Community Property Flashcards
Pereira Approach
The Pereira approach favors the CP estate and is primarily used by courts when the increase in value is mostly attributable to the personal skill and effort of the managing spouse.
Under this approach, the managing spouse receives the original principal value of the business, plus an annual rate of return calculated at 10% as their SP. The value remaining is CP.
Example - Restaurant purchased for $100 earns 10% for 6 years, totaling $160 as SP. If the restaurant is worth $300 at divorce, the remaining $140 is CP.
Van Camp Approach
The Van Camp approach favors the SP estate and is used by courts when the increase in value is mostly attributable to the character of the business itself.
Under this approach, the community receives a reasonable value in exchange for the community labor during marriage, minus annual family expenses and any salary taken. The SP is determined by the fair market value of the business at divorce, less any CP value as previously calculated.
Anti-Lucas Statute
At divorce or legal separation, all jointly titled property of the spouses is presumed to be CP, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary. If a spouse contributes SP to the purchase of the property, she has a right to reimbursement for the amount of contribution.
Mnemonic - “DIP” (down payments, improvements, and principal)
Assignment of Debt Upon Divorce
Upon dissolution of a marriage, a court has discretion to assign CP debt to either spouse based on their ability to pay the debt, but debts incurred before marriage that were not for the benefit of the community will be assigned to the debtor spouse.
Business Goodwill
Business goodwill is the value derived from the expectation of continued public patronage that stems from intangible qualities that generate a business income beyond that derived from a professional’s labor, the reasonable return on capital, and physical assets. To the extent the goodwill is earned during the marriage, it is CP.
Cash-Out (Pensions)
If a present value can be ascertained, the non-employee spouse is awarded cash or assets equal to their CP share of the benefits.
Child and Spousal Support Waivers
Child support cannot be waived be a premarital agreement. Spousal support can be waived by a premarital agreement if independent counsel represented the spouse against whom enforcement is sought at the time the agreement was signed and the provision is not unconscionable at the time of dissolution.
CP Liability for Debt
CP is liable for all debts incurred before and during marriage by either spouse, regardless of which spouse has the management and control over the property and which spouse incurred the debt.
An exception applies if the earnings of the non-debtor spouse are held in a separate account of which the debtor spouse has no right of withdrawal and the funds are not commingled with other CP funds (allows non-debtor spouse to shield earnings).
Reimbursement - SP/SP and SP/CP
A party will be reimbursed, without interest, for contributions or improvements that can be traced from their SP to the other spouse’s SP and was used for a down payment, improvement, or to reduce the principal of a loan, absent a written waiver of such reimbursement.
A party will be reimbursed, without interest, for contributions or improvements that can be traced from their SP to CP and was used for a down payment, improvement, or to reduce the principal of a loan, absent a written waiver of such reimbursement.
Reimbursement - CP for SP
When a spouse uses CP to improve their own SP, the community is entitled to reimbursement for the cost of the improvement or the increase in the value to the SP, whichever is greater.
Credit/Loan Presumption
Property purchased with borrowed funds during marriage is presumed to be CP. However, this may be rebutted by showing that a lender relied exclusively on SP when extending the credit. If the lender relied on the earning capacity, it is a CP debt because an earning capacity is a community asset (as is a credit score).
Direct Tracing Method
Direct tracing requires showing a showing that at the time of the purchase sufficient SP funds were available and the purchaser intended to use SP funds.
Disability Benefits
The classification of disability benefits as SP or CP depends on what the benefit is intended to replace. If the benefit is used to replace marital earnings, it is CP. If it is used to replace post-separation earnings, it is SP.
Division in Kind (Pensions)
A court will reserve jurisdiction over the case until the employee spouse retires and apportion the pension at that time.
Division of Assets Upon Divorce
At divorce, the community assets will be divided equally, and each spouse will retain their separate property assets.
Educational Degrees
Educational degrees acquired during marriage are not treated as CP, but the community is entitled to reimbursement if CP funds were used to pay for educational costs and the earning capacity of the educated spouse was substantially improved, absent a written agreement to the contrary.
