The approved Operations Specifications in accordance with the Air Operator’s Permit in annexure 1 of OM A
- IFR and VFR
- Extended over water flight
- Flight in icing conditions
- EDTO (With DGCA approval)
- RVSM (With DGCA approval)
- Low Visibility Operation (With DGCA approval)
- PBN (RNAV/ RNP) (RNP AR With DGCA approval)
The inspection of the exterior and interior of the airplane is the responsibility of
the PIC who may depute the Co-pilot to carry out the inspection. The airplane must be visually inspected as per checklist before every flight.
Whenever maintenance is in progress on the aircraft and crew/ maintenance
personnel are likely to be in the cockpit, a ‘Maintenance in progress’ placard will
be placed on the central pedestal.
This is to ensure safety of personnel working on the aircraft, and guard against
any inadvertent operations of cockpit controls/ switches/ CBs till the maintenance is completed.
‘Maintenance in progress’ is placed on the reverse of ‘Briefing in progress’ placard.
The PIC shall sign the airplane acceptance certificate after he is satisfied that the following conditions have been complied with, before the commencement of any flight:
6 Points
a) Valid Flight Release in respect of the airplane signed by the Engineer.
b) The airplane is equipped with the prescribed instruments and equipment.
c) Sufficient quantity of fuel and oil of correct grade is available on board for the proposed flight.
d) The view of the Pilot is not obscured and the Pilot’s windscreen is clean.
e) Any deferred maintenance must be ascertained and maintenance/ operational action on items under MEL must be complied with.
f) Must ensure that all inoperative systems are placarded as stated in MEL.
The PIC shall sign the Load & Trim sheet after ensuring that the airplane is satisfactorily loaded with respect to total load, distribution of the load (CG location) is within approved limits and that load is properly fastened and secured. This shall be certified by the
commercial Staff on the Load and Trim sheet.
Push back clearance shall only be requested after
all the doors are closed.
Re-Opening of Doors after closure procedure:
All the aircraft main cabin doors shall be disarmed prior to opening of any cabin door(s).
Note: Lead Cabin Crew to remind the Cockpit Crew to make a PA to disarm all doors, if not done.
Use of headsets: It is mandatory that harness and headsets shall be worn from
engine start to FL100/ TA and from FL 100/ TL (whichever is higher) till engine shut down.
It is recommended that PF calls out “Speakers-Headsets” when headset is intended to be taken off.
VHF 2 within terminal area should be used for communication with
Company / ATIS, en-route for secondary ATC communication and to monitor 121.5 MHz to the extent possible.
When OAT is below ___ , it is preferable to use single pack operation for fuel saving. If weather conditions are hot and humid, PIC may decide on both pack operation, keeping passenger and pilot comfort in view.
30°C / To prevent excessive wear of one pack, the flight crew should switch between the packs on each flight. For ease,
i) Departure: Pack 1 OFF
ii) Arrival: Pack 2 OFF
Note: During SET-OUT, single pack operation is not permitted on NEO aircraft. The two procedures may be done independently.
The HF VOICE MODE is not inhibited on ground. Its use on ground must be limited to operational needs. Use of HF is prohibited when
refuelling is in progress. Post modification, HF Data link is not available on any aircraft. GND HF DATALNK override pushbutton located on the overhead panel should be left in the NORMAL position and not selected to OVERRIDE.
Crew may select higher value of THR RED/ACC ALT, if required:
- by airfield specific procedures (Terrain clearance/ Noise abatement procedure etc)
- any other operational requirement (adverse weather, bird activity etc)
Windshear Detection is a function of Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs) and is not used by FMGC for SRS engagement. Thus, on reaching acceleration altitude, SRS will change to CLB/ OPN CLB, regardless of windshear detection by FAC. If such conditions are expected, it is recommended to
increase the AEO Acceleration Altitude to 1500ft above aerodrome threshold elevation.
The flight crew will then enter wind profile using the WIND pages in flight to obtain
realistic OPT FL, fuel and time prediction.
