Completion of Audit Flashcards
When is the Completion Process?
- @ the end after fieldwork has been completed & the draft financial statements have been received
- Last Step before Planning
Why the Completion Process?
- To ensure adequate & appropriate audit evidence is obtained to justify an opinion and limit risk
- To form an opinion on the reasonable presentation of financial statements
- Be able to report
Who is responsible?
Staff with necessary experience & skills to demonstrate professional judgement
Audit Completion
Step 1
Evaluate sufficiency & appropriateness of audit evidence
What is the source of Audit Evidence?
- External audit evidence obtained directly by auditor is better than the internally generated evidence
- Internally generated evidence is MORE reliable when internal controls are functioning efficiently
- Audit evidence directly obtained by Auditor is MORE reliable than evidence from supplier
What is the nature of Audit Evidence?
- Written evidence is BETTER than Oral representations
- Original documents are MORE reliable than evidence via fax
Step 2
Evaluation of misstatements identified during period
Consider materiality of audit differences
What is the nature of differences?
- Differences & identified misrepresentations
- Uncertainties & probable misstatements
Consider materiality of audit differences
What are non-material differences?
- Report to management
- Consider whether cumulative effect is NOT sufficient
Consider materiality of audit differences
What is significant differences?
Request client to edit financial statements
Consider materiality of audit differences
Is there a significant difference? Yes
Set up a unqualified audit report
Consider materiality of audit differences
Is there a significant difference? No
Set up a qualified audit report
Step 3
Overall review of financial statements
What should be considered with respect to the presentation of the financial statements?
- Applicability of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS
- Compliance with Basic Amounting concepts
- Financial position & Results of Operations
- Presentation & Disclosure:
- Complies with IFRS
- Statutory requirements & regulations
Step 4
Consider whether liabilities exceed assets & going concern
Step 5
Post-balance sheet events
Step 6
Conclusion & reporting
Conslusion of Step 6
- Consult Audit Opinion on the financial statements
- Compare draft statements with the financial statements
Who do you report to?
- To shareholders
- To management
Step 7
Step 1
Sufficient audit evidence
- Reduce audit risk to an acceptable level
- The higher QUALITY of evidence, the less evidence is needed
- Justify an opinion on a reasonable version of statements