Common Parasites Flashcards
Canine Dirofilaria immitis, microfilaria vectors
Canine Dirofilaria immitis, microfilaria in mosquito develop to
infective L3 and are depsoited in or on the skin while feeding
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: L3 cannot mature without
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: Disease causes
- Pulmonary pathology (pneumonitis), pulmonary hypertension, glomerulonephritis
- Caval syndrome
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: Caval syndrome
RBC lysis (hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria) and worms in the cavae and subsequent interference with the triscuspid valve
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: Antigen testing
antigen produced by a reproductively active female uterus
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: False negatives
d/t low worm burdens, immature infections &/or nly a few adult feamles
Canine Dirofilaria immitis:microfilaria on blood smear can look like
acanthocheilonemia reconditum
Canine Dirofilaria immitis: what dx further confirm or help stage infestation prior to treatment?
Echo and Rads
All heartworm preventatives belong to which class of drugs?
macrocyclic lactones
Macrocylic lactones are effective against what stages of D. immitis?
L3, L4 and microfilaria
Heartgard plus Active Ingredients
Heartgard plus Spectrum
heartworms, hookworms, roudnworms
Interceptor Active ingredients
milbemycin oxime
Interceptor Spectrum
heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms
Sentinel active ingredients
milbemycin oxime, lufenuron
Sentinel Spectrum
heartowrms, roudnworms, hookwroms, whipworms, fleas
Sentinel flea prevents
prevents flea eggs from hatching
Revolution Active Ingredients
Revolution Spectrum
heartworms, fleas, flea IGR, ear mites, ticks (one spp) sarcoptic mange
Canine Oral Heartworm Preventatives
Heartgard plus
Revolution flea prevention
Kills adult fleas and prevents eggs from hatching
Proheart Active Ingredients
Proheart Spectrum
heartworms, hookworms
Canine injectable heartworm prevention?
**6 months
Advantage Multi Active Ingredients
imidacloprid, moxidectin
Advantage Multi Spectrum
heartworms, fleas, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, sarcoptic mange
What is the only FDA labeled treatment of microfilaria in canines?
Advantage multi
Trifexis active ingredients
milbemycin oxime, spinosad
Trifexis Spectrum
heartowrms, roundworms, hooksworms, whipworms, fleas
Trifexis flea prevention
kills adult fleas
Feline heartworms are different from dogs because
- cats are more resistant than dogs
2. rarely microfilaremic
2 stages of Feline heartworm Dz
- Heartworm Associated Resp Dz
2. Pulmonary thromboemboli and inflamm
Feline Heartworm Dz: Heartworm associated resp dz
associated with juvenile worms arriving in pulmonary vasculature and result from direct vascular injury and inflamm
Death of worms can cause what clinical signs in cats?
pulmonary thromboemboli and inflammation
Dx Heartworm Dz in Cats
- Ab and Ag tests used together
- Thoracic rads and echo– confirm dz
Feline Heartgard Active ingredients
Feline Heartgard Spectrum
heartworms and hooks
Felien Interceptor active ingredients
milbemycin oxime
Feline Interceptor Spectrum
heartworms, hookworms, roundworms
Feline oral heartworm preventatives
Feline revolution active ingredients
Feline Revolution Spectrum
heartworms, fleas, flea IGR, hookworms, roundworms, ear mites
Feline Revolution flea prevention
kills adult fleas and prevents eggs from hatching
Feline Advantage Multi Active ingredients
imidacloprid, moxidectin
Feline Advantage Multi Spectrum
heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, fleas, ear mites
What is the only FDA labeled treatment for microfilaria in felines?
Advantage Multi
Roundworms of cats
Toxacara cati
Roundworms of dogs
Toxacara canis
Roundworms of dogs and cats
Toxocaris leonine
baylisascaris procyonis raccooons causes disease in what spp?
