Communications Flashcards
When shall a JSIR be submitted?
When spectrum dependent systems experience harmful interference
Where are the DVL and R21 System recording equipment required?
At all USCG units (except stations and boats under 65 feet) to record telephone or radio communications where such communications may relate to the safety of life and property, including air safety, maritime safety and SAR and CG Tactical communication operations
How is harmful interference handled?
Report all cases of harmful interference regardless of type, frequency and soucre.
What is a Joint Spectrum Interference Report?
It is a Report of Radio Interference.
Units experiencing radio interference shall use all available resources such as…. what?
The local FCC office, military departments, C4ITSC, district spectrum managers or ESU to determine the source of the interference.
What is CG-2861A?
Report of Violation of the Radio Regulations or Communications Instructions.
How are radio violation reports submitted?
They are submitted as per CH.4 of the Spectrum Management Policy and Procedures, COMDTINST M2400.1 for violation of national or international radio regulations.
DVL and R21 systems are required at all USCG units (except stations and boats
telephone; radio
life; property
What is this media?
Any type of media format used to record official information that has been _________, _________ or _________.
transmitted, received or written down
For violations committed by CG units, what do we do?
Submit the original copy of the CG-2861A to the violating unit, a copy to the violating unit’s area and district commander, a copy to the reporting unit’s district commander and retain a file copy.
What shall units equipped with R21 include in their SAR case documentation?
Units equipped with R21 shall include all line of bearing, digital selective calling and caller detail information.
How do CG units handle SAR communication records?
CG units shall maintain communications documentation for situations in which resources coordinate or render assistance regardless of position or location of the incident.
What is a complete communications log?
A paper, electronic or recorded log that contains all communication data a unit sends or receives.
What two type of communication logs are maintained?
Abbreviated log and a complete log
How should a unit respond to a recorder casualty?
The unit shall maintain a complete log to capture all transmissions pertaining to that unit.
What is an abbreviated log?
A manually maintained paper or electronic log that uses abbreviations and knows acronyms for all communication data sent or received that pertains to the unit.
What minimal information shall be included in communication logs?
Unit (identified by PLA) Call sign Date and time Frequency and channel Communication information Communication equipment status
Who requires daily communication logs and who are the exceptions?
Radio equipped units, deployable communications assets, enhanced Mobile Incident Command Post, Transportable Communications Central.
The exceptions are:
Vessels over 65 ft in length and not equipped with a recorder or a dedicated communication watch are exempt from log requirements
Vessels under 65 ft in length
Aircraft, except when acting as OSC.
Unit vehicles and shore units that maintain some type of comms guard but are not equipped with recorders.
Are signatures required on logs?
Signatures are only required if the computer software on a computer generated log cannot permanently lock the data in a file as “read only” at the conclusion of the watch or the log. Authenticity of computer generated logs must be maintained.
What are manual logs?
Manual logs are handwritten, typed or kept on a CG computer or other equipment such as electronic radio logs software (RADLOGS)
If not typewritten, all entries shall be handwritten in blue or black ink.
Recorded logs must have a label to each recorded log disk that indicates:
- Unit name and call sign
- Date and period recorded UTC
- What frequencies and phone lines recorded.
What are recorded logs?
Logs recorded on electronic media. Units with recorded logging capability shall maintain abbreviated logs as a backup in case the recorder fails.
How long are violation reports, CG-2861A retained?
3 years from date of incident
How long shall audio files be retained?
30 days
How long are communication logs retained?
Cutters retain for 90 days and shore units retain for 6 months.
How long are visitor logs retained?
Retain for 2 years after final entry or 2 years after the date of document.
How often shall area, district and sector commanders inspect their subordinate radio communication equipped units?
How long are reports, records or logs for incidents of National Significance retained?
Permanent retention. Communication records qualifying for permanent retention shall be maintained at the unit that prosecuted the case or incident for 3 years and then transferred to a Federal Records Center.
What shall each CAMS and COMMSTA Kodiak broadcast?
Weather, hydrographic information, storm warnings and NTMs.
When area, district and sector commanders inspect their subordinate radio communication equipped units, how long do the units have to complete and report corrective actions?
90 days
What does GMDSS guard?
- MF and HF DSC
2. GMDSS voice frequency guard
What broadcast modes are conducted by the CAMS and COMMSTA Kodiak?
- HF radio, FAX and International Ice Patrol Fax
- HF voice, MF voice
- Navigational Telex (NAVTEX)
- HF Simplex Teletype Over Radio (SITOR)
If small boat stations are equipped with MF/HF capability, what shall they monitor?
2182 kHz
What areas are sectors responsible for?
Sectors are primarily responsible for communications with sea area A1 and A2
Generator capacity shall be adequate to permit operation of essential communication related equipment and must be capable of operating for how long?
