Compare: UK vs US Supreme Court Flashcards
Describe the differences in the basis of power between the UK and US SCs
- US Constitution is sovereign → interpretative amendments have effect of being sovereign → difficult to circumvent rulings
- Sovereignty resides in Parliament so can take it back → SC set up by Act of Parliament → SC circumvented
Describe the similarities in power between the SCs
- judicial review effective: political sovereignty in UK, legal sovereignty
- Rulings can be met with outrage from elected bodies, but rulings still followed
- Both SCs can interpret constitution and new precedent
Describe the differences between the extent of power of the SCs
- UK SC can be overruled by new Act of Parliament (fused powers)
- Overturning US SC ruling more difficult (separated powers), so weaker than UK court
Describe the similarities in SC independence
- Separation of powers in both
- Neither SC can be overruled by lower courts
- Removal of SC justices carried out by political bodies rather than judicial colleagues (done by monarch after address by both houses of Parliament in UK)
Describe the differences in SC independence
- Difference in appointment process
- Difference in funding
- Judicial issues conflated with political philosophies in US vs UK judges lack political understanding of personal ideologues
- Constitution ensures checks and balances in US vs not formally entrenched in UK
- UK SC cases challenged by ECHR vs US SC highest appelate court
Describe the funding of the US SC
- $88m budget (2021)
- Can operate with judicial clerks
- Free of concern it may lose funding to decisions disliked by government
Describe the funding of the UK SC
- £12m (2017)
- Ministry of Justice in theory holds greater ability to influence rulings through altering funding
- Therefore weakens independence
Describe the similarities in the effectiveness of rights protection
- Both have rights protections in constitutions - HRA and Bill of Rights
- Legislation passed in both nations to further rights protection - Emmett Till and Gender Recognition Bill
- Both executives attempted to circumvent rights protection - Biden vaccine mandate and PCSC 2022
Describe the differences in the effectiveness of rights protection
- Location of sovereignty: US SC can strike down congressional law/presidential action that contravenes rights vs easier to circumvent rulings in UK
- UK court has greater breath of laws to interpret vs US SC bound by constitution
- US highest appellate court vs UK SC significance limited by ECHR
Describe the similarities in the effectiveness of interest groups in the protection of civil rights
- Can both bring cases to SC e.g. NFIB, Miller (crowdfunded)
- Both have multiple access points (judiciary, parliament, regional bodies)
- Both used media to promote rights
Describe the differences in the effectiveness of interest groups in the protection of civil rights
- US interest groups have greater number of accepted methods of influence over ruling - amicus curie briefs vs restricted to media in UK
- Interest groups campaign for/against candidates (e.g. Jackson - black interest groups) vs strictly non-political process in UK
- Independent JAC nominates candidates in UK vs ABA holds limited influence
Examine how interest groups in the USA are more effective at protecting civil rights than pressure groups in the UK
2019 paper - just to show structure/how to answer
- Federal nature provides greater access points (lobbying at multiple levels, SC) in US
- Can submit amicus curie briefs in US to SC + can strike down law
- Iron triangle in US vs Register of Members’ Interests in UK
- More able to use lobbying and electoral funding in US vs strict regulation in UK
- Lack of party discipline provides greater opportunity for US interest groups to influence political agenda vs controlled by executive in UK