Common Prefixes Flashcards
Prefix: A-, An-
Meaning- Without; Lacking
Example of use in Medical Terms
Anemia: A condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin is deficient.
Prefix: Andr/o-
Meaning: Male
Example of use in Medical Terms
Androgen: Male sex hormones; for example, testosterone.
Prefix: Anti-
Meaning: Against
Example of use in Medical Terms
Anticholinergic drugs: Drugs that inhibit the release of acetylcholine.
Prefix: Auto
Meaning: Self
Example of use in Medical Terms
Autocrine: A chemical that elicits a response in the same cell that secreted it.
Prefix: Bio-
Meaning: Life
Example of use in Medical Terms
A science concerned with the origin, structure, development, growth, function, genetics, and reproduction of animals, plants, and microorganisms.
Prefix: Chem/o-
Meaning: Chemistry
Chemotherapy: Treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing.
Prefix: Contra-
Meaning: Against
Example of use in Medical Terms
Contraception: The use of drugs, devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy.
Prefix: Cyt/o-
Meaning: Cell
Example of use in Medical Terms
Cytokine: A signaling molecule that allows cells to communicate with each other over short distances.
Prefix: Dis-
Meaning: Separation; Taking apart
Example of use in Medical Terms
Dissection: When a body is dissected, it’s structures are cut apart in order to observe their physical attributes and relationships to one another.
Prefix: Dys-
Difficult; Abnormal
Example of use in Medical Terms
Dyspnea: Difficulty breathing
Prefix: Eu-
Meaning: Good; Well
Example of use in Medical Terms
Eupnea: A mode of breathing that occurs at rest and does not require the cognitive thought of the individual; also known as quiet breathing.
Prefix: Fibr/o-
Meaning: Fiber
Example of use in Medical Terms
Fibrosis: A process in which muscle fibers are replaced by scar tissue.
Prefix: Gluco-, Glyco-
Glucose; Sugar
Example of use in Medical Terms
Glycogen: A polysaccharide that is converted to glucose.
Prefix: Gyn/o-, Gynec-
Meaning: Female
Example of use in Medical Terms
Gynecology: A medical-surgical specialty concerned with the physiology and disorders primarily female genital tract, as well as female endocrinology and reproductive physiology.
Prefix: Hydro/o-
Meaning: Water
Example of use in Medical Terms
Hydrocephalus: The abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.
Prefix: Idio-
Meaning: Self; One’s own
Example of use in Medical Terms
Idiopathic: Something that is unknown
Prefix: Lyso-, Lys
Meaning: Break down; Destruction; Dissolving
Example of use in Medical Terms
Lysosome: An organelle that contains enzymes that break down and digest unneeded cellular components.
Prefix: Mal-
Meaning: Bad; Abnormal
Example of use in Medical Terms
Malignant: Cancerous
Prefix: Myc/o-
Meaning: Fungus
Example of use in Medical Terms
Mycetoma: A chronic subcutaneous infection
Prefix: Necro/o-
Meaning: Death
Example of use in Medical Terms
Necrosis: The death of the cells in body tussues.
Prefix: Neo-
Meaning: New
Example of use in Medical Terms
Neonate: An infant during the first 28 days after birth.
Prefix: Oxy-
Meaning: Sharp; Acute; Oxygen
Example of use in Medical Terms
Oxytocin: Hypothalamic hormone stored in the posterior pituitary gland and important in stimulating uterine contractions in labor, milk ejection during breastfeeding, and feelings of attachment.
Prefix: Pan-, Pant/o-
Meaning: All or everywhere
Example of use in Medical Terms
Pancytopenia: A condition in which there is a lower-than-normal number of red and white blood cells and platelets in the blood.
Prefix: Pharmaco-
Meaning: Drug; Medicine
Example of use in Medical Terms
Pharmacist: A health professional who has special training in preparing and dispensing (giving out) prescription drugs.
Prefix: Re-
Meaning: Against; Backward
Example of use in Medical Terms
Rejuvenation: The phenomenon of youthfulness, vitality, and freshness being restored.
Pefix: Somat/o-, Somatico-
Meaning: Body;Bodily
Example of use in Medical Terms
Somatic Cell: General term for a body cell