Common Suffixes Flashcards
condition of
Ex. dyspnea (condition of difficulty breathing)
pertaining to
Ex. insomniac (pertaining to insomnia, lack of sleep)
pertaining to
Ex. carpal (pertaining to the wrist)
pertaining to pain
Ex. neuralgia (pain along a nerve)
pertaining to
Ex. coronary (pertaining to the blood vessel that supply the heart muscle)
germ of immature cell
Ex. myeloblast (bone marrow cell)
tumor, hernia
Ex. enterocele (hernia of the intestine)
Ex. thoracentesis (puncture and draining of the pleural space)
Ex. leukocyte (white cell)
pertaining to
Ex. tracheal (pertaining to the trachea)
a cutting to
Ex. tonsillectomy (excision of the tonsils)
condition of the blood
Ex. hypoxemia (condition of low blood oxygen)
pertaining to the blood
Ex. hyperglycemic (pertaining to high blood sugar)
record or picture
Ex. electrocardiogram (electronic picture of heart activity)
pertaining to
Ex. psychic (pertaining to the mind)
Ex. bursitis (inflammation of the bursae)
study of
Ex. ophthalmology (study of the eye)
destruction or loosening
Ex. glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen to form glucose)
measuring instrument
Ex. oximeter (measures blood oxygen saturation)
tumor , swelling
Ex. neuroma (tumor of a nerve)
condition of
Ex. psychosis (a mental disorder)
creating of an opening
Ex. tracheostomy (artificial opening into the trachea)
pertaining to
Ex. fibrous (pertaining to fiber)
Ex. neuropathy (disease of the nervous system)
surgical repair of , tying of
Ex. nephroplasty (suturing of a kidney)
falling , drooping
Ex. enteroptosis (falling of the intestine)
excessive flow , bursting forth
Ex. hemorrhage (heavy flowing of blood)
flowing or discharge
Ex. rhinorrhea (runny nose)
instrument for examination
Ex. laryngoscope (instrument for visualization of the larynx)
examination with an instrument
Ex. colonoscopy (instrumental examination of the colon)
standing still
Ex. homeostasis (remaining the same)
order , coordination
Ex. ataxia (failure of muscle coordination)