Community Property Flashcards
Pereira Approach
The Pereira approach favors the CP estate and is primarily used by courts when the increase in value is mostly attributable to the personal skill and effort of the managing spouse.
Under this approach, the managing spouse receives the original principal value of the business, plus an annual rate of return calculated at 10% as their SP. The value remaining is CP.
Example - Restaurant purchased for $100 earns 10% for 6 years, totaling $160 as SP. If the restaurant is worth $300 at divorce, the remaining $140 is CP.
Van Camp Approach
The Van Camp approach favors the SP estate and is used by courts when the increase in value is mostly attributable to the character of the business itself.
Under this approach, the community receives a reasonable value in exchange for the community labor during marriage, minus annual family expenses and any salary taken. The SP is determined by the fair market value of the business at divorce, less any CP value as previously calculated.
Anti-Lucas Statute
At divorce or legal separation, all jointly titled property of the spouses is presumed to be CP, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary. If a spouse contributes SP to the purchase of the property, she has a right to reimbursement for the amount of contribution.
Mnemonic - “DIP” (down payments, improvements, and principal)
Assignment of Debt Upon Divorce
Upon dissolution of a marriage, a court has discretion to assign CP debt to either spouse based on their ability to pay the debt, but debts incurred before marriage that were not for the benefit of the community will be assigned to the debtor spouse.
Business Goodwill
Business goodwill is the value derived from the expectation of continued public patronage that stems from intangible qualities that generate a business income beyond that derived from a professional’s labor, the reasonable return on capital, and physical assets. To the extent the goodwill is earned during the marriage, it is CP.
Cash-Out (Pensions)
If a present value can be ascertained, the non-employee spouse is awarded cash or assets equal to their CP share of the benefits.
Child and Spousal Support Waivers
Child support cannot be waived be a premarital agreement. Spousal support can be waived by a premarital agreement if independent counsel represented the spouse against whom enforcement is sought at the time the agreement was signed and the provision is not unconscionable at the time of dissolution.
CP Liability for Debt
CP is liable for all debts incurred before and during marriage by either spouse, regardless of which spouse has the management and control over the property and which spouse incurred the debt.
An exception applies if the earnings of the non-debtor spouse are held in a separate account of which the debtor spouse has no right of withdrawal and the funds are not commingled with other CP funds (allows non-debtor spouse to shield earnings).
Reimbursement - SP/SP and SP/CP
A party will be reimbursed, without interest, for contributions or improvements that can be traced from their SP to the other spouse’s SP and was used for a down payment, improvement, or to reduce the principal of a loan, absent a written waiver of such reimbursement.
A party will be reimbursed, without interest, for contributions or improvements that can be traced from their SP to CP and was used for a down payment, improvement, or to reduce the principal of a loan, absent a written waiver of such reimbursement.
Reimbursement - CP for SP
When a spouse uses CP to improve their own SP, the community is entitled to reimbursement for the cost of the improvement or the increase in the value to the SP, whichever is greater.
Credit/Loan Presumption
Property purchased with borrowed funds during marriage is presumed to be CP. However, this may be rebutted by showing that a lender relied exclusively on SP when extending the credit. If the lender relied on the earning capacity, it is a CP debt because an earning capacity is a community asset (as is a credit score).
Direct Tracing Method
Direct tracing requires showing a showing that at the time of the purchase sufficient SP funds were available and the purchaser intended to use SP funds.
Disability Benefits
The classification of disability benefits as SP or CP depends on what the benefit is intended to replace. If the benefit is used to replace marital earnings, it is CP. If it is used to replace post-separation earnings, it is SP.
Division in Kind (Pensions)
A court will reserve jurisdiction over the case until the employee spouse retires and apportion the pension at that time.
Division of Assets Upon Divorce
At divorce, the community assets will be divided equally, and each spouse will retain their separate property assets.
Educational Degrees
Educational degrees acquired during marriage are not treated as CP, but the community is entitled to reimbursement if CP funds were used to pay for educational costs and the earning capacity of the educated spouse was substantially improved, absent a written agreement to the contrary.
However, reimbursement may be reduced or denied if the community has already substantially benefitted from the education, which is presumed after 10 years, the other spouse also received an eduction paid for with CP funds, or the education reduced the need for spousal support for the educated spouse.
Exception for Necessaries of Life
A non-debtor spouse’s SP is liable for the debts of the other spouse incurred during marriage if it was for the necessaries of life for the spouse or a child.
A non-debtor spouse’s SP is liable for debts of the other spouse, even if incurred post-separation but before divorce, for common necessaries, which are basic necessities of life.
Exhaustion Method
The exhaustion method requires a showing that at the time the property was purchased, all CP funds had been exhausted by community expenses, such that only SP funds were available to purchase the property.
Family Expenses Presumption
When tracing funds, there is a presumption that expenditures for family expenses were made with CP funds even if SP funds were also available.
Fiduciary Duties
Each spouse owes the other a duty to act in the highest good faith with respect to the management and control of CP. Failure of a spouse to obtain consent prior to gifting or selling CP can give rise to a breach of duty, allowing the other spouse to seek a greater share of the CP.
Form of Title Presumption
There is a special presumption, applicable at the death of one spouse, that the form of ownership on the title represents the interests of the spouses. This presumption is generally irrelevant since the court will trace back to the source of funds to determine title.
Gift Exception to Transmutation
Transmutations are not required for personal gifts between spouses of insignificant value considering the relative financial circumstances of the marriage.