Climb Speed Pre-Selection
The conditions under which this would be appropriate are:
i) ATC specifies an initial climb speed
ii) Close in turns greater than 120°
iii) High climb angle requirement/Obstacles
iv) Reported Bird Activity
Due any unplanned restrictions/ reduction of runway length by NOTAMs/ notifications, operations below ___ (TORA/ LDA) for A320/ 321, will only be permitted post approval from Senior Vice President (Flight Operations).
5500 ft/ 1677m
If there is an option of selecting different take off flap settings, ___ is recommended.
the lower flap setting / This is to achieve better climb performance and fuel / component conservation. PIC may select a higher flap setting if so warranted.
Intersection take-off is recommended subject to the following:
i) Performance limits being met
ii) Not requiring TOGA power
iii) PIC has a compelling reason to use full length of runway.
In case of no SID, insert a ‘PD’ waypoint at ___ on outbound track from station VOR and retain the discontinuity.
10 NM
FCU Altitude is to be set in accordance with the following guidelines:
i) When ATC clearance not received:
- Set higher of Transition Altitude or MSA
ii) When ATC clearance is received:
- NO SID Set ATC cleared altitude or FL.
- With SID Set lower of ATC cleared initial attitude or lowest SID Alt Constraint.
Time entry in the load & trim sheet should be in
UTC and not Local Time.
PIC shall ___ and handover aircraft copy to CM2
sign the trim sheet, annotate name, ATPL number, time in UTC
If the briefing has not commenced, the PIC should ___ and start the briefing.
sign the papers, post verification of data, close doors
Once the doors are closed; ensure that the boarding ramp/ aerobridge is clear of L1 cabin door before
requesting the cabin crew to arm all slides.
In case of short taxi, the flight control checks maybe conducted at any convenient stage, including before commencing taxi, but after
receiving the “Pin, Thumbs Up”/ “Thumbs Up” callout.
During Low Visibility taxi operations when RVR is below 400m, it is mandatory to do the flight control check with
the aircraft stationary.
PF will LOOK at all 3 places and after positively checking, verbally respond ‘CONF X-X-X’.
For conf 1+F: response will be
1 - 1 - 1+F
When two airplanes are taxiing, the following airplane should maintain a minimum distance of ___
200 ft (60 m)
Minimum required power shall be used to break away from the parking stand so that the resultant jet blast does not cause any damage. However, during single engine taxi, significantly higher thrust may be required to commence taxi and turns especially in case of up slope to prevent damage due to jet blast, maximum of ___ N1 is recommended.
On receiving landing clearance, PM is to select the desired position of ‘NOSE’ sw and call
“Landing clearance obtained for R/W __, Nose light T.O./ TAXI”
If an arc is displayed above any wheel brake temperature on the ECAM wheel page, (indicating a brake temp of above 100°C) PM shall
call out and select ‘Brake Fans’ to ‘ON’
Single Engine Taxi (SET) Taxi speed limit is
30 Kt
SET is not to be carried out in the event of:
a. APU Inop,
d. Visibility < 400m.
On ___ aircraft, SET-IN is permitted with APU inoperative.
A320 NEO
SET is not recommended for
uphill slopes, bays which have uphill slope, slippery/ Taxiways.
SET In case of strong winds & a turn of 180 Degrees or more is required, the turn should be executed in
the direction of the shutdown engine.
Pilots undergoing PIC Training may perform SET-OUT under
the supervision of a Trainer.
PM will carry out Engine Start during SET-OUT. While starting the engine, it is recommended that
PM maintains RT communication and monitors aircraft position.
Do not wait till second engine start or line up to check serviceability of
Weather RADAR. This should be done at the earliest after switching ON the RADAR. In case of no weather/ NIL return, check brightness control and carry out a test to confirm serviceability of weather RADAR (Refer PRO-NOR-SOP-10). TERR on ND may then be selected.
PIC is to ensure that cabin is secure before entering Runway, except where in his judgement
significant backtrack is required and immediate take-off clearance is not expected.
