re and Im
Re(z) = the real part of the polynomial.
Im(z) = the imaginary part of the polynomial.
z = u + v, where u, v are polynomials.
Re(z) = Re(u) + Re(v).
Im(z) = Im(u) + Im(v).
u = 3+4i ; v = 1 - 2i
3 + 1 = 4
4 - 2 = 2
z = 4 + 2i
Complex Conjugate
Re(z̄) = Re(z)
Im(z̄) = -Im(z)
z = 4 + 2i
Re(z̄) = 4
Im(z) = -2
z = 4 - 2i
√Re(z)^2 + Im(z)^2
z = 3 + 4i
√9 + 16 = √25 = 5
Scalar Multiplication
z = a . u
Re(z) = a . Re(u) ; Im(z) = a . Im(u)
u = 3 + 4i
z = u . 2
3 . 2 = 6
2 . 4i = 8i
z = 6 + 8i
Complex Multiplication
z = u . v
Re(z) = Re(u) . Re(v) - Im(u) . Im(v) (the reason for the negative is because of the i^2, since it eventually equals into the negatives due to square rooting principle we mentioned earlier)
Im(z) = Re(u) . Im(v) + Im(u) . Re(v), adding the multiplication of i at the end.
Complex Division
z = 1 / u
z = 1 / u = ū / |u|^2
u = 3 + 4i
ū = 3 - 4i
|u|^2 = 9 + 16 = 25
3 - 4i / 25
Way of Representation: Matrix
A way of representing z = a + ib would be:
a -b
b a
in terms of a matrix.
Matrix Addition
Mu + v = Mu + Mv
Matrix Conjugate
Mz̄ = MTz, the transpose of Mz
Matrix Modulus
|z| = detMz, the determinant of Mz
Matrix Multiplication
Mu . v = Mu . Mv = Mv . Mu = Mv . u
Way of Representation: 2-vector
This is more done by diagram (called the Argand Diagram), with the “y-axis” being represented by the imaginary part, and the “x-axis” being represented by the real part.
We can then show the negative and positive imaginary part via two vectors.
2-Vector Advantages (addition, multiplication etc)
We see that the addition of complex numbers mimics vector addition. If we refer back to the page “vectors”, we see the representation of z = x + y, which is what we can input here. We can also see that the conjugate is a reflection in the Re(z) axis, as we again just switch the positive imaginary part with the negative imaginary part. Finally, modulus is just the standard vector size, another easy representation.