However, reimbursement may be reduced or denied if the community has already substantially benefitted from the education, which is presumed after 10 years, the other spouse also received an eduction paid for with CP funds, or the education reduced the need for spousal support for the educated spouse.
Exception for Necessaries of Life
A non-debtor spouse’s SP is liable for the debts of the other spouse incurred during marriage if it was for the necessaries of life for the spouse or a child.
A non-debtor spouse’s SP is liable for debts of the other spouse, even if incurred post-separation but before divorce, for common necessaries, which are basic necessities of life.
Exhaustion Method
The exhaustion method requires a showing that at the time the property was purchased, all CP funds had been exhausted by community expenses, such that only SP funds were available to purchase the property.
Family Expenses Presumption
When tracing funds, there is a presumption that expenditures for family expenses were made with CP funds even if SP funds were also available.
Fiduciary Duties
Each spouse owes the other a duty to act in the highest good faith with respect to the management and control of CP. Failure of a spouse to obtain consent prior to gifting or selling CP can give rise to a breach of duty, allowing the other spouse to seek a greater share of the CP.
Form of Title Presumption
There is a special presumption, applicable at the death of one spouse, that the form of ownership on the title represents the interests of the spouses. This presumption is generally irrelevant since the court will trace back to the source of funds to determine title.
Gift Exception to Transmutation
Transmutations are not required for personal gifts between spouses of insignificant value considering the relative financial circumstances of the marriage.
Gifts of CP to Third Parties
If one spouse improperly gifts or disposes of community personal property, such as household furnishings, for less than fair value and without the other spouse’s consent, the non-consenting spouse may ratify the gift or revoke the gift and sue to recover the property.
Joint Checking Accounts
Joint checking accounts are community property, regardless of any verbal agreements to the contrary, and property purchased from a joint account is presumed to be CP.
Management and Control
Each spouse has equal management and control of the CP, which means both spouses must participate in decisions regarding CP transactions.
Marital Economic Community
The marital economic community (MEC) begins at marriage and ends at divorce, death of a spouse, or permanent separation with no intend to resume the marital relationship.
Married Woman’s Special Presumption
Property acquired by a married woman in a writing, prior to 1975, is presumed to be her separate property.
Moore-Marsden Formula
The formula used to calculate the CP and SP apportionment is a pro-rata calculation is often referred to as the Moore-Marsden formula. Under this formula, the community will acquire a pro-rata interest in the property of the CP payments compared to the total purchase price, including any appreciation in value during the time of CP payments.
Order of Debt Satisfaction (Incurred During Marriage)
If the debt is for a community interest, CP is used to pay the debt first, then SP of either spouse. If the debt is non for a community interest, the debtor spouse’s SP is liable first, then the CP.
Order of Debt Satisfaction (SP Debts Before and During Marriage)
All CP and the debtor spouse’s SP are liable for debts incurred before marriage, but not the non-debtor spouse’s SP if held in a separate deposit account, is liable for SP debts incurred before marriage.
All CP and the debtor spouse’s SP (not the non-debtor spouse’s SP) are liable for SP debt incurred by one spouse during marriage, subject to an exception for the necessaries of life.
Pensions earned during marriage are CP. If the employee spouse is eligible for pension benefits upon divorce, a court will calculate the community-property interest in the retirement pension using the time rule. If the employed spouse is not yet eligible for retirement, the court will apply one of two methods: division in kind or a cash-out.
Permanent Separation
Permanent separation occurs when the parties have a complete and final break in the marital relationship. This is evidenced by at least one spouse’s intent to end the marriage and the spouses’s conduct is consistent with that intent.
Note - as of January 2017, living separate and apart is no longer required for a permanent separation and the law is applied retroactively
Election Clause
In California, the statutory elective share does not exist. If there is an election clause in the will, then the spouse must elect whether to take the CP share in lieu of all other interests she may have under the testator’s will. When there is no election clause, the surviving spouse is entitled to a forced share of one-half of the CP and QCP, as allowing the spouse to assert both rights would be contrary to the will.