Turns / Speed on ground
- On apron, max taxi speed 15 Kt
- All turns of ≥ 90 degrees 10 Kt
- Straight taxiways/ backtracking on Runway 30 Kt
- Back tracking on runway and requested by ATC 50 Kt (Dry)/ 30 Kt (Wet) to expedite
- High speed exits (RET) shall be no faster than 50 Kt (Dry)/ 30Kt (Wet)
- SET max speed limit on taxi track 30 Kt.
During Low Visibility Operations, when RVR is less than 400 m, taxi speed should be restricted to ___ to ensure adequate safety and separation.
10 Kt Departure Change Checklist
The flight crew should perform the Departure Change checklist when
a new clearance is received that changes the runway, the line-up option, the performance or the trajectory. This is to be done after completing the required actions & briefing for departure change. Departure Change Checklist
The checklist should not be performed for short term changes (e.g.
modification of the clearance altitude leading the FCU altitude change).
To avoid Runway Incursions, PF is to call out ___. PM shall reply “AFFIRM/ NEGATIVE”, as applicable.
“Entering runway XX, confirm cleared”
Runway occupancy time (ROT)
Line-up checklist should be completed after
‘line-up clearance’ has been obtained and when the line-up flow has been accomplished.
Runway occupancy time (ROT)
To minimize ROT, rolling take-offs are preferred. Do not hold brakes against thrust (set approximate value of thrust as per the EPR/ N1 gauge. Need not aim for exact figure of
1.05 EPR/ 50% N1).
Reject Take off / PIC SLF/ RC/ ALRC crew configuration (When the PIC is CM2):
As the ‘decision’ of STOP or GO rests with the PIC, hence the call of “STOP” or “GO” must come from PIC even if s/he, as a trainer, is seated on the right seat. However, for realistic training, the Thrust Levers may be with the Trainee on the LHS (CM1). Thus, on the Call of “STOP” by Trainer the execution of RTO would be by the Trainee on LHS (CM1). A call of “STOP” from the right seat in this case, therefore, does NOT imply a take-over of controls. The responsibility of safe execution of RTO, however, continues to be with the PIC. For which, if necessary, s/he may take over controls at any time during the process of RTO. The above should be part of the departure briefing.
Aerodromes for which departure procedures have not been promulgated ATC issues the required departure instructions. In these circumstances it is company policy that no turn will be initiated below ___ if an immediate turn is required.
500’ AAL
In case the acceleration altitude is >1500 ft above runway threshold or in hot conditions Pack 2 may be selected ‘ON’ ___ after Pack 1.
10 s
Selecting pack ‘ON’ before reducing takeoff thrust would result in
an EGT increase.
To give flying practice to CM2, the PIC may hand over controls to the CM2. Such handing over of controls is to take place
not earlier than crossing Transition Altitude and PIC must take over controls for approach and landing not later than crossing Transition Level.
The flight crew should delay the level off for acceleration to secure the engine. An engine is considered as secured when the ECAM actions of the procedures are performed until:
- “ENG MASTER OFF” for an engine failure without damage
- “AGENT 1 DISCH” for an engine failure with damage
- Fire extinguished or “AGENT 2 DISCH” for an engine fire.
- When engine is secured, crew must stop ECAM actions until the configuration change is completed as it requires cross check by both pilots.
The engine out maximum acceleration altitude corresponds to
the maximum altitude that can be achieved with one engine out and the other engine(s) operating at take-off thrust for a maximum of 10 min.) Minimum engine out acceleration altitude is 1500’ above runway threshold unless otherwise specified.
The flight crew must stop the ECAM actions before reading the STATUS page for the following actions (as applicable):
- perform any Normal Checklist
- crosscheck completion of Acceleration flow pattern
- any system reset
- application of any additional procedures
- Flight Crew to consider application of the Engine re-light procedure after an engine failure with no damage.
In case of engine failure above Thrust Reduction Altitude, crew to disregard ‘LVR MCT’ flashing in amber on FMA and
set thrust levers to TOGA to ensure obstacle clearance/ performance requirement.
