sequenced the amino acids of
the hemoglobins of several different species and counted the differences.
Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling
perbedaan asam amino kira-kira sebanding dengan … karena spesies ini memiliki
nenek moyang yang sama
perkiraan waktu geologis
. Zuckerkandl and Pauling found … amino acid differences between
human and horse hemoglobins. Similarly, comparing human to mouse they counted … ;
comparing human to bird, ..; human to frog, ..; and human to shark, …. The three mammals
differed from each other by roughly 20 amino acids (human to horse, 18; human to mouse,
16; and horse to mouse, 22). Mammals and sharks differ in almost 80 amino acids
Hemoglobin was acting like a
molecular clock.
In their first application to human evolution, molecular clocks demonstrated that
… could not be a member of the human lineage.
A fossil species from …. called Ramapithecus was thought to be the
earliest human ancestor.
however, agree that the then-known 2-million- year-old … was an early human
(hominid) ancestor.
Pakistan and Africa
To estimate the time when humans and apes had separated from a common ancestor,
… used albumin immunology
Vincent Sarich and Allan Wilson
Albumin is the main serum
protein of all vertebrates, including primates, and can be extracted from
blood samples
and Wilson injected the albumin of humans, apes, and monkeys into rabbits and obtained
antisera, just as Nuttall had done 60 years earlier. They improved on Nuttall’s methods by
using a more quantitative technique called …, instead of precipitation.
complement fixation
Sarich and Wilson found that the albumins of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas (the
hominoids) differed by …; each of them differed from the albumins of Old World monkeys
by …
… tell us when and where ancient ancestors lived, and what they might have looked
…, on the other hand, provide quantitative information on species
relationships and estimates of when in the past the lineages diverged.
Molecular data
Even before Darwin proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection, … claimed that the more closely related any two species are, the more similar their
von Baer
Risalahnya (1828) menetapkan landasan untuk menghubungkan studi tentang …, perkembangan individu melalui satu siklus hidup, dengan …, keterkaitan spesies melalui keturunan dari satu nenek moyang yang sama
When Darwin brought together the
diverse lines of evidence to demonstrate that new species arose from previous species, he
included the findings from studies on …
The fertilized eggs (a), or zygotes, are very similar, though they differ slightly in the size
of the …
cell nucleus.