Company Formation and Constitution Flashcards
2.1. Definition of a Promoter
Re: Twycross v Grant (1877)
- who undertakes to form a company for a given project
- gets it going
- takes the necessary steps to accomplish that purpose
2.1. Duties of a Promoter
'’3DS PLC’’
- Due skill and care in performing the task
- Fiduciary duty - act in good faith
- Duty of disclosure: full, honest and clear
- Substantial property transactions - individual valuation
- PLC: Disclosure of prelim. expenses
- Disclosure in interest in contracts/ txns in past 5 yrs
2.1. Duties of a Promoter
Erlanger (1873)
Promoter cannot use his position to obtain secret profits - disclosure needed.
2.1. Duties of a Promoter
Hopkins (1972)
- Sale of land & vessels
- Failure to disclose profits made
2.1. Breach of Duties of a Promoter
- company can withdraw txn
- seek for damages
- surrender any profits obtained secretly
- if promoters = controllers, shareholders can take action (co. suing itself)
2.1. Pre-incorporation contracts
- Issue of validity : contract with co. not yet incorporated
- Co. bound for contracts entered by promoter
- Liquidation before ratification: liquidator ratifies contract
- No ratification: promoter MAY be liable
- disclaimer of liability
- should say ‘‘not legally binding until ratified’’
2.2. Memorandum of Association sets out …
… powers and objectives of the co. within which the company must act (external).
2.2. Articles of Association set out …
… rules and regulations as to how the co. exercises its powers and functions (internal).
2.4. Pre-2014, ways of alteration of Articles of Association
Special resolution
- in accordance with the Law and Memorandum - Bona fide, in best interest
2.5. Form that the Constitution of an LTD takes
- Simplified one document Constitution
- Old M&A deemed to be new Constitution (less Objects clause)
- Signed by each member and witnessed
- Must set out conditions upon which co is granted incorporation
2.5. Constitution of an LTD includes
- Co. name
- Mention: ‘limited by shares’
- Mention: ‘limited liability’
- No shares of each subscriber
- If co. adopts supplementary regulations and which
2.6. Form A1 includes
- Co name
- Reg office
- Secretary
- Directors
- Subscribers
- Declaration of Compliance with CA
- Type of activity
- Nature of business
- Statement of co. capital
- Proposed place of business
- Proposed place of central administration
2.7. LTD - Altering its Constitution
- Only in cases provided y the Act
- Special Resolution: delivered CRO with other docs to be publicated in CRO Gazette
2.8. Legal effect of the Constitution
- Certificate of Incorporation: proof that co. is registered
- Members entitled to a copy - offence
- Statutory contract between company and members
- Personal right to enforce contract as members
- Outsiders can sometimes use the Constitution for drawing conclusions in a separate contract
2.9. Certificate of Incorporation
- Issued by CRO after Form A1 received
- ‘Birth cert’ of the co.
- Published note in CRO Gazette when received
- Evidence that the co. is in compliance with CA and can commence trading
2.9. Certificate of Trading
- Required for PLC, otherwise struck off
- Application to CRO in prescribed form
- Application with Statutory Declaration that incl.:
- Nominal value of share cap. (min 25,000)
- Amount of sh. cap. paid up (min 25%)
- Prelim expenses
- Intended remuneration to promoters
2.10. Choosing the name of a company - rules
*Business Names Act 1963
‘Undesirable’ name:
- offensive, immoral, blasphemous
- suggesting connection with gov. auth.
- permission from Minister for inclusion of ‘bank’, ‘society’, ‘co-op’, ‘insurance’
- including reg trademark without consent
- misleading, similar
- same name as other co.
- Obligation to display company’s name correctly on all documents, including address
- Fines or personal liability
- Penrose (1858)
2.10. Trading under a misleading name
Giving the impression that is any other co. than a LTD co. or that is any type of body corporate.
2.10. Company’s registered office
- co. legal address
- where legal docs can be sent to
- where statutory docs, register of members are required to be kept
- notification to CRO prior incorporation and on any change
- Cat 4 offence