Community Property Flashcards
Community Property Rule Statement
CA is a CP state. All P acq during the course of marriage is presumed tb CP. All P acq before M or after div, death, or separation is presumed SP. In addition, any P acq during M by gift, bequest, or devise is SP.
The characterization of an asset depends on (1) the source of the item, (2) actions of the parties that may alter the character of the item, and (3) the statutory presumptions affecting them. A mere change in form of an asset doesn’t change its characterization.
At div, community assets are equally divided in kind, unless some special rule requires deviation from the equal division requirement or the S agree otherwise in writing or by oral stipulation in open ct.
Quasi Community Property
Property acquired by either S that would have been CP if the S had been domiciled in CA at the time of acquisition.
Effect on CP on Divorce
At div, the comm assets are equally divided in kind, unless some special rule reqs deviation from the equal division req or the Ss agree otherswise in writing or by oral stipulation in open ct.
QCP is treated as though it were CP at divorce.
Putative Spouse
A putative S is not legally M bc the M is void or voidable, but one or both parties believe in GF that the parties are legally M.
M can be found void/voidable for reasons such as bigamy or incest or voidable at the election of the interested party for reasons such as fraud, coercion, sexual incapacity, and lack of consent.
One party may be estopped to assert putative S status if the party making the assertation knew that the M was not valid or knew that it was invalid but acted as though it was valid.
Marvin Cohabitation Rule
Even tho cohabitation may be marriage-like, CA doesnt apply its CP law to persons who never evidenced any intention to enter into lawful marriage. Instead, CA applies gen contract principles. Even if couple lived together and eventually marries and later div, only P ace during marriage is distributed according to CP.
P acq during cohabitation is treated according to Marvin K rules. Cts should enforce express Ks between non marital partners except to the extent that such Ks are explicitly founded on consideration of sexual services. If theres no express k, a party may prove a k implied by the behavior of the parties, or an act of partnership or joint venture.
Premarital Agreements
A premarital agt is one made before M that’s to become effective upon M, in which parties agree to the characterization of their P and may limit support obligations. A preM agt is typically used to avoid the CP system and must meet stringent reqs tb valid. Child support can’t be waived. S support can be waived by agt if ind counsel rep S and not unconscionable.
Requirements for Premarital Agreement
Reqs for enforceable preM agt:
(1) it must not promote div;
(2) writing req;
(3) mb made vol; and
(4) must not be unconscionable.
PreM agts are deemed invol unless the ct finds (1) that the party against whom enforcement is sought was rep by ind counsel at time of agt was signed or advised to seek ind counsel and waived in writing; (2) presented w/ agt and advised to seek ind counsel 7 days before signing; (3) if unrepped by counsel mb fully informed in writing in language in which he is proficient; and not under duress, fraud, UI and didn’t lack cap
Source of Funds is CP/Title by one S
When source of funds for P is CP, but title is taken by one S only, the P will retain its characterization as CP, unless there’s a written transmutation.
Source of Funds is SP/Title Taken Jointly
When the source of funds for a P is SP, but title is taken jointly, its presumed tb a gift to the comm and characterized as CP, unless there’s a contrary written intent, subject to reimb at div
During marriage, the Ss may by agt change the status of of their P from SP to CP, from CP to SP, or from one S’s SP to the other S’s SP. These changes are transmutations.
To be valid, a transmutation mb made in writing and must expressly declare that a change in ownership is being made.
Duty to Other Spouse
Each S has fid duty to the other S to fully disclose all material facts about comm assets and debts; to provide equal access to all info upon req; to use highest GF and fair dealing w/ the other S; and never take unfair advantage of the other.
Management & Control of Personal Property
M&C of personal prop belongs to either S w/ absolute power of dispo, except S may not make a gift/dispose of community personal P for less than fair and reas value w/o written consent of other S. Each S can only dispose of ½ of their CP thru a test dispo. S may not sell or convey comm personal P used in fam dwelling, furnishings, clothing of children or other S w/o written consent of the other S.
Disability or Workers Compensation
Disability/WC classification depends on what it was intended to replace, regardless of when its actually paid. If intended to replace marital earnings, its CP. If intended to replace S’s income after separation, its SP.
Management & Control of Business
S who’s in charge of M&C a comm bus can make all bus decisions alone but must provide other S w/ written notice of a sale or dispo of all or subst all of the personal P used in bus ops.
Accounting for SP Business
If at div or death, the bus has appreciated in value or subst assets have been purchased w/ bus profits, the character of the bus and assets mb determined. To apportion between the SP component of the bus and the CP value added by the managing S’s labor during the M, cts have developed two different apportioning methods: (1) Van Camp accounting and (2) Pereira accounting method.
The bus mb valued as close as possible to the time of trial.
