Communication Flashcards
what are the steps of the communication process model? (7)
- source/sender
- encoding
- channel message
- decoding
- receiver
- response
- feedback and noise (leads back to 1)
what are the qualities of effective communication (7)
- clear
- concise
- consistent
- creative
- sensitive to audience
- persuasive or explanatory
- open to differing opinions
barriers to communication: issues with sending (3)
- not sending clear or congruent messages
- timing of message
- message not appropriate to setting
barriers to communication: problems with receiving (4)
- message not interesting
- focus on sender, rather than message
- disagree with sender’s message
- pretending to listen
- method by which communication travels from source or sender to receiver
- physical surroundings
noise (3)
- unwanted sound that interferes or distracts, is a barrier to learning and communication
- any interference in the communication process that prevents the message from being heard correctly
- can occur at any point in the process
external noise
- noise from the environment
internal noise
- noise from the sender’s/receiver’s mind
listening: critical listening
listener evaluates or challenges what is heard
listening: reflective/empathetic
- listening for feelings
- ability to recognize and identify another’s feelings by putting oneself in that person’s place
listening: informational
- acquire knowledge or instruction
listening: pleasurable
- enjoyment, satisfaction
types of symbols (4)
- visible
- abstract
- verbal
- nonverbal
visible symbols
- can be seen
abstract symbols
- ideas, rather than objects
verbal symbols
- words
nonverbal symbols
- anything other than words; actions
- statements of fact about how an individual feels or thinks
- statements that often ascribe blame or judge others; can often start arguments
message construction
- information placement for maximum effort
message content
- the strategies or information that may be used to communicate an idea or policy to receivers
direct channels
- face-to-face talking
- less chance of miscommunication; can see receiver’s reactions
indirect channels
- mass communication
social channels (2)
- include friends, neighbours, and family members
- channels are most likely to involve face-to-face contacts due to familiarity and proximity
advocate or expert communication
- more likely to contact receivers through letters, speeches, or less direct forms of communication
feedback of communication management (5)
- response process between sender and receiver
- closes loop in communication flow
- lets sender know message is decoded and received
- listener hears, stores, responds, and listens for next message
- control mechanism for accurate communication
nonverbal communication (6)
- artifacts
- proxemics
- body language
- physical characteristics
- clothes, adornment, grooming
- touching behaviour
acquirement of information overload (3)
- passively acquired: consumer does not seek information
- actively acquired: consumer looks and engages with information
- low involvement: may not think about information
information overload (2)
- leads to feelings of being overwhelmed/uncomfortable and inability to process information
- results from too much exposure to information in a short amount of time