Comparative Approaches - Topic 6.4 Flashcards
Comparison of the UK and US executive branches
Similarities between the US and the UK executives
In terms of rational theory
- In order to advance their policy goals, both executives can use a range of formal and informal powers - powers over appointments, removing cabinet officers, powers of persuasion
- The PM is the head of their party and therefore able to advances their own goals using their party. The president serves as a de facto head of their party and can expect their party in Congress also to advance their policy goals
- To preserve and be able to exercise the political power given to them, executives often act in a way that secures their own popularity. This means that political decisions may be decided on the basis of the possible impact for the executive
Differences between the US and the UK executives
In terms of rational theory
- The PM is often in a personally stronger position, usually having a majority in Parliament, and therefore has more freedom to act as they wish than the president, who often carries responsibility along
Similarities between the US and the UK executives
In terms of cultural theory
- Presidents and PM are the individual focus of the electoral system in each country and there is an expectation that they are powerful individuals who can control their executive branch
- The role of the cabinet in both countries is a focus of media attention and considered to be a reflection on the head of the executive
- The powers that either executive can gain are often a results of the media attention, poll ratings and unofficial powers that they can assume. This is especially true when considering the head of state and head government roles, which are not clearly delineated
Similarities between the US and the UK executives
In terms of structural theory
- The powers that each executive has are determined by the political processes of their country - theoretically giving the president a bigger list of powers but in reality allowing great power of the PM through the likely majority as a results of the electoral system
Differences between the US and the UK executives
In terms of structural theory
- The direct election of the president lends them a stronger mandate than the indirectly elected office of the PM
- The differing roles of head of state and head of government are a result of the different political systems used in each country