Personal Injury Awards
A personal injury award recovered by one spouse stemming from an event prior to marriage will be characterized as SP, and CP if stemming from an event during marriage. However, upon dissolution, a court will generally award the recovery to the injured spouse as SP.
Premarital Agreements
A premarital agreement allows parties to contract outside of community property laws and agree to the characterization of their property and may limit support obligations. A premarital agreement must 1) not promote divorce, 2, be in writing and signed by both parties, 3) be entered into voluntarily, and 4) not be unconscionable.
Prior Child/Spousal Support Obligations
A child or spousal support obligation from a previous relationship shall be treated as debt incurred before marriage. The CP will be liable for the debt unless the non-debtor spouse places her earnings in a separate deposit account, inaccessible to the debtor spouse. If the debtor spouse had SP to pay the obligation and used CP instead, the non-debtor spouse can seek reimbursement to the CP.
Putative Spouses
A putative marriage occurs when one or both spouses believe in good faith there is a valid marriage, but there is not. The spouse(s) holding the good faith belief in the validity of the marriage is a putative spouse.
Exam Approach for Community Property Questions
- Community Property Presumption
- Deal with any issues pertaining to a valid marriage and/or premarital agreement or separation depending on facts
- Take each piece of property separately and determine how it should be distributed
STEP ONE: identify source and timing of funds used to purchase proeprty to get initial characterization
STEP TWO: determine if the parties took any actions that could potentially change the characterization (e.g., the way they took title, transmutation, tracing, management and control, contributions, etc.)
STEP THREE: consider any special rules that guide the characterization of the asset - Considering analysis above, answer the call of the question as to each piece of property
Quasi Community Property
Quasi community property (QCP) is property that was acquired outside of California that would be considered community property if it were acquired in California.
NOTE: add this to the end of basic presumptions if there is a QCP issue in the question
Quasi Marital Property
All property that would have been considered CP or QCP had the marriage been valid is labeled as quasi marital property (QMP). The putative spouse is entitled to a 1/2 share at the end of the putative marriage.
Rights of Putative Spouse
A putative spouse may rely on CP principles and is entitled to a share of the community property upon death or divorce. However, a putative spouse’s rights stop accruing when they discover the marriage is not valid.
Example - W marries H in 2014 and discovers marriage is not valid in 2015. W is only entitled to CP from 2014-2015 when she did not know marriage was invalid
Sale of CP Real Property
Both spouses must join in executing any instrument in which CP real property is sold or conveyed. An innocent spouse has one year to file an action to avoid the unilateral transfer and set aside the sale.
Separate Property Business
Generally, income from a SP business is SP. However, if a spouse contributes labor (which is CP) to the SP business, a court must determine how much of the business is CP and SP upon divorce using either the Pereira or Van Camp approaches, or may apply a combination of both.
Note - “reverse” Pereira and Van Camp apply when SP contributes to a CP business after separation, don’t worry too much about this but could note they exist if it comes up.
Severance Pay
The classification of severance pay as SP or CP depends on what it is intended to replace. If the severance is a result of or as a reward for labor during the marriage, it is CP. If it was paid to replace future post-separation earnings, severance paid during the marriage is CP, but payments after separation are SP.
Note - bonuses treated similarly, depends on whether bonus is for work done during (CP) or after (SP) marriage
Stock Options
To the extent that stock options are compensation for earnings during the marriage, the community has an apportioned interest, determined by either the Nelson formula or the Hug formula.
The Nelson formula is used when the stock options are compensation for future performance and retention. The court will calculate the amount of time between the date of the grant (“DOG”) and the date of separation (“DOS”). That number will be divided by the amount of time between the DOG and the DOV. The result is the community-property share of the stock options:
CP = (DOG – DOS) / (DOG – DOV) × # of shares
SP = # of shares – CP
The Hug formula is used if the stock options are granted to compensate an employee for past service (or to attract a new employee). The court will calculate the amount of time between the date of hire (“DOH”) and date of separation (“DOS”). That number will be divided by the amount of time between the DOH and the date the options vest (“DOV”). The result is the community-property share of the stock options:
CP = (DOH – DOS) / (DOH – DOV) × # of shares
SP = # of shares – CP
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance provides death benefit coverage for a specified term in exchange for the payment of premiums and does not accumulate a cash value. The term policy is CP or SP depending on which estate paid the premium for the latest term.