Minimum of 72 hours without refueling
Why shall emergency power and uninterruptable power supply be installed?
To operate mission essential equipment (CGOne, servers, hubs, routers and radio equipment) in the event of commercial power failures at all units ashore.
The uninterruptable power suppyly (UPS) shall provide power for how long?
30 minutes minimum
The emergency power supply at all CG shore telecommunications facilities shall be capable of what?
Capable of automatic operation within 60 seconds after failure of commercial power.
When shall cutters submit a COMMSHIFT?
Cutters shall submit a COMMSHIFT prior to transferring their telecommunication guards and record message delivery responsibilities from one communication facility to another.
What is the Bridge -to-Bridge frequency?
VHF - FM Ch. 13 (156.650 MHz)
Why shall COMSPOT reports be submitted?
COMSPOT reports shall be submitted by all cutters whenever unusual communication difficulties are encountered.
A cutter shifting its guard to a USN unit shall submit what?
A COMMSHIFT record message
What does an operations status report contain?
Current position, operational status, and significant changes in weather, wind and sea conditions.
How often are underway boats required to provide an operations status report?
Every 30 minutes for small boats and 4 hours for all other boats.
When are boats/cutters exempt from OPS normal reports?
- When they are communicating with the OSC due to a SAR mission. The boat/cutter will make OPS normal reports to the OSC.
- When instructed by proper authority to maintain radio silence.
Shore stations losing contact with a boat must attempt to reestablish communication directly with the boat or through another station. If no communication is established, what happens?
If no communication is established, a lost communication record message shall be initiated.
The aeronautical station accepting the guar for the aircraft shall be responsible for maintaining the communication for the aircraft until when…?
Until the aircraft lands or until another station has established communication and has accepted communication guard responsibility for the aircraft.
When shall a CG aircraft establish comms?
CG aircraft shall establish a communication guard with an aeronautical facility within 5 minutes after takeoff.
While in flight and operations permitting, all CG aircraft shall guard what?
A. 121.5 MHz
B. VHF-FM Channel 16 (156.800 MHz)
C 243.0 MHz
What will the CG unit provide to the aircraft?
The CG unit accepting the guard will provide primary and secondary frequencies, the next schedule communication checks and scheduled comms checks.
What is the comms schedule for a rotary aircraft?
Flight operations status report ever 15 minutes and a position report every 30 minutes
What is the comms schedule for a fixed-wing aircraft?
Flight operations status report every 30 minutes and a position report every hour.
For a CG aircraft, when is the requirement to maintain a communication schedule with a aeronautical unit waived?
When the aircraft has been instructed by proper authority to maintain radio silence.
What will each position report for a CG aircraft contain?
Course, altitude and speed.
When the aircraft’s mission is complete or when the communication guard is transferred to another unit, what does the a/c commander do?
The a/c commander notifies the losing unit to secure the guard.
If an aeronautical station loses contact with an aircraft, whose responsibility is it to initiate the necessary actions to re-establish communication or initiate an alert?
It is the responsibility of the guard station to initiate the necessary actions to re-establish communication with the aircraft directly or through another unit, or to initiate an alert.
What should the guard unit do if the a/c commander fails to check in on the primary or secondary frequencies within 5 minutes of the communication schedule? And if the a/c is not located?
The guard unit shall initiate the alert, notify the a/c parent command followed by the cognizant district CC. If the a/c is not located, an immediate precedence record message shall be sent.
What shall a CG aircraft do in receipt of a DSC alert?
Immediately acknowledge the alert and relay pertinent information to their operational commander via the most expeditious means available.
What is VHF-FM Channel 83?
157.175 MHz
What happens when communications are reestablished with the a/c?
An immediate precedence record message will be sent to all addressees listed in the lost communications report with notification that comms has been restore and the reason for lost comms.
When operating above 1000 feet, aircraft shall not transmit on what frequencies?
Aircraft operating above 1000 feet shall not transmit on VHF-FM maritime channels, (frequency range 156-162 MHz)
What shall aircraft use to maintain reliable comms?
Aircraft shall use the lowest power output required to maintain reliable comms.
What is VHF-FM Ch. 23A?
157.150 MHz
What is VHF-FM Channel 21A?
157.050 MHz
How long is the transmission duration on VHF-FM Ch. 16?
Short and in no cases (even with UMIBs) shall exceed 60 seconds.
What is VHF-FM Ch. 83A?
157.175 MHz
All a/c on SAR missions and desiring expeditious handling by the FAA shall insert what word in the call sign after CG?
What shall CG HF air-to-ground frequencies be used for?
Long range communication with a CAMS or COMMSTA Kodiak.
