Competency 9 Knowledge Check Flashcards
- An anchor point is a client-specific value-laden age at which the client may choose to retire.
False. An anchor point is a culturally defined age at which a person may make a transition into retirement such as age 65. (LO 9-1-1
- The lack of defined-benefit plans and long career relationships has changed the nature of the retirement decision from prior years away from anchor points and toward complex personal decisions
True. (LO 9-1-1)
- A client’s decision of when to retire depends upon his or her unique perspectives and goals
True. (LO 9-1-1)
- The checklist of 25 variables that must be considered to choose a retirement age should be first introduced to the client about one year before they are ready to retire
False. The checklist can be used at many ages, including in mid-career, 5 to 10 years from retirement, and when retirement is imminent. (LO 9-1-1)
- If the planner and client have determined that the client is not financially ready to retire, and continued work is recommended, the client will only benefit marginally by the continued work
False. Continued work has four benefits which can make a big difference in the client’s financial readiness: (LO 9-1-1)
• Preserving assets
• Building assets
• Minimizing longevity and inflation risk
• Increasing Social Security benefits (if the Social Security claiming decision is delayed)
- Most clients overestimate their longevity.
False. Studies consistently show that most clients underestimate their longevity. (LO 9-1-1)
- When evaluating the client’s debt situation, it is comforting to know that in 2012 less people in their early 60’s have a mortgage or home equity loans than in the mid-1990’s.
False. More people today have primary mortgages (39% vs. 22%) and more people today have secondary mortgages (20% vs. 12%). (LO 9-1-1)
- Researchers have found an incredibly strong link between health insurance coverage and retirement age
True. (LO 9-1-1)
- Sequence of returns risk should be one of the considerations in choosing a retirement age
True. (LO 9-1-1)
10.Under 20 percent of current retirees retired earlier than planned
False. Health limitations cause a large risk of premature retirement. According to one study, 50 percent of the workforce retired earlier than planned and over one-half of those people said it was because of health problems. (LO 9-1-1)
11.The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows a client to have up to one year of paid leave to care for a terminally ill parent
False. The FMLA entitles a client to take unpaid, job-protected, benefits-protected leave for 12 weeks in a 12-month period for a seriously ill spouse, child, or parent. (LO 9-1-1)
12.Constructive retirement involves a client leaving their job because the employer has made work intolerable
True. (LO 9-1-1)
13.Adapting to retirement requires special preparation and consideration
True. (LO 9-1-1)
14.Joint retirement is the concept that both the employer and employee agree to an approved retirement date
False. Joint retirement is when the husband and wife retire simultaneously. It is highly desired by many couples. (LO 9-1-1)
15.Ninety percent of 65-year-olds are fully retired.
False. Forty-five percent of 65-year-olds are not working and fully retired. Fourteen percent are retired but working part-time or seasonally. Twenty-four percent are employed full-time but over 1/3 of them anticipate retiring in one year. (LO 9-1-2)
16.About one quarter of 65-year-olds retired because of circumstances beyond their control
True. (LO 9-1-2)
17.The major reason people aged 65 retire earlier than they expected is because of health reasons.
True. (LO 9-1-2)
18.Sixty-five year old clients do not always define retirement as not working
True. (LO 9-1-2)
19.Wealthier clients are more likely to retire because of health than poorer clients.
False. The likelihood of citing health as a reason to retire is inversely correlated to income. (LO 9-1-2)
20.The majority of clients use phased retirement
False. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed reported they stopped working all at once (called cold-turkey retirement). (LO 9-1-2)
21.The downward trajectory of labor force participation has been increasing since the mid-1980’s.
False. Before the mid-1980’s, there was a downward trajectory based on the fact that Americans got wealthier, worked more for an employer (instead of on farms), were subject to mandatory retirement, and were in labor unions. However, since the mid-1980’s, this trend has started to reverse based on the shift from defined-benefit to defined-contribution plans, the Social Security earnings test, increased levels of education (educated people work longer than people with less education), a decline in retiree health insurance, and improved health and longevity. (LO 9-1-2)
22.The average retirement age is 65
False. It is 62 for women and 64 for men. (LO 9-1-2)
23.The expectation of a “non-retirement scenario” for low-income workers does not seem realistic given the physical demands of blue-collar labor and the higher replacement ratio provided by Social Security
True. (LO 9-1-3)
24.People plan to work while “retired” because they want to stay active and engaged.
True. (LO 9-1-3)