Roundworms average prepatent period in dogs and cats
dogs: 3-4 wks
cats: 8 wks
Roundworms (ascarids) transmission
transmammary, transplacental or ingestion of larvated egg or paratenic host
Roundworms (ascarids) somatic migration
encysted cysts throughout body occurs but will never infec tthe host again
Ascarid clinical disease
dull hair coat
potbelly and thin body condition
verominous pneumonia (d/t tracheal migration)
Ascarid dx
- vomitus or feces as larger worms
2. microscopic exam– fecal floation
Ascarid prevention
- pick up feces
- deworm pregnant and nursing dams
- deworm kittens
Ascarid treatment
pyrantel (5-10 mg/kg once, repeat in 2-3wks)
fenbdendazole (50 mg/kg q24x3d, repeat in 2-3wks)
selamectin–cats only
Ascarid zoonoses
visceral & ocular larval migrans
Accidental ingestion of ifnective larvated ascarid eggs lead to
somatic migration and cause chronic granulomatous lesions in the liver, lung, brain and eye
Hookworms–Ancylostoma transmission
transmammary, or ingestion of infective larvae or paratenic host
Hookworms–Ancylostoma percutaneous migration can cause
local reaction, erythema, pruritus
Hookworms–Ancylostoma Adults cause dz by
attaching to villi and secrete anticoagulant
Hookworms–Ancylostoma C/S
anemia, enteritis, tarry stools, dermatitis, wt loss
Hookworms–Ancylostoma Dx
Fecal float
Hookworms–Ancylostoma prevention
pick up feces
avoid predation
deworm pregnant and nursing dams
start deworming puppies and kittens
Hookworm zoonoses
cutaneous larval migrans
Whipworms primarily live
in cecum
Whipworms C/S
intermittent soft stools
mucoid diarrhea
wt loss
Whipworms Dx
Zn sulfate fecal float
Whipworms Prevention
- removal of feces
2. preventatives
Cystoisospora previously known as
Cystoisospora– Isospora oocysts passe din feces
nonsporulated oocysts passed in feces and sporulate in enviornment
Cystoisospora– Isospora infecst by
ingestion of sporulated oocysts or pratenic hosts
Cystoisospora– Isospora C/S
- Dz of the young
- sm bowel diarrhea +/- hemorrhagic
- wt loss, dehydration, hyporpoteinemia
Cystoisospora– Isospora Dx
direct miscoropsic fecal examination
Cystoisospora– Isospora Prevention
rapid removal of feces
tx household/cattery/kennel
prevent predation
Cystoisospora– Isospora Treatment
Sulfadimethoxine (Albon)
Giardia spp that infect dogs and cats
Giardia duodenalis
Giardia stages
dimorphic parasites that has a trophozoite and cyst stage
Which stage of Giardia is the problem stage?
Which stage of Giardia is the infective stage?
Infection of giardia occurs by?
ingestion of cysts
Giardia C/S
intermittent, smelly diarrhea
maldigestion & malabsorption d/t to enterocyte damage
Giardia direct fecal smear
motile trophozoites (falling leaf)
Giardia Dx
direct smear
fecal float (with centrifugation)
Giardia Prevention
daily fecal removal
Giardia Treatment
Combination therapy
Species of tapeworms
Dipylidium caninum
Taenia spp
Echinococcus spp
Tapeworm Life Cycle
Indirect life cycle– needs an IH
Tapeworm IH
fleas or rodents consume eggs and develop larval cysts
Tapeworms infect
small intestine, diarrhea if severe infestation
perianal irritation from proglottid
Tapeworms Dx
ID of proglottid (egg basket) on patient
Id of eggs on fecal float
Tapeworm prevention/control
praziquantal epsiprantel (cestx) Emodepside (profender) avoid predation flea control
Conditions fleas cause
flea anemia
flea allergy dermatitis
fleas are vectors for
- Yersinia pestis–bubonig plague
- bartonella hensalae– cat scratch dz
- Rickettsia typhi– murine typhus
- Rickettsia felis– spotted fever in cats & zoonotic
- Mycoplasma (formerly hemobartonella)– feline infectious anemia
Ehrlichiois tick vector
brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus) and Lone star tick
**attach 3-6 hrs
Tick vector diseases
ehrlichiosis anaplasmosis lyme disease rocky mountain spotted fever cytauxzoonosis tularemia babesiosis hepatozoonosis bartonellosis