What frequency does NAVTEX use?
518 kHz
What is COMDTINST M2000.3E?
USCG Telecommunication Manual
What will happen if an a/c commander fails to notify a guard unit of their intentions to transfer their radio guard?
Failure to notify a guard unit of the aircraft’s intentions will cause the unit to issue a lost comms alert.
What does GMDSS stand for?
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
When a/c commanders originate a record message, what PLA do they use?
Aircraft commanders, when originating a record message, will use the PLA of the a/c’s parent command followed by the aircraft number.
What are the max number of characters in a PLA (including geographic location)?
50 characters
What organization is authorized to post record messages to the internet?
What is the abbreviation for changing operational control?
What must record messages released during MINIMIZE have as the last line of text?
Released by (name/rank/grade here)
When MINIMIZE is imposed, what does the CO not permit?
The CO shall not permit the release of non-urgent record messages when MINIMIZE is imposed.
There are three classes of government record messages handled by the record message system. What is Class B?
Class B includes official record messages originated by U.S government other than DOD. The CG is included under Class B except when the CG is operating as part of the USN.
There are three classes of government record messages handled by the record message system. What is Class A?
Class A includes official record messages originated by the DOD, including the CG when operating as part of the USN.
Who has the responsibility for record message cancellation?
Record message cancellation is the responsibility of the originator.
There are three classes of government record messages handled by the record message system. What is Class C?
Class C includes broadcast record messages available to ships of all nationalities, containing data such as navigational warnings, hydrographic notices, weather forecasts and time signals.
What are PLAs?
Plain Language Addresses are unit identifiers which denote the command authority responsible for all content in a record message.
When shall message originators submit an annual recap of their effective record messages?
Originators shall submit an annual recap of their effective record messages to the CAMSLANT no later than 31 January.
What is a Collective Address Designator (CAD) and Address Indicating Group (AIG) comprised of? And how many times is it used per calender year?
A CAD/AIG is comprised of a minimum of 30 PLAs and used a minimum of 15 times per calender year.
Where are PLA changes or requests for disestablishment sent?
PLA changes or requests for disestablishment shall be sent directly sent to CAMSLANT.
What code is this?
The CG shall develop, establish, maintain, and operate rescue facilities for the promotion of _______ and ________ on and under the high seas and waters subject to the __________ of the U.S covering all matters not specifically delegated by law to some other executive department.
14 USC 2
safety of life; property
How should CG record messages be drafted?
All CG generated record messages shall be drafted in upper case letters only.
How often should the 2182 kHz system performance be checked and verified?
Every 8 hours
To whom should public requests for the release of recorded audio or logs be referred to?
The unit’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) coordinator
In the event of equipment failure impacting the unit’s 2182 kHz monitoring or 2670 kHz broadcast capabilities, when should CASREP’s be submitted?
After the initial broadcast announcement on 2182 kHz, on what frequency do you broadcast the UMIBs, BNMs and weather?
2670 kHZ
What is the internationally recognized method of satellite distress alerting under GMDSS?
In R21, what does RFF stand for?
Remote Fixed Facility
For mariners not equipped with EPIRBs or DSC, what distress voice channels are the preferred methods of distress alerting?
Traditional MF, HF and VHF-FM.
What is the internationally recognized method of sending a terrestrial digital distress alert?
Digital Selective Calling
What does Sea Area A2 cover?
Covers the area from the coastal area up to approximately 200 nm offshore. Within radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station.
What does Sea Area A1 cover?
Covers the coastal area up to approximately 20 nautical miles offshore. Within radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF-FM coast station in which continuous DSC (CH. 70) alerting and VHF Ch. 16 are available.
What does Sea Area A4 cover?
The remaining areas outside sea areas A1, A2, and A3, such as the Polar Regions.
What does Sea Area A3 cover?
An area within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available. Sea Area 3 covers the area between 70 North and 70 South.
If a shore unit does not respond to the DSC alert, what shall the afloat unit do?
The afloat unit shall respond to the call and relay the alert to the nearest CG shore unit.
How long must afloat units wait to allow shore units to respond to a distress alert?
5 minutes.
What is the most important information to be obtained from an incoming DSC call?
The category of the call, the MMSI #, information for following up with voice communication and the position and nature of distress.
What categories does DSC have?
Distress, urgency, safety and routine
The DSC system will log test calls on all frequencies but filters all test calls except on what freq?
The DSC system filters all test calls except on 4 MHz.
What shall ships do when they receive a distress call via VHF CH. 16 that has gone unanswered for 5 minutes?
Acknowledge receipt and relay as soon as possible to the nearest RCC.
What frequency shall CG Sectors equipped with MF DSC guard?
2187.5 kHz
What frequency has the Automatic Test Call Answering function enabled and will automatically respond to all tests received?
