Communicable Diseases And Bloodboorne Pathogens Flashcards
Other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) include:
Pretty much any human bodily fluid
What does parenteral mean?
Entry into the body by any other route than the mouth/digestive system.
Typically this takes the form of needlesticks, cuts, human bites that break skin and abrasions
Hepatitis B is a germ that attacks your liver.
It can live in a dry environment for ____ days.
It is _____ times easier to catch than HIV.
Can live for 7 days
100 times easier to catch than HIV.
What are the 3 main ways to get HEP B?
- Sex w/ out condoms
- Being born
- Sharing needles and syringes.
30% have no signs or symptoms
9/10 recover
HEP C Is another liver disease.
How is it spread?
By contact with the blood of a infected person
In about ____% of the cases HEP C is permanent.
Hep C is the number one cause of liver transplants in the US.
HIV is the virus that causes _____, which attacks the immune system.
How is HIV passed?
Through blood to blood and sexual contact
HIV can live in a dry environment for ________…
Only a few hours.
What are the symptoms of HIV?
- fatigue
- fever, chills, sweats
- loss of appetite and weight
- pink/purple blotches/bumps
- white spots in the mouth
- diarrhea
- dry cough
What bodily fluids spread HIV?
- blood
- semen
- vaginal fluid
- breast milk
- other bodily fluids containing blood
What is the definition of a communicable disease?
And infectious disease transmissible by direct contact from affected individual or the individual’s discharges or by indirect means
Meningitis is an illness in which there is inflammation of the tissues that cover the brain and spinal cord.
What are the symptoms?
- fever
- severe headache
- stiff neck
- bright lights hurt eyes
- drowsiness or confusion
- nausea and vomiting
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
It can attack any part of your body, but usually attacks the lungs.
- weakness
- weight loss
- fever
- no appetite
- chills and sweating
- bad cough, pain in chest, coughing blood (if TB affected the lungs)
What are 2 airborne pathogens?
Meningitis and tuberculosis
What’s HEP A?
It’s a liver disease.
Transmitted through fecal – oral and food/water born outbreaks