What is the name of the new community sentence order?
Youth Rehabilitation Order
What Act brought in the Youth Rehabilitation Order?
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
What are the 15 requirements?
- activity requirement
- attendance centre requirement
- prohibited activity requirement
- programme requirement
- curfew requirement
- drug requirement
- drug testing requirement
- education requirement
- exclusion requirement -
- intoxicating substance treatment
- local authority residence requirement
- residence requirement
- mental health requirement
- supervision requirement
- unpaid work (16-17yrs) requirement
Which 3 requirements are solely aimed at youth offenders?
- local authority
- education requirement
- attendance centre requirement
What does the local authority residence requirement do?
an offender under 17 can be placed in care of the local authority
What age group is an attendance centre requirement aimed at ?
10-25 and under
how many hours a week is required for an attendance centre requirement? maximum hours for: -16-24 years -14-15 years -under 14 -minimum hours for all
- 2/3 hours a week
- 36 hours
- 24 hours
- 12 hours
- 12 hours
The attendance centre requirements were originally run by the police, who runs them now?
The probation service
When are attendance centre requirements usually held?
Saturday afternoons
What is the circumstance in which an attendance centre requirement can not be made?
If the offender has served a period of detention previously
What is the max fine for
14-17 years
18+ years ?
When are conditional discharges most commonly used?
For first time young offenders who have committed a minor offence
What are reprimands and warnings?
-not sentences passed by a court but methods used by the police to deal with offenders without bringing the case to court
What are the circumstances in which a reprimand can be given?
- There must be evidence that a child or young person has committed an offence and has admitted to it
- police must be satisfied that it is not in the publics interest for offender to be prosecuted
When can a reprimand not be given?
-When the offender has previously been convicted of a crime