Complete Health History/Documentation Flashcards
Complete Health History
Comprehensive HX of past and present health
-Gathered on initial nonemergency visit
Episodic health History
Shorter and is specific to the patient’s current reason for seeking health care
Interval or Follow-up health History
Health history that builds on preceding visit to health care facility
Emergency health history
Health history that is ellicited from the patient and other sources in emergency situations
General Approach to Health History TEST
- Present w/ a professional appearance
- Ensure an appropriate environment
- Sit facing the patient at EYE LEVEL
- Ask the patient whether there are any questions about the interview
- Avoid the use of medical Jargon
- Reserve asking intimate and personal questions for when rapport is established.
- Remain Flexible
- Remind the pt that all info is confidential
Identifying Information
Today’s Date
-Record the month, day, year, and time that the health history is recorded.
Biographical Data
-Patient name, address, phone number, date of birth.
-Most important is the EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO
Source and Reliability of Information
In some instances, such as trauma, the historian may be someone other than the patient.
EX. Parent or Spouse
Patient Profile
Note the patient’s AGE, GENDER, RACE, & MARITAL STATUS
Reason for seeking Health Care
The reason for the patient’s visit and is usually focused on health promotion
Chief Complaint (CC)
The SIGN (objective finding) or SYMPTOM (subjective finding) that causes the patient to seek health care
Objective Finding
Subjective finding
History of the Present Illness
Chronological account of the patient’s CC and the events surrounding it.
Forward Chronology
Origin of the symptom leading to the current status
10 characteristics of each Chief Complaint (CC) can be ascertained for a complete History of Present Illness (HPI)?
- Location
- Radiation
- Quality
- Quantity
- Associated manifestations
- Aggravating factors
- Alleviating factors
- Setting
- Timing
- Meaning and impact
Location of CC
Primary area where the symptom occurs or originates
Where does your head hurt? Can you point to the location of the pain?
Radiation of CC
Spreading of the symptom or other CC from its original location to another part of the body.
Does the headache move to another part of your head or body? If so, where?
Quality of CC
Describes the way the CC feels to the patient
-Use the Patient’s own terms to describe the quality of the CC
Gnawing, pounding, burning, stabbing, pinching, aching, throbbing, and crushing.
What does the headache feel like?
Quantity of CC
Depicts the severity, volume, number or extent of the CC. The patient may refer to the CC with such terms as MINOR, MODERATE, or SEVERE, and SMALL, MEDIUM, OR LARGE.
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 represents no pain and 10 is the worst pain that you can imagine,rate the pain that you are having now.
Visual Analog Scale
Rates pain from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain possible)
Associated Manifestations of the CC
Sings and symptoms that accompany the CC
- Positive findings
- those associated manifestations that the patient has experienced along with the CC
- Negative findings (Pertinent Negatives)
- Manifestations expected in the patient w/ a suspected pathology but which are denied by the patient
Positive findings
Associated manifestations that the pt has experienced along with the CC
Negative Findings (Pertinent Negative)
Manifestations expected in the pt w/ a suspected pathology but which are denied by the pt.
Aggravating Factors of the CC
Factors that worsen the severity of the CC
Alleviating Factors
Events that decrease the severity of the CC
Setting of the CC
Can be the actual physical environment in which the patient is located, the mental state of the patient, or some activity in which the patient was involved
What were you doing when the headache started? Where were you?
Timing of the CC
The Timing used to describe a CC has 3 factors
1. onset
2. Duration
3. Frequency
When did the headache first start? How long did the headache last?
Onset of the CC
refers to the time at which the CC begins and is usually described as GRADUAL or SUDDEN.
Duration of the CC
Duration depicts the amount of time in which the CC is present
-Continuous and Intermittent are terms used to describe the duration of the CC.
Frequency of the CC
Describes the number of times the CC occurs and how often it develops
Number of times per day, season of year.
Meaning and Impact of the CC
How is the CC affecting the pt’s life??
Past Health History (10 things)
Provides hearth status from birth to the Present:
- Medical History
- Surgical History
- Allergies
- Medications
- Communicable Diseases
- Injuries and Accidents
- Special Needs
- Blood transfusions
- Childhood illnesses
- Immunizations
Medical History
Comprises all medical problems that the patient has experienced during adulthood and their sequelae
Have you ever been diagnosed as having an illness? what was it?
