Communications Flashcards
A call for fast back up is:
when FF is in the presence of a dangerous person
A Form 250 is used to document informal consuling
Form 250 = formal counseling
A member wishing to submit a suggestion will
complete the online form found on SharePoint
A member wishing to engage with the media should contact the PIO
A Type 1 memo is always designed for department-wide distribution
A Type 2 Memo travels through the chain of command and defines a change in policy
An SFD All email must be authorized bu the station Captain
E-mails are a public record and therfore subject to public disclosure
Maintenance of all communication equipment is coordinated by:
Radio Shop
Members are required to check their department email once per week
Members home phone numbers can be found in teh
SFD telephone register
Members should wait until a F55 is requested before taking notes regarding what they saw and did at a significant incident
PIAs are shared
department wide
Portable communicatino equipment should be tagged witha Form 14 and delivered to FAC in the most expedient manner available in order to minimize downtime
The SFD will recognize members who perform outstanding services to the department or to the public safety of the community on or off duty
These are used to notify of SOG or POG changes
This document contains applicable local, state, and federal laws and standards
What is the order of precedence for these SFD documents
When acknowleging a radio transaction, the proper response is
Which award can be given to civilians, non-uniformed and uniformed members for meritiorious actions
Fire Chief’s Medal
Which of the following is not a formal discipline option
Formal Consuling
Which of the following is correct about Jury Duty
All of the above
Which of the following is NOt an award for meritorious action under hazardous conditions
all of the above are»>
Which of the following is in ALL CAPS when writing a Letter to the Fire Chief
Subject of Letter
Which of these documents travel through the chain of command
Type 1 Memo
distributes general information
Type 2 is addressed to any other group or person (no chain of command)
The department’s goal is to resolve suggestion within
120 days
The OG seciont of the pog descirbes procedures that must be adhered to
Unless there is compelling and reasonable cause for deviation
PIA process gathers information via
Form 55