Communist Govt And Control Flashcards
What is the CCP
Chinese Communist Party
What did the CCP do?
Coordinated the govt.
How many members did the CCP have by 1950 (one year after Mao rose to power)?
5.8 million!
What did the CCP do for Govt?
- set economic targets
- controlled education
- prison camps
Penguin Dehuai
- minister for defence
- commander in chief of the PLA
What was the role of party CADRES?
Helped enforce party policies:
- controlled schools
- legal systems
- monitored PLA + civil service
- monitored Dawei work units
What was a Danwei?
- all workers belong to one
- organise workers, controlled rations, housing, travel and marriage permits
Examples of two mass organisations in china:
- all china federation of democratic youth
- all china federation of women
All china federation of women
Mobilised women in support of regimes campaigns on issues such as birth control and divorce rights.
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference:
- Communist party organises meeting in Beijing in Sept 1949
What did the CPPCC do?
- appointed new ministers in the new government (Central People’s government)
- created the Common Programme - temporary constitution
- acted as the legislature before the Common Programme was established
what did the Common Programme state?
- gender equality rights
- educational opportunity
- protection of religious beliefs
- emphasised leadership to the CCP
- police and PLA have the right to crush opponents to communism
- made Mao head of state
Name of the Chinese government
CPG -Central People’s government
Who was the CPPCC controlled by?
The politburo
Structure of the politburo
- 14 members
- key decisions made by the STANDING COMMITTEE
- 5 members including Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai (premier of the PRC from 1949), Liu Shaoqi (Vice chairman of the CCP and President of the PRC from 1959)
Why was bureaucracy needed in the CCP?
- to help establish new regime, and stretch control over china
- to introduce Land Reform, centrally planned economy, run the cities
- state officials 1949 - 72000 ——> 1959 - 7.9 million
The importance of the PLA:
- ‘all political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’
- rounds up bandits and gangs - increases popularity of CCP
- attacked Xinjiang and Buddhist Tibet to spread influence
- chased remaining nationalists to Taiwan
- rebuilt infrastructure (mass mobilisation)
Propaganda and the PLA
- Korean War
- stories of model soldiers, sacrifice, discipline etc
- 800,000 new recruits a year
How was Mao dominant within government?
- leader of CCP
- head of state
- civil war leader and winner
- Mao Zedong thought became the Guiding principle of the Central People’s Government
Democratic Centralism in China:
Democratic because:
- local villages and towns elect representatives
- reps travel to regional congresses
- regional reps elected at regional congresses and so on
- then highest reps would represent all claims at the Centre - Beijing
BUT - no chance to vote for different political parties