Comp Lab Final Flashcards
O: cervical & anterior thoracic vertebrae; I: dorsal border of scapula; adducts scapula; deep shoulder group
facial nerve
internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, stylomastoid foramen
pectoralis profundus
O: sternum; I: humerus; adducts forelimb/horizontal adduction; pectoralis group; movement
trigeminal nerve
orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale
teres major
O: caudal border of scapula; I: proximal end of humerus; retracts humerus and rotates medially; deep shoulder group
O: acromion; I: proximal portion of humeral body; retracts humerus, rotates laterally; superficial shoulder group
rectus femoris
O: ilium crest cranial to acetabulum; I: patella and patella ligament (attaches to the tuberosity of tibia); extends shank; quadriceps group
O: mandible; I: hyoid; elevates the floor of mouth; hypobrachial group
vastus lateralis
O: greater trochanter; I: patella and patella ligament (attaches to the tuberosity of tibia); extends shank; quadriceps group
trochlear nerve
orbital fissure
O: surface of cranium; I: by a tendon that passes down the caudal wall of he orbit to the coronoid process of mandible; elevates mandible; hypobrachial group
o: mastoid region of the skull; I: clavical; moves head or clavicle; trap and sternocleidomastoid group; movement
O: ischial tuberosity; I: tibia; flexes shank; pelvic group
lateral head: O: lateral epicondyle of femur, lateral surface of the patella and adjacent parts of the tibia; I: tendon to calcaneous; dorsiflexion; additional leg muscle
O: crest & ventral border of ilium; I: patella; adducts and retracts leg; pelvic group
what nerves pass through the internal acoustic meatus?
facial, vestibulocochlear
O: ninth or tenth rib; i: transverse process of most of the cervical vert.; bends neck and pulls ribs cranially; hypaxial group
what nerves pass through the foramen rotundum?
V2 of trigeminal
what nerves pass through the facial canal?
rectus abdominus
O: pubis; I: sternum & cranial costal cartilages; depress abdominal region/flexion at trunk; hypaxial group; movement
vastus medialis
O: femoral body; I: patella and patella ligament (attaches to the tuberosity of tibia); extends shank; quadriceps group