Pereira Approach
SP = SP contribution + reasonable rate of return
CP = value of bus - SP interest
Pereira accounting begins w/ the SP capital and imputes a fair rate of return, 10%, the current legal interest rate. The total SP interest is the principal plus the fair rate of return times the number of years the SP bus was in operation and managed by the S during M. The remainder is CP.
Pereira is generally used when the management by one S was the primary cause of the growth or productivity of the initially SP bus, bc Pereira assigns an ordinary rate of return to the bus capital.
Van Camp
In Van Camp accounting, the managing S’s services are valued at the going market salary for such services. Then family expenses that were paid from the bus earnings are subtracted from the value of the manager’s services. The remainder, if any, represents the CP portion of the bus.
Van camp should be used when the character of the SP bus is largely responsible for its growth or productivity, bc Van Camp assumes that the managing S’s services were ordinary when it imputes a market salary for those services.
CP = fair market value salary - family expenses - salary taken
SP = value of business - CP interest
Undue Influence
A rebuttable presumption of UI arises when one S gains an advantage over the other in a P transaction. The S who obtained the advantage bears the burden of rebutting the presumption. Thus, if a disadvantaged party contests a transmutation or other interspousal transaction, the advantaged party bears the burden of proving that the disadvantaged party freely and vol consummated the transaction, w/ full knowledge of all the facts and complete understanding
Education is not treated as divisible property. At div, unless parties agree otherwise, theres an equitable right to reimburse w/ interest to the community when CP funds are used either to pay for ed or are used to repay a loan incurred for ed, and the ed subst enhances the earning capacity of the educated party. Reims may be reduced or modified by any of the following circumstances: the ed is offset by community funded ed received by the other S; the ed enables its recipient to engage in gainful employment that subst reduced the need the recipient would otherwise have for S support; or the community has already subst benefited from the ed.
Education Presumption
There is a rebuttable presumption that the CP has not subst benefited from the education if fewer than 10 yrs have elapsed between the contributions and divorce.
If more than 10 yrs have passed, a presumption arises that the community has subst benefited.
The earnings of a S’s business and the goodwill of the bus during M are also CP. The Pereira and Van Camp methods of accounting apply only when community labor is used to enhance the value of a SP bus.
Personal Injury Awards
PI recovery from 3rd party depends on timing of COA, if S was injured during M, any money rec’d as a result of injury treated as CP, upon div PI recovery is awarded entirely to the injured S.
Pensions earned during M are CP regardless of when the pension is fully vested. Time rule is used to apportion pensions earned both during & before M. Cts can wait and see until the employed S retires and then apportion between Ss or cash out where ct assigns the entire pension to the empl S and awards other comm assets, equal in value to the comm interest in the retirement benefits, to the nonempl S.
Severance Pay
Severance pay treated similar to dis and ct look at when severance pay accrued and what its intended to replace to calculate the CP portion. If replaces earned retirement benefits from when couple was M’d or enhances retirement earned during M, its CP. If intended to comp lost future earnings after separation, its SP.
Bonuses classified when they earned and what they are intended to reward. CP if reward for good work perf during M. SP if reward for good work perf after separation or div
Debt During Marriage
All of the CP and the debtor’s SP are lia for debt incurred by one S during M. The SP of the other S is not lia.
There’s a rebuttable presumption that P purchased w/ borrowed funds during M is CP debt. Showing lender relied exclusively on SP when extending credit may rebut. If credit based on earning capacity, its CP.
Separate Debt
Outstanding debt at divorce incurred by the debting S which is not for the benefit of the community is assigned to the debting S without offset. Property assigned to the nondebtor S at div is not lia for a debt when the nondebtor S incurred no personal lia for the debt and the debt was assigned to the debtor S at divorce. Thus, the nondebtor S’s CP and SP will not be reachable to satisfy a debt.
Economic Community
The marital economic community begins at marriage and ends at one S’s death or on the date of separation. To terminate the marital Econ community by separation, there mb a complete and final break in the marital relationship, which requires: (1) a S to express an intent to end the M to the other S, and (2) conduct consistent w/ that intent.
Gifts Between Ss of Insubstantial Value
Where a S intends to give the other a personal gift of relatively insubstantial value, taking into account the marital assets, the P will be the Sp of the gifted S. No writing is req’d.
Unconscionable Marital Agt
An agt is unconscionable if the ct finds that its unfair and that the objecting party was not fully advised of the financial status of the other party, did not waive such disclosure, and could not reas have obtained the Information on his own.
Debt Incurred Before Marriage
All of the CP and the debtor’s SP are lia for debt the debtor incurred before M.
Exception: If the nondebtor S has a separate account to which the debtor S has no right of withdrawal and no commingling has taken place.
Child Support
A S’s child support obligation from a prior relationship is treated as a debt incurred before M.