In case of GA below DA/ MDA on single engine, follow
special procedure (EOSID) if published for that runway, otherwise follow missed approach procedure.
Passing FL200 or later, before reaching FL290 (entering RVSM airspace), flight crew must carry out
altimeter cross check of primary and standby altimeters. A verbal cross check is to be carried out between PF & PM to ensure that the difference between altitude indications is less than the tolerance specified in FCOM.
After ‘ALT CRZ’, PF will:
i) Set TA/RA below
ii) Modify cruise level SAT
iii) Carry out RVSM & RNP checks as applicable
Winds should be entered during Climb phase based on workload or at the earliest opportunity in Cruise. This will ensure
accurate time/fuel predictions and correct Optimum Altitude on FMS (Optimum altitude maybe different on FMS and OFP due to variation in ZFWT).
During departure/ arrival/ below 10000ft: avoid red areas by approximately
5 nm from the red contour edge.
Between 10000 & 25000ft avoid red areas by approximately ___ from the red contour edge. Above 25000 ft avoid red contoured areas by approximately ___ from the red contour edge. Areas of steep gradient, scallops, U-shape, hooks and fingers should be avoided by approximately ___ at all altitudes.
10 nm / 20 nm / 20 nm
Below ___ , other than tactical changes, all changes on the MCDU shall be made by the PM on PF request.
Position reports are to be sent at TOC/ETP/TOD via ACARS for
aircraft not equipped with ADS-B and international flights.
If starting of APU for EDTO verification is required, then ensure that the cold soak period corresponds to at least a 02 Hr operation at cruise level. ___ is not required to be carried out before APU start in this scenario.
APU Fire Test Descent Preparation
Like all phases, ___ is recommended for descent.
ECON Mach/ Speed
It is recommended that the arrival briefing commence at least ___ before TOD.
10 minutes
The priority for obtaining weather on any domestic sector is as under, and use
i) VHF for ATIS
ii) ACARS for AOC Weather Request
iii) ACARS for ATS D-ATIS request which should only be requested:
- When Airfield ATIS is not available on VHF (arrival planning can be done by using METAR/ TAF provided at departure)
- Unfavourable weather conditions for decision making
The Landing Distance (LD) and Factored Landing Distance (FLD) should always be lesser than the LDA as shown in schematic below. The recommended combination is
CONF 3, autobrake LO with Rev IDLE. At the end of calculated LD aircraft would come to a full STOP;
The landing distance is determined from a point ___ to the aircraft coming to a full STOP using the required deceleration devices.
50 ft above the threshold
If a need to reduce landing distance arises, the change is recommended in the following order:
ii) Autobrake MED
iii) REV MAX
Combination of ‘CONF 3 with Autobrake MED and Rev IDLE’ is not recommended because this combination is
a heavy contributor to thermal oxidation leading to brake wear.
CONF 3 should be the preferred landing configuration (with GPWS LDG CONF 3 pushbutton ON). However, CONF FULL and REV MAX shall be used when
tail wind component > 10 Kt
For wet / contaminated runway, ___ is preferred landing configuration.
During arrival follow STAR constraints if any, <FL 150 and with 25 D to 20 nm or 30 D to 20 nm in case of straight in approach or on down wind
220 kts or minimum clean whichever is higher
During arrival follow STAR constraints if any, <10000ft AMSL
May be reduced to 210 kts by ATC subject to concurrence of pilot.
In Radar environment, AIP mandated speeds must be followed even if
ATC cancels speed restriction.
The Flight crew are to comply with AIP/ local speed restrictions at stipulated airfields.
i) < 20 nm from touchdown:
ii) on intercept leg or 12 nm from touch down (straight in approach):
iii) 10 to 5 track miles:
iv) < 5 NM:
- 180 Kt (ATC may request for 170 Kt)
- 180 to 160 kt
- 160 kt unless instructed otherwise by ATC
- No restriction
At airfields, other than Indian Metro Airports (VABB, VOMM, VIDP, VOBL, VOHS, VAAH, VECC) or in case of abnormal conditions (failure cases) follow Airbus recommended speed profile.