Time Rule (Pensions)
If a spouse is eligible for retirement benefits, the court will apply the time rule to determine the CP and SP interests. The CP interest is calculated by dividing the number of years when the spouses were married while the pension was earned by the total number of years that the employed spouse earned the pension, times the total pension.
Example - H started working for the city in 1995 and was eligble to retire in 2020 (25 years). H married W in 2005 and they divorced in 2010 (5 years). The total retirement benefit is $100k.
Numerator = 5 years / Denominator = 25 years
CP share = 1/5 ($20k)
W is entitled to half the CP, which is $10k
Tort Obligations
If the spouse who committed the tort was doing so for the benefit of the community, the liability will first be satisfied with CP, and then from the tortfeasor’s SP. The opposite is true if the tortfeasor spouse was not acting for the benefit of the community.
When property is acquired during marriage with commingled funds, a spouse may be able to trace the source of the funds used to acquire the property to SP funds. The burden of proof is on the spouse claiming SP to show the asset was acquired with SP funds.
A transmutation is an agreement between spouses made during marriage to alter the characterization of property. A valid transmutation must be expressed in writing that clearly describes the change in ownership and consent of the adversely affected spouse.
Unconscionability (Premarital Agreements)
A premarital agreement must not be unconscionable as lacking full disclosure at the time it was executed and the party against whom enforcement was sought did not have adequate knowledge or wealth of the other party and did not waive the right to disclosure in writing.
Unmarried Cohabitatants
The property of an unmarried couple will be distributed based on contract principles. Express contracts setting firth the distribution of property will be enforced unless they are based on meretricious sexual services. If there is no express agreement, a court will look for an implied contract or understanding, or may distribute property based on unjust enrichment and fairness principles.
Valid Marriage
A marriage under California law is a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between two persons, which requires the consent and legal capacities of both parties. To validate the marriage, the consent must be followed by formal legal procedures, including the issuance of a license, authentication, and solemnization.
Note - 18 years old is the age of consent, but can obtain court order w/ written consent of parent
Void and Voidable Marriages
A void marriage is invalid and null from its inception. The grounds for a void marriage are incest and bigamy.
A marriage is voidable and may be deemed null if either of the parties were underage, of unsound mind, or the consent of either party was a obtained by force or fraud.
Voluntariness Requirements for Premarital Agreements
Premarital agreements are deemed involuntary unless the court finds that the party against whom enforcement is sought was 1) represented by independent counsel at the time the agreement was signed or advised to seek independent counsel and waived it in a separate writing, 2) presented with the agreement and advised to seek independent counsel at least 7 days prior to signing it, 3) if unrepresented by counsel, the party against whom enforcement is sought must be fully informed in writing of the terms and conditions the party is giving up, in a language in which they are proficient, and 4) not under duress, fraud, undue influence, or lacking capacity.
Where do we ALWAYS start with a community property essay?
Community Property Presumption
California is a community property (CP) state. All property acquired during marriage by the labor or earnings of either spouse is presumed to be CP. All property acquired before marriage or after permanent separation is presumed to be separate property (SP). In addition, any property acquired during marriage by gift, bequest, devise, or descent is presumed to be SP.
Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance provides lifetime death benefit coverage and has an investment component that allows it to accumulate a cash value for the policy if it were to be forfeited. It is subject to a pro-rata apportionment based on the SP/CP ratio of the premium payments.
- CP interest = amount CP contributed / total amount contributed (CP + SP)
- SP interest = amount SP contributed / total amount contributed (CP + SP)
- Multiply the SP and CP percentages by the total cash value to determine their respective amounts