Comp 1B- Captain fantastic Closing Sequence Flashcards
Who is the main character that the spectator aligns with in the narrative?
Ben’s character is central to the emotional engagement of the audience, particularly through his relationship with his children and his deceased wife.
What does Ben’s dead wife say to him in the dreamlike sequence?
She is proud of what they have done and calls Ben Captain Fantastic
This moment reinforces Ben’s heroic portrayal and emotional depth.
What title is used to describe Ben that may influence spectator alignment?
Captain Fantastic
The title serves as a significant label that reflects Ben’s character and actions throughout the film.
What is suggested about the spectator’s experience in relation to their ideology?
It depends on the ideology, upbringing, and possibly age
This highlights the subjective nature of film interpretation and how personal backgrounds affect viewer alignment.
How does the spectator’s activity manifest in the film’s narrative?
Determining whether the family is happy or not
The spectator engages actively with the film by assessing the emotional states of the characters.
What filmmaking technique is used to encourage alignment with Ben during grieving scenes?
POV shots
Point of view shots create a personal connection between the audience and Ben, enhancing empathy.
True or False: The spectator is passive throughout the film.
The spectator actively engages with the film’s narrative and characters.
Fill in the blank: The spectator’s allegiance with Ben is built through _______.
grieving scenes
These scenes deepen the emotional connection and understanding of Ben’s character.
What ideology does Ben represent in the film?
Left wing ideology
Ben’s beliefs and actions reflect progressive values that may resonate differently with various audiences.
What role does the spectator play in determining the family’s happiness?
The spectator is active throughout determining whether the family are happy or not.
Who do we align with in the film and why?
We align with Ben due to his love for his children and his grieving scenes with his dead wife.
What does Ben’s wife call him in the dreamlike sequence?
Captain Fantastic.
What does the title ‘Captain Fantastic’ suggest about Ben?
It encourages alignment with Ben as the main character.
How does the spectator’s ideology affect their perception of the film’s message?
It depends on the spectator’s ideology, upbringing, and possibly age.
What does the long shot of Ben and his family lasting 40 seconds imply?
It encourages the spectator to be active throughout.
What feelings does Ben express through his facial expressions?
He appears happy at times and reflects on his wife and their life.
What might some spectators feel about Ben’s lifestyle compromise?
Some may feel he has sacrificed too much and is trapped by this lifestyle.
What visual element reinforces Ben’s feeling of being trapped?
The cabinet behind him makes him appear ‘hemmed in’ by horizontal and vertical lines.
What does Ben’s gaze out the window symbolize?
He could be seeking freedom and grieving for travel and nature.
What context can be linked to the film’s ideological balance?
The context in which the film was released.
Who were the prominent political figures mentioned in relation to left and right ideologies?
Donald Trump (right), Bernie Sanders (left), and Hillary Clinton (center).
How do the supporters of Trump and Sanders relate to each other?
They have more in common than either has with supporters of Clinton.
What does the film ‘Captain Fantastic’ reflect about political-cultural sentiments?
It fuses the left and right ideologies and taps into current anti-establishment fervor.
What visual technique implies the family’s retained freedom?
Tracking shots imply retained freedom despite a stable home.