Community medicine Flashcards
Which measure of Central tendency is calculated in Likert scale?
Median/ Q2 of quartiles
Mean is not calculated because it uses quantitative data. Likert scale used qualitative data
Ayushman Vay Vandana Card comes under _____
It was passed in ____
It was directed towards ____
PM Jan Arogya Yojna, Ayushman bharat
October 2024
> 70 y/o irrespective of socioeconomic status will receive 5 lakhs/ y
Slogan for Ayushman Bharat
Arogya Parman Dhanam
Slogan for family planning
Old: Hum do Hamare Do
New: Aao Plan Banaye, Yehi Sahi Aadat Hai
Slogan for Poshan abhiyan
Sahi Poshan Desh Roshan
(POSHAN– PM Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment)
What does AMRUT and AMRIT stand for?
AMRUT- Atal Mission Rejuvination of Urban Transport
AMRIT- Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment– Generic pharmacy stores
SUMAN stands for
Surakshit Matritva Ashwasan
PMSMA stands for? What does it target?
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyaan
It provides free ANC on 9th of every month
NQAS targets?
Improving the quality of services
ANMOL full form? What does it do?
ANM OnLine
It provides digital tablets to Female Health Workers (ANM) for Real Time Data Entry at Rural set up
Rule of halves
Only 50 % of HTNsives know that they have HTN
Out of which only 50 % take medications
Out of which only 50 % take adequate medication
Out of which only 50% BP is controlled
Tracking phenomenon
Lower readings in childhood leads to lower readings in adulthood and higher readings in childhood = higher readings in adulthood
STEPwise questionnaire
NCD Risk Factor surveillance
Step 1: Verbally asking
Step 2: Physical examination
Step 3: Biological testing
SPIKES protocol
For breaking bad news
Setting, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, Emotion, Strategy and Summary
What can be calculated with Cross sectional study?
What can be calculated with Cohort study?
Relative risk, Attributable risk, Person attributable risk, Population Attributable risk
What can be calculated with RCT?
Relative risk
No. needed to treat
Number needed to harm
Absolute risk reduction
Relative risk reduction
What can be calculated with Case control study?
Odd’s ratio
HDI and its parameters
Human Development Index
-Life expectancy at birth
HPI and its parameters
Human Poverty Index
Deprivation of HDI
MDPI and its parameters
Multidimensional Poverty Index
Standard of living
GHI and its parameters
Global Hunger Index
- Under 5 mortality index
- Under 5 stunting
- Under 5 Wasting
- Under 5 Undernourishment
PQLI and its parameters
Physical quality of Life Index
- Literacy rate
- Infant mortality rate
- Life expectancy
Parametric tests are done for _____ data. It compares ______. Examples?
Non parametric tests are done for _____ data. It compares ______. Examples?
Mean (SD)
T test, ANOVA
%, proportions, fractions
Chi square
Maternal mortality ratio
(Maternal mortality/ Number of live birth) x 1 lakh
Maternal mortality rate
(Maternal mortality/ No of females in reproductive age group in a year) x 1 lakh
Sample registration system (SRS) gives data on
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Maternal mortality
Pediatric mortality
Civil registration system gives data on
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Degree of marriages
Census provides data on
NFHS (National Family Health Survey) gives data on
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Maternal mortality rate
Total Fertility Rate
Morbidity indicators
RDA of Vit A for adult male and adult female respectively
Male: 1000 mcg
Female: 840 mcg
Amount of residual chlorine for drinking water in
1. Normal conditions
2. Post disaster
- > 0.5
- > 0.7
Amount of residual chlorine in
1. Swimming pool
2. Risk of cholera outbreak
- > 1.0
- > 2.0
This water is non drinkable