Surgical History
Record a complete account of each surgical procedure, both major and minor, including the YEAR PERFORMED, HOSPITAL, PHYSICIAN, and SEQUELAE, if known,
Have you ever had surgery? What type?
Who was you physician?
When, where, and by whom was the surgery performed?
Allergies History
Carefully explore all patient allergies, which may include:
Pollen, Latex, cigarette smoke, perfume
Medications History
Past and Present Consumption of Medications, both prescription and over the counter, can affect pt’s current health status.
Prescription Medications History
What prescription meds are you currently taking? Who prescribed them?
What prescription meds have you TAKEN in the PAST? Who prescribed them?
Over-The-Counter Medication History
Do you currently take any over-the-counter medication? Which ones?
Do you ever take aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antacids, calcium supplements, nutritional or herbal supplements, vitamins, or laxatives?
Communicable Diseases History
Ask about the patients possible exposure to communicable diseases, because pathology may not manifest itself until many years after exposure
Have you ever had diptheria, tetanus, pertusis, or tb?
Have you ever had gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, or other STD’s?
Injuries and Accidents History
Have you every been involved in an accident?
Special Needs History
The awareness of any cognitive, physical, or psychosocial disability is essential to providing individualized health care to a pt.
Do you have any disability or special need? Describe..
Blood Transfusions History
Chance of contracting an infectious disease from a blood transfusion is greatest in patients who receive a large number of transfusions, such as
Have you ever received a blood transfusion?
Childhood Illnesses
Ask the patient about specific childhood diseases by name.
Have you ever had any of the following illnesses: Varicella, diptheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, rheumatic fever, or scarlet fever?
Immunization history
What immunizations have you received since birth? When?
Family Health History
- Record health status of patient and immediate blood relatives
- Contains:
- Age and health status of patient and patient’s spouse, children, siblings, and parents.
- Document info in a genogram and in a list of familial diseases
The pt has a living will
The pt has an advanced medical directive
The pt has a durable power of attorney
Place these in the medical record and document in the assessment
Social History
- Records info about pt’s lifestyle that may affect health
- Explain why the info is important
Tips for obtaining sensitive Info
- Ask ?’s after rapport and trust established w/ the pt.
- use direct EYE CONTACT
- Use a matter-of-fact tone when asking ?’s
- Adopt nonjudgemental approach
- Use Comm technique of NORMALIZING when appropriate
Social History (Factors)
- Alcohol Use
- Tobacco Use
- Drug Use
- Domestic and intimate partner violence
- Sexual Practice
- Travel History
- Work History
Domestic and Intimate partner violence (social history)
30% of injured women treated in ER have experienced some domestic partner violence. Is this what happened to you?
- Use normalizing
- does pt feel safe in current environment
Health Maintenance activities (social History)
ADL = activities of daily living
-Sleep, diet, exercise, stress management, use of safety devices, health checkups
ROS - Review of Systems
Pt’s subjective response to a series of body system questions
-Head to toe approach
2 Types of ?’s
- Sign-and-symptom-related ?’s
- Disease-related ?’s
Document Positive and pertinent negative findings
Concluding the Health History
- Ask pt whether there is additional info to discuss
- Thank pt
- Tell pt next step
- Legal record of pt encounter
- May be used by many professionals
- Document in a professional and legally acceptable manner
- Follow institution system
Documentation and Guidelines
- ensure correct pt record or chart
- record info immediately upon completion of encounter
- avoid distractions
- Date and time each entry
- Do no leave space between entries
- Use a SINGLE LINE to CROSS OUT an error, then date, time and sign correction
- Never correct another person’s entry
- Use quotes to indicate direct pt response
- Document in chronological order
- Write legibly
- Use permanent black ink
Documentation Guidelines cont..
-Doc phone calls that relate to pt case
Assessment-Specific Documentation Guidelines
- Record pertinent positive and Negative assessment data
- Document any parts of the assessment that are omitted or refused by pt
- Avoid using judgmental language.
- State time intervals precisely
- Use specific measurements
- Draw pics when appropriate
- Refer to findings using anatomic landmarks
- Document any change in pt’s condition during a visit or from previous visits or shift
- Describe what you observed, not what you did.