Communications Flashcards
Thick piece of flat wood used to press the paper against the letters
Quick copy to check for mistakes
Different style of letters
Telegraph Key
Metal switch for completing an electrical circuit
Morse Code
Code using long and short signals to represent letters
Telegraph Receiver
Device containing an electromagnet making an audible click when current flows through it
Creator of the Telegraph and Morse Code
Samuel Morse
Message sent by telegraph
Device to translate sound waves into electrical signals
Fiber Optics
Cable consisting of hundreds of tiny glass tubes that transmit pulses of light
Message is added to a carried signal
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude or height of the carrier signal is modified to fit the original signal
Frequency Modulation
Frequency of the carrier signal is modified to fit the original signal
Device to boost the strength of an electrical signal
Device to select the desired signal
Continuous Signal
The natural frequency at which something vibrates
Series of Pulses
Cathode Ray Tube
Phosphor coated tube that translates electrical signals into pictures
Pixel or Picture Element
One dot or piece of informatino on CRT
Liquid Crystal Display
LCD or Plasma Display
Flat planel screen with liquid or plasma that responds to electrical signals
Organic Light Emitting Diodes
A LED containing thin flexible sheets of an organic electroluminescent material, used mainly in digital display screens.
Geosynchronous Orbit
A satellite orbits around the eath at the same speed that the earth is moving so that it is always above the same point on the earth
Polar Orbit
A satellite moves around the earth from North Pole to South Pole and back