4 MHz
How are DSC test calls handled by R21?
DSC test calls received via VHF will automatically be answered by the R21 system and do not require operator intervention.
What shall CG Sectors equipped with R21 guard?
VHF-FM Ch. 70 (156.525 MHz)
What frequency shall CG cutters equipped with VHF-FM DSC radios while underway or at anchor guard?
VHF-FM Channel 70 (156.525) DSC
CG CAMS and COMMSTA Kodiak shall guard 6 DSC frequencies?
- 5 kHz
- 5 kHz
- 0 kHz
- 5 kHz
- 0 kHz
- 5 kHz
What frequency is used in the maritime mobile service for DSC distress and safety calls?
VHF-FM Channel 70 (156.525 MHz)
What frequency shall CG cutters underway or at anchor equipped with HF/MF DSC radios guard?
DSC frequency 2187.5 kHz
What happens when a DSC distress alert is received on 2187.5 kHz?
The radio will emit a loud audio alarm. This alarm is the equivalent of a MAYDAY call and requires the same level of response.
What frequency shall CG aircraft equipped with VHF -FM DSC radios guard?
VHF - FM Channel 70 (156.525)
Who is require to carry NAVTEX receivers?
All SOLAS-regulated ships
What is this U.S.C?
It is a federal felony, punishable by significant imprisonment and or monetary fine for anyone to knowingly and willfully communicate a ________ to the CG or cause the CG to attempt to _______and ________ when no help is needed.
14 USC 88
false distress message
save lives; property
How long is the CG authorized to broadcast on NAVTEX?
The CG is authorized 20 minutes to transmit due to greater than normal site separation in the U.S.
How far does NAVTEX coverage extend?
200 NM off the coast
How do you recognize Inmarsat B numbers?
Inmarsat B numbers are recognized by a nine-digit number beginning with “3”.
There are three basic types of Inmarsat terminals that can provide distress communication. What are they?
Fleet -77
Inmarsat B
Inmarsat C
What does the Inmarsat C system offer?
Inmarsat C system offers two way data communication
What do Fleet-77 and Inmarsat B have in common?
Commercial data/voice satellite communication to include GMDSS
How are Inmarsat C numbers recognized?
Inmarsat C numbers are recognized by a nine digit number beginning with 4.
What is VHF-FM Ch. 22A?
157.1 MHz
What is VHF-FM Ch. 9?
156.45 MHz
What is a SART?
Radar Search and Rescue Transponder
What is 243.0 MHz designated for?
The aeronautical emergency frequency 243.0 MHz is designated as an international survival craft emergency frequency.
How does a SART signal appear on the radar screen?
A distinctive line of 12 equally spaced blips or dots on a radar screen extending outward from the SART position along its LOB.
How does the SART operate?
9200-9500 MHz frequency band is a transponder used for locating survival craft.
When a ship or a/c is within close range, what does the SART do?
The SART gives an audible alarm or light.
What is a SART’s range of air and surface?
Range of air is 40 NM
Surface is 10 nm
What are SOLAS ships required to carry?
AIS Installations
What is the battery capacity of a SART?
96 hours
What is the prosign for a Flash message and speed of service objective?
Z and as fast as possible with a goal of less than 10 minutes
What VHF-FM channel does the AIS SART operate on?
Channel 87B and 88B
What is the prosign for a priority message and what is the speed of service objective?
P and 3 hours
What is the prosign for a Immediate message and the speed of service objective?
O and 30 minutes.
What frequency is VHF DSC?
Channel 70 156.525 MHz
What is the prosign for a Routine message and what is the speed of service object?
R and 6 hours or the start of the next business day
What manual would you go to get help if you were asked how long must you keep a recorded log?
USCG Telecommunications Manual M2000.3 C
What is the MF/HF frequency for DSC?
What is the Civilian Air Defense (CAD) frequency?
Sea area A-4 is best described as which geographical region?
The polar regions
What is the name of the Radiotelephone Handbook?
CGTTP 6-01.1
What is the Military Air Defense (MAD)frequency?
What is COMDTINST M2400.1?
USCG Spectrum Management Policies and Procedures
What is OTCIXS?
Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem
What is CUDIXS?
Common User Digital Information Exchange Subsystem
What is the Marine Hailing and Distress Frequency?
Ch. 16 (156.8 mHz)
What channel is DF permanently assigned to?
Ch. 16
Where can the secondary DF locate transmissions within LOS?
121.5, 243, Ch. 70 (DSC)
DF gives LOB only, so no audio would be recieved.
How often is DF functionality testing conducted?
Every 12 hours with adjacent RFFs.
How many radios does each RFF site have?
(at) pg 176
Six radios