What is a share?
Shares represent the totality of rights and liabilities that a shareholder has in a company.
How can shares be acquired?
- Subscription
- Allotment
- Transfers
- Transmission
What are the different types of share issuable by a company and which has the highest priority?
- Ordinary shares
- Preference Shares
- Deferred shares
Preference shares have priority. They are paid dividend first.
How can a company issue its shares?
- Issuance at nominal value
- Issuance at a premium
- Issuance at a discount
How are shares acquired through subscription?
Subscribers to the memorandum of a company sign to take up shares in the share capital of the company
How are shares acquired through allotment?
Section 124 CAMA
All or Part of the shares applied for by applicants are allocated/allotted to them by the company .
Application is done in writing.
NOTE: in a public quoted company the application is subject to Ts&Cs imposed by SEC
Section 124 CAMA
Acquisition of shares by allotment
What is the Stock Exchange?
A market where securities of a public quoted company are bought and sold
What must be issued and approved before an offer for shares is advertised?
A prospectus
When must a valuation report be prepared?
When the consideration provided by an applicant is not cash
How long does a company have to refuse or grant an allotment?
42 days
How does a company inform an applicant for allotment of the outcome of their application?
Letter of allotment which would include the particulars if granted
Letter of regret along with a cheque of return to the applicant
How long does a company have to file a return of allotment and how do they do this?
They must file a return of allotment to CAC within 1 month of making the allotment using Form CAC 2A (Allotment Post Incorporation)
What must a company issue within 2 months of allotment?
A share certificate to the person who was allotted the shares
What is the significance of a share certificate?
It acts as prima facie evidence of ownership of shares in a company
What is the Central Securities Clearing System Plc.?
Company that implements the full dematerialisation of share certificates in the Nigerian Capital Market.
Basically everything is electronic now
How are shares acquired through transfer?
Transferred by their owners subject to the Articles of a company. It is effected by delivery of a proper instrument of transfer to a company and the subsequent registration of the transferee in the register of members.
How long does a company have to issue a share certificate to a new owner upon transfer of shares?
3 months
Section 151 & 152 CAMA
What is the procedure for transfer of all shares?
- Instrument of transfer is executed y both parties
- Instrument is stamped at the Stamp Duties Office
- Transferor sends instrument to company to be registered along with the share certificate for cancellation
- Upon registration, new certificate is issued to transferee and his name is entered into the register of members.
- Stamped instrument & resolution is filed with CAC within 14 days of approval.
How long does a company have to file an approved instrument and resolution of transfer of shares with CAC?
14 days
What reliefs are available to a transferee if he is entitled to shares but is not registered by the company?
He can service notice and affidavit of interest in the company’s shares on the company Section 156 CAMA
He can apply to the FHC to rectify the company’s Register of Members in his favour Section 90 CAMA
What is the procedure for transfer of part of one’s shares?
- Instrument of transfer is executed y both parties
- Instrument is stamped at the Stamp Duties Office
- Transferor sends instrument to company to be registered along with the share certificate and a request to recognise and register the instrument
- Company endorses the words “Certificate Lodged” on the instrument
- Upon registration, new certificate is issued to both transferor and transferee’s name is entered into the register of members.
- Stamped instrument & resolution is filed with CAC within 14 days of approval.
What must a company do if it refuses to register a transfer?
It mist send notice to the transferee within 2 months of the transfer being lodged.
What is transmission of shares?
When shares are devolved on to legal representatives or survivors of a shareholder upon his death, bankruptcy etc.
What are options open to someone elected for transmission of someone else’s shares?
When elected you can chose to be registered or nominate someone else in your place
What must an elected person do if he decides to be registered?
He must deliver a notice in writing to the company.
What must an elected person do if he decides to nominate someone else?
He must execute an instrument of transfer of the shares to that person which would then be registered with the company.
Section 155 CAMA
How long are beneficiaries shares protected for?
42 days
How do beneficiaries of deceased shareholders protect their interest?
They serve a notice and affidavit of interest on the company and the company must register that such notice has been served.
What is an ordinary share and what obligations are attached to it?
A share that is equal to the equity share capital of the company.
Obligation: They must pay the price of the share to the company when issued.
What is a preference share?
A share which entitles the holder to a fixed preferential dividend (does not vary according to profit of the company)
What is a deferred share?
A deferred share aka Founder’s share is issued at or near formation and usually at a lower price.
Often used as a means of compensation for employees or executives of a company
What happens to the excess amount of money paid when issuing shares at a premium?
It must be paid into the share premium account of the company.
How can money paid into the share premium account be applied?
- paying up for unissued shares of the company to be issued to members as fully paid up bonus shares
- For writing off preliminary expenses pre-incorporation
- For payment of expenses incurred in the issuance of shares
- For payment of premium on redeemable shares of the company
Section 120 CAMA
What is the process for issuing shares at a discount?
- Resolution of the company (specifying the maximum % of the discount) authorising issuance at a discount
- Application is made to the FHC to approve the issuance
- Shares must be issued within 1 month of court approacl
Section 121 CAMA