COMP 2B: Amy - Documentary techniques Flashcards
What is actuality footage?
Film footage of real life events, places, and people
Emphasizes interesting, entertaining, and aesthetically pleasing content for spectators.
What is archival footage also known as?
Stock footage
Can come from sources like archive news footage, interviews, or personal footage.
What is the purpose of using still images in documentaries?
To construct meaning or support points made by the filmmaker
Produced in a studio with a rostrum camera.
What is voice over narration?
A non-diegetic voice that assists in explaining information
Positions the spectator to the filmmaker’s point of view.
What does voice over exposition do?
Introduces information to the audience
Typically factual in nature and may occur at the beginning of a documentary.
What are archetypal characters in documentaries?
Characters selected to support the filmmaker’s point of view
Differ from actors in fictional roles.
What is the function of contrasting characters?
To create tension and offer differing points of view
Engages the audience with diverse perspectives.
What are the two types of interviews in documentaries?
Direct and indirect interviews
Direct interviews make the purpose clear, while indirect interviews conceal it.
What is montage in film editing?
Selecting and editing pieces of film to form a continuous whole
Crucial in constructing meaning and generating response.
What are cross-cuts used for?
To establish action occurring at the same time
Involves cutting away from one action to another.
What is a jump-cut?
A cut that gives the impression of the subject ‘jumping’ forwards in time
Achieved by showing almost the same shot in successive frames.
What is frankenbiting?
An editing tool that changes the meaning of a scene by editing dialogue into smaller sound-bites
Debated for its ethical implications, particularly in reality TV.
What is a confessional monologue?
A direct to camera confession of a character in response to an event
Used to convey personal insights.
What is the difference between dialogue and duologue?
Dialogue involves conversation among many, while duologue is between two people
Both are crucial in developing narrative in film.
What are graphics/captions used for in documentaries?
To display titles or written information on screen
Provides crucial information like names, status, dates, and places.
What role does music play in documentary filmmaking?
Complementing visual images and enhancing the emotional tone
Can be used contrapuntally and must be applied asynchronously.
What is ambient sound?
Sound present in the context of the scene being filmed
Always applied synchronously, emanating from within the scene.
What is the purpose of establishing shots?
To set up context for a scene and show character relationships
Fundamental in establishing place and situation.
What is a point-of-view shot?
A shot that shows what a character is looking at
May reflect the filmmaker’s perspective.
What are reaction shots used for?
To indicate a character’s reaction to an action or emotion
Enhances audience understanding of character traits.
What is re-enactment or reconstruction?
Staged reenactments of past events to recreate real-life feel
Involves actors and